16, 2001
I have the honor to address Your Excellency to
transmit to you note CJI/O/16/2001, dated August 16, to which the Chair of the Juridical
Committee has attached the Observations and Comments of the Inter-American Juridical
Committee on the Draft Inter-American Democratic Charter, which were forwarded by fax
on the same date, in Spanish and English, to the Office of the Chair of the Permanent
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest
Hernán R. Castro H.
Ambassador, Permanent Representative of
Costa Rica to the OAS
Chair of the Permanent Council
His Excellency
Ambassador Humberto de la Calle
Permanent Representative of Colombia to the OAS
Chair of the Working Group to Study the
Draft Inter-American Democratic Charter
Washington, D.C.

Rio de Janeiro
August 16, 2001
I have the honor to address Your Excellency with
regard to your facsimile transmissions dated July 31 and August 9, pertaining to the work
on the Draft Inter-American Democratic Charter.
In that connection, I consider it appropriate to
forward to you, as an attachment to this note, the comments and observations made by the
Inter-American Juridical Committee, in the hope they might contribute to these endeavors,
within the established time frame.
I should point out the Juridical Committee showed
special interest in preparing the comments and observations in view of the importance and
complexity of the topic. Thus, it had to devote most of the current session to the matter,
and the members made a special effort to produce a document that could enjoy a consensus.
Lastly, I should point out that the Juridical
Committee has reiterated its willingness to cooperate in any future work on the subject,
in particular after the special session of the General Assembly, to be held in Lima, Peru,
on September 10.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my
highest consideration.
João Grandino Rodas
Inter-American Juridical Committee
His Excellency
Ambassador Hernán R. Castro H.
Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the OAS
Chair of the Permanent Council
Washington, D.C.