Organization of American States
GT/CDI-3/01 add. 1
6 August 2001
Original: Spanish

Working Group to Study the Draft Inter-American Democratic Charter

Inter-American Juridical Committee


Permanent Mission OF ECUADOR
TO THE Organization of American States

Washington, D.C.

July 31, 2001


I have the honor to address Your Excellency to acknowledge receipt of your kind note of July 27, in which you advised me of the wise decision, taken by you and the chair and vice chairs of the Working Group that will approve the draft Inter-American Democratic Charter, to travel to the headquarters of the Inter-American Juridical Committee to hold an open dialogue with that Committee on the nature, form, and content of the Charter and the procedure for its approval.

I say the decision is wise because, considering the serious and urgent nature of the commitment made by the Permanent Council on the matter, it is essential that the consultations be carried out as thoroughly, effectively, and expeditiously as possible.

To that end, and with thanks for your kind invitation, I am very pleased to attach hereto the document Statement by the Permanent Mission of Ecuador on the Inter-American Democratic Charter, which, at the request of some of my distinguished colleagues, I had the pleasure of presenting recently.

I wish you the greatest success in this important endeavor.

Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Blasco M. Peñaherrera P.
Ambassador, Permanent Representative

 His Excellency
Ambassador Hernán R. Castro
Permanent Representative of Costa Rica
to the Organization of American States
Chair of the Permanent Council
Washington, D.C.