14 August 2001
Original: Spanish

Working Group to Study the
Draft Inter-American Democratic Charter


(Presented by the Chair of the Working Group to Study
the Draft Inter-American Democratic Charter)


The Chair of the Working Group to Study the Draft Inter-American Democratic Charter presents this document to facilitate a comparative analysis of the Draft Inter-American Democratic Charter (rev. 7) with the proposals, amendments, and comments presented by member states as of August 13, 2001.


In the comments column only the classification number of the document is indicated (GT/CDI-2/01 and its addenda). These comments on specific articles are made without prejudice to any other general comments submitted by the delegations.


The General Secretariat will update this document and incorporate any written proposals and comments presented during the course of discussions.













RECALLING that the Heads of State and Government of the Americas, gathered in Quebec City, at the Third Summit of the Americas, held from April 20 to 22, 2001, adopted a democracy clause which establishes that any unconstitutional alteration or interruption of the democratic order in a state of the Hemisphere constitutes an insurmountable obstacle to the participation of that state's government in the Summits of the Americas process;


BEARING IN MIND that existing democratic provisions in regional and subregional mechanisms express the same objectives as the democracy clause adopted by the Heads of State and Government in Quebec;


AWARE that, on that occasion, the Heads of State and Government instructed their foreign ministers to prepare, in the framework of the thirty-first regular session of the General Assembly of the OAS in San José, Costa Rica, an Inter-American Democratic Charter to reinforce OAS instruments for the active defense of representative democracy;


CONSIDERING that, in accordance with the Charter of the Organization of American States, representative democracy is indispensable for the stability, peace, and development of the region, and that one of the purposes of the OAS is to promote and consolidate representative democracy, with due respect for the principle of nonintervention;

REAFFIRMING that the participatory nature that attends to the exercise of democracy in our countries in different aspects of public life contributes to consolidating its values, as well as freedom and solidarity in the Hemisphere;

New preambular Paragraph

(the exact placement of the text has not been indicated)

1. SURINAME (add3.a)

Aware that education is a vehicle for arriving at effective and meaningful participation in the decision making process and that education allows citizens to take informed positions towards developments in their respective countries. Reaffirming therefore the importance of Human Resource Development for an effective and solid democratic system;

CONSIDERING that the solidarity and cooperation of American states require the political organization of those states on the basis of the effective exercise of representative democracy, and that development, economic growth with equity, and democracy are interdependent and mutually reinforcing conditions;


1. CHILE. (add.5)

CONSIDERING that the solidarity and cooperation of American states require their political organization based on the effective exercise of representative democracy, and that economic growth with and social development based on justice and equity and democracy are interdependent and mutually reinforcing conditions;


REAFFIRMING that the elimination of extreme poverty is an essential part of the promotion and consolidation of democracy and constitutes a common and shared responsibility of the American states;



(the exact placement of the text has not been indicated)

1. VENEZUELA (add.9) Recognizing that efforts to promote democracy and political stability in the Hemisphere will not be sufficient if a safe ecological environment that permits the integral development of the human being is not present.


AWARE of the significant contribution of the development and strengthening of the inter-American human rights system for the consolidation of democracy in the Hemisphere;



(the exact placement of the text has not been indicated)

1. VENEZUELA (add. 9) Reaffirming that the promotion and protection of human rights is a basic prerequisite for the existence of a democratic society.


TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that, in the Santiago Commitment to Democracy and the Renewal of the Inter-American System, the ministers of foreign affairs expressed their determination to adopt a series of effective, timely, and expeditious procedures to ensure the promotion and defense of representative democracy, and that resolution AG/RES. 1080 (XXI-O/91) therefore established a mechanism for collective action in the case of a sudden or irregular interruption of the democratic political institutional process or of the legitimate exercise of power by the democratically elected government in any of the Organization's member states;


1. CHILE (add. 5)

Add the following phrase to the original preambular paragraph, thereby fulfilling a long-standing aspiration of the Hemisphere to be able to respond rapidly and collectively in defense of democracy;


RECALLING that, in the Declaration of Nassau [AG/DEC. 1 (XXII-O/92)], the member states agreed to develop mechanisms to provide assistance, when requested by a member state, to promote, preserve, and strengthen representative democracy, in order to complement and give effect to the provisions of resolution AG/RES. 1080 (XXI-O/91);




BEARING IN MIND that, in the Declaration of Managua for the Promotion of Democracy and Development [AG/DEC. 4 (XXIII-O/93)], the member states expressed their conviction that democracy, peace, and development are inseparable and indivisible parts of a renewed and integral vision of American solidarity, and that instilling these values will depend on the capacity of the Organization to contribute to preserving and strengthening the democratic structures in the Hemisphere;


1. CHILE (add.5)

Add the following at the end of the original preambular paragraph:

and that the Organization’s mission does not exhaust itself in the defense of democracy wherever its fundamental values and principles have collapsed, but also calls for ongoing and creative work to prevent and anticipate the very causes of the problems that affect a democratic system of government; (Merge this paragraph with the one that follows in the original text.)


CONSIDERING that, in the Declaration of Managua for the Promotion of Democracy and Development, the member states expressed their conviction that the Organization’s mission does not exhaust itself in the defense of democracy wherever its fundamental values and principles have collapsed, but also calls for ongoing and creative work to consolidate democracy as well as a continuing effort to prevent and anticipate the very causes of the problems that affect the democratic system of government; and


1. CHILE (add.5)

AWARE that the right of peoples to democracy is the outcome of the development of democracy in the countries of the region, of the work that the OAS and other regional and subregional mechanisms have been doing in adopting instruments and resolutions in defense of the democratic order, and of the contributions that the organs of the inter-American system for the promotion and protection of human rights have been making to consolidate and improve democratic systems;


TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that it is useful to consolidate and strengthen in this Charter the different provisions in the fields of promotion, preservation, and defense of democracy, in order to provide the member states and the Organization with a series of performance standards and procedures in the event of an unconstitutional alteration or interruption of the democratic order in a member state,


1. COLOMBIA (add.8):

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that it is useful to consolidate and strengthen in this Charter the different provisions in the fields of promotion, preservation, and defense of democracy, in order to provide the member states and the Organization with a series of performance standards and procedures in the event of any alteration that involves an unconstitutional interruption, of the democratic order in a member state,



To approve the following:




Democracy and the Inter-American System

Article 1

The peoples of the Americas have a right to democracy.


1. CANADA ( add.1)

Democracy is essential for the social, political, and economic development of the peoples of the Americas.



2. SAINT LUCIA(add.6)

The peoples of the Americas have a right to democracy since democracy has proven to be the best way to achieve human and social development, which on the basis of free and universal electoral processes, requires the daily and constant participation of all citizens in the permanent task of its enhancement and renewal.

3. COLOMBIA ( add.8)

Add the following at the end or the original text:

and their governments have the obligation to promote and defend democracy.

4. VENEZUELA (add.9)

Add at the end of the original article the phrase: and to the gradual improvement of democracy.

5. EL SALVADOR (add.10)

The peoples of the Americas have a right to democracy and a duty to demand it. It is an obligation of the member states to guarantee and develop it.



Article 2

Representative democracy is the political system of the states of the Organization of American States, on which their constitutional regimes and the rule of law are based.


1. VENEZUELA (add.9)

Representative and participatory democracy is the political system of the states of the Organization of American States, on which their constitutional regimes and the rule of law are based.

1. Ecuador (add.7)


1. VENEZUELA (add.9)

Representative democracy is strengthened and deepened when citizen participation is permanent and ongoing. Participatory democracy, on the other hand, is an indissoluble component of democratic life and contributes to the enhancement of representative democracy.


Article 3

Essential elements of representative democracy are the holding of free and fair elections as an expression of popular sovereignty, access to power through constitutional means, a pluralist system of political parties and organizations, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.





1. CHILE ( add.5 )

Essential elements of representative democracy include the holding of universal, free, secret-ballot, informed, periodic, and just fair elections as an expression of popular sovereignty; the right and opportunity for all citizens to participate in the management of public affairs, either directly or through freely elected representatives, and to enjoy equal access to public office; political pluralism and adequate representation of both majorities and minorities; access to power through constitutional means and a system permitting alternation of the party in power; a pluralist system of political parties and organizations; the rule of law, the independence of the branches of government, and mutual checks and balances; monitoring of the legality of government acts by the competent State organs; freedom of expression, association, and assembly; full access to information and the existence of independent and pluralist media; and the observance and protection of human rights, and fundamental freedoms with effective legal safeguards.



1. PERU (add.2)

2. CANADA (add. 1)


2. SAINT LUCIA ( add.6)

Essential elements of representative democracy are, inter alia, ... (continues unchanged.)

3. COLOMBIA (add.8): add the expression "inter alia" or an equivalent phrase in an appropriate place, so that the list will not be exhaustive.

4. VENEZUELA (add.9)

Add the following phrase at the end of the original article:

, including freedom of the press and other information media.

5. EL SALVADOR (add. 10)

Essential elements of representative democracy are the holding of free and transparent elections as an expression of popular sovereignty, access to power through constitutional means, a pluralist system of political parties and organizations, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. The American States shall strengthen representative democracy through the effective participation of women in basic electoral and decision-making processes, on an equal footing with men.


Article 4

The strengthening of democracy requires transparency, probity, responsibility, and effectiveness in the exercise of public authority, respect for social rights, and freedom of the press, as well as economic and social development.


1. SAINT LUCIA(add.6)

The strengthening of democracy requires respect for social rights, freedom of the press, economic and social development, effectiveness in the exercise of public authority as well as public accountability. Public accountability applies to all those who hold public authority, whether elected or non-elected and to all bodies of public authority without exception. Accountability entails a public right of access to information about the activities of government, the right to petition government, and to seek redress through impartial administrative and judicial mechanisms.

1. CHILE ( add.5)

The strengthening of democracy requires transparency, probity, responsibility, and effectiveness in the exercise of power and public authority; social rights, and freedom of the press, as well as economic and social development respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms; providing citizens with the means to obtain effective and equal access to justice; modernization of the State’s organizational structure and execution capacity; and the pursuit of pluralism, nondiscrimination, and diversity.

2. EL SALVADOR (add.10)

The exercise and strengthening of democracy requires transparency, legitimacy, probity, responsibility, and effectiveness in the exercise of public authority, respect for individual rights, freedom of expression and of the press, as well as economic development and social well being.


1. PERU (add.2)

Article 5

Solidarity and the strengthening of inter-American cooperation for integral development, and especially the fight against critical poverty, are fundamental parts of the promotion and consolidation of representative democracy and constitute a common and shared responsibility of the American states.

1. SAINT LUCIA (add.6)

To ensure the full integration of peoples in the democratic process, solidarity and strengthening of Inter-American Cooperation for Integral Development and especially the fight against poverty, must be key elements in the promotion and consolidation of representative democracy and must constitute a common shared responsibility of the American States, which are committed to satisfying the basic economic needs of their most disadvantaged peoples.


1. CHILE ( add.5)

Solidarity and the strengthening of inter-American cooperation for integral and sustainable development, growth with equity,..... (continues unchanged.)

2. VENEZUELA (add.9)

Solidarity and strengthening of inter-American cooperation for integral development and especially the fight against poverty, in particular critical poverty ... (continues unchanged)


3. EL SAVADOR (add. 10)

Solidarity and the strengthening of inter-American cooperation for integral development, and especially the fight against critical extreme poverty and weaknesses in the political, economic, and social areas............ (continues unchanged)















(the exact placement of the text has not been indicated)


2. HAITI (add. 4)

Poverty, illiteracy, and low levels of development are structural factors that are detrimental to democracy and constitute obstacles to enjoyment of human rights taken as an indivisible whole. Their eradication is a joint goal of all the countries of the Americas "united in [their] determination to leave to future generations a Hemisphere that is democratic and prosperous, more just and generous, a Hemisphere where no one is left behind."

3. VENEZUELA (add.9)

Poverty continues to be the greatest challenge facing the nations of the Americas, since it affects democratic stability, delays social and economic progress, and erodes hope in the future, especially among the youth.

Democratic governments and the organizations of the inter-American system are politically and ethically committed to making decisive contributions to combat it. In this connection, they should promote urgent and bold social policies as a matter of priority, at the risk of having the democratic system itself break down in some countries.






HAITI (add. 4)

The American States will spare no national or collective effort to free the citizens of the Hemisphere from the dehumanizing conditions of absolute poverty. They renew their commitment to making every effort needed to reach the targets set for international development, above all the halving of the percentage of people living in absolute poverty, and to do so by 2015.


Article 6

Citizen participation in decisions regarding their own development is a fundamental condition for the legitimate and effective exercise of democracy. Promoting and fostering diverse forms of participation strengthens democracy.




1. CHILE ( add.5)

The participation of citizens and of civil society in the design of public policies and ... (continues unchanged.)

2. SAINT LUCIA (add.6)

Citizen participation in decisions regarding their own development is a fundamental condition for the legitimate and effective exercise of democracy. Promoting and fostering diverse forms of participation strengthens democracy. It is therefore necessary to develop conditions conducive to the genuine exercise of participatory rights while also eliminating obstacles that prevent, hinder, or inhibit this exercise. It is also indispensable to ensure the permanent enhancement of, inter alia, equality, transparency and education and to remove obstacles such as ignorance, intolerance, apathy, the lack of genuine choices and alternatives and the absence of measures designed to redress imbalances or discrimination of a social, cultural, religious, and racial nature or for reasons of gender.

3. El Salvador (add.10)

Citizen participation in decisions regarding their own development is a fundamental condition for the legitimate and effective exercise of democracy. Promoting and fostering diverse forms of participation and consultation strengthens democracy.



1. VENEZUELA (add.9)

Democracy is effectively exercised when there is cohesive coordination between environmental rights, peace, and development. The countries of the Hemisphere therefore are obliged to adopt and promote policies and strategies that will bring about sustainable development and safeguard the environment.



Democracy and Human Rights

Article 7

Democracy is a condition for the full and effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms.


1. VENEZUELA (add.9).

Democracy as a representative and participatory system, is a prerequisite for the full and effective enjoyment by people and societies of human rights, social justice, and freedoms that are essential for the development of the identity and the progress of peoples.

1. SAINT LUCIA (add.6)

Democracy is a condition which guarantees the full and effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental liberties, gives all citizens equality before the law and allows them to elect or remove political leaders when required.

1. HAITI (add.4)

Article 8

The exercise of democracy must ensure the enjoyment by all persons of their fundamental freedoms and the human rights such as those embodied in the American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man, the American Convention on Human Rights, the Protocol of San Salvador on economic, social, and cultural rights, and other inter-American human rights instruments.



1. CHILE (add.5)

The exercise of democracy must ensure the enjoyment by all persons of their fundamental liberties and the human rights embodied … [The phrase « such as those » before « embodied » was deleted.] (Continues unchanged.)

2. SAINT LUCIA (add.6)

The exercise of democracy must ensure the enjoyment by all persons of their fundamental freedoms and their human rights. such as those embodied in the American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man, the American Convention on Human Rights, the Protocol of San Salvador on economic, social, and cultural rights, and other inter-American human rights instruments. Particular emphasis should be placed on promoting and defending minorities’ rights, including the protection of the rights of children and women. For the promotion of policies and measures armed at strengthening gender equality, all women must have equal rights with men in the political, civil, economic, social, and cultural spheres. Such rights shall include inter alia, (1) the right to be elected or appointed to public office and to be eligible for appointment to positions of decision-making bodies at all levels of society; (2) the right to be afforded equal opportunities for employment and receive equal remuneration with men for work of equal value; (3) the right not to be discriminated against by reason of marital status, pregnancy, or health-related matters which affect older women; and (4) the right to legal protection including just and effective remedies against violence, sexual abuse and sexual harassment.

3. VENEZUELA (add. 9)

The exercise of democracy must fully ensure the enjoyment and exercise by all persons of their fundamental freedoms and ...... ..(continues unchanged).

1. El Salvador (add.10)



1. VENEZUELA (add.9)

Inter-American democracy will be based on the human right to equality; it should therefore guarantee access to conditions of equality between men and women, creating in each country the material and symbolic conditions needed to ensure that all women and men are genuine citizens.

There shall be an equitable sharing of power which will lead to the creation of a new order in which women and men enjoy equal rights and opportunities.


Article 9

Women and men whose civil and political rights are violated are entitled to present claims or petitions before the inter-American system for the promotion and protection of human rights in accordance with its established procedures.

1. VENEZUELA (add.9)

All men and women are entitled to present claims or petitions before the inter-American system for the promotion and protection of human rights in accordance with its procedures, in order to protect their universally accepted basic rights, qualified as human rights.

1. SAINT LUCIA (add.6 )

Add at the end of the sentence in the original text: and due regard to national law.

2. COLOMBIA (add.8)

Women and men whose civil and political rights human rights or (fundamental rights and freedoms)... (continues unchanged.)

3. El Salvador (add.10)

Anyone, irrespective of gender, Women and men whose civil and political rights are violated is entitled to present claims or petitions before the inter-American system for the promotion and protection of human rights in accordance with its established procedures.



Mechanisms for the Strengthening and Defense of Democracy

Article 10

When the government of a member state considers that its democratic political institutional process or its legitimate exercise of power is at risk, it may solicit from the Organization timely and necessary assistance for the preservation of its democratic system and its strengthening.




1. EL SALVADOR (add. 10)

When the democratically elected government of a member state considers that its democratic political institutional process or its legitimate exercise of power its democratic regime is at risk, it may solicit from the Organization timely and necessary assistance for the preservation of its democratic system and its strengthening.


1. PERU (add.2)


Democracy and the Environment


Preservation and good stewardship of the Hemisphere’s environment are goals which societies are obligated to pursue but which can be achieved only when democratic freedoms allow. The Hemisphere is comprised of the most and the least vulnerable states but this dis-equilibrium cannot blind decision-makers to the threat faced by the most vulnerable. All states pledge to abide by their commitments under various international treaties, conventions, and instruments which safeguard the environment for future generations.


Article 11

When a situation arises in a member state that may affect the development of its democratic political institutional process or the legitimate exercise of power, the Secretary General may, with prior consent of the government concerned, undertake visits or other actions in order to analyze the situation. The Secretary General will submit a report to the Permanent Council, which will undertake a collective assessment of the situation and, where necessary, may adopt decisions for the preservation of the democratic system and its strengthening.



1. CHILE ( add.5 )

When a situation arises in a member state that may affect the development of its democratic political institutional process or the legitimate exercise of its power, the Secretary General may, with prior consent of the government concerned, undertake visits or other actions in order to analyze the situation he deems necessary to analyze the situation. The Secretary General will submit a report to the Permanent Council, which will undertake a collective assessment of the situation and, where necessary, may adopt decisions which will study it and adopt within ten days measures for the preservation of the democratic system and its strengthening.

2. VENEZUELA (add.9)

The Secretary General will submit a report to the Permanent Council, which will undertake a collective assessment of the situation and, where necessary, may adopt preventive decisions for the preservation of the democratic system and its strengthening.

3. EL SALVADOR (add. 10)

When a situation arises in a member state that may affect the development of its democratic political institutional process or the legitimate exercise of power, the Secretary General may, on his own initiative or at the request of the with prior consent of the government concerned, undertake visits or other actions in order to analyze the situation. The Secretary General will submit a report to the Permanent Council, which will undertake a collective assessment of the situation and, where necessary, may adopt decisions for the preservation of the democratic system and its strengthening.


1. PERU (add.2)


Democracy and Education


Education remains the key to strengthening democratic institutions, promoting the development of human potential, equality, equity, and to alleviate poverty and foster greater understanding among our peoples. To achieve these ends, it is essential that primary and secondary education be available to all, including girls and women, rural inhabitants, and persons belonging to minority populations.


Democracy Clause

Article 12

In accordance with the democracy clause contained in the Declaration of Quebec City, any unconstitutional alteration or interruption of the democratic order in a member state of the OAS constitutes an insurmountable obstacle to the participation of that state's government in sessions of the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation, the Councils of the Organization, and the specialized conferences, the commissions, working groups, and any other bodies established in the OAS, subject to the Charter of the OAS[, as well as the Summits of the Americas process].

1. VENEZUELA (add.9)

A member of the Organization whose democratically constituted government has been overthrown by force may be suspended from the exercise of the right to participate in the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation, the Councils of the Organization, and the specialized conferences, as well as the commissions, working groups, and any other bodies established.

It shall be understood that a situation equivalent to the overthrow by force of a democratically constituted government has occurred when there is an unconstitutional alteration or interruption that eliminates, dissolves, changes, or replaces any of the duly constituted powers of the state through procedures contrary to the national Constitution of the member state.


1. CHILE (add.5)

The square brackets round « as well as the Summits of the Americas process » are to be deleted.

2. COLOMBIA (add.8)

In accordance with the democracy clause contained in the Declaration of Quebec City, any alteration that involves an interruption of the democratic order in a member state of the OAS constitutes an grave (or serious) obstacle to the participation ... (Continues unchanged.)


1. HAITI ( add.4)

2. ECUADOR (add.6)


The democracy and workers’ rights


The successful promotion and strengthening of democracy requires full adherence to and respect for the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at work, and its Follow-up, adopted in 1998, as well as other related fundamental ILO conventions. Improving standards in the work place, enhancing working conditions for employees as web as providing adequate compensation to workers during sudden closure of plants or firms are fundamental to improving the standard of living and welfare of workers in the Hemisphere.


Article 13

In the event of any occurrences giving rise to the sudden or irregular interruption of the democratic political institutional process or of the legitimate exercise of power by the democratic government, the affected state, another member state, or the Secretary General will request the immediate convocation of the Permanent Council to make a collective assessment of the situation. The Permanent Council will convoke, depending on the situation, a Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs or a special session of the General Assembly within a 10-day period, in order to adopt the decisions it deems appropriate, in accordance with the Charter of the Organization, international law, and the provisions of this Democratic Charter.


1. CHILE (add.5)

In the event of any occurrences giving rise to the sudden or irregular interruption of the democratic political institutional process or of the legitimate exercise of power by the democratic government, the affected state government, a member state, or the Secretary General will request the immediate convocation of the Permanent Council to make a collective assessment of the situation. The Permanent Council will convoke, depending on the situation, to assess the situation, and to decide on and convoke a Meeting of Consultation of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, or a special session of the General Assembly, all within a ten-day period, in order to adopt the decisions it deems appropriate, in accordance with the Charter of the Organization, international law, and the provisions of this Democratic Charter.

2. COLOMBIA (add 8.)

Change the final sentence of the original text as follows:

The Permanent Council will convoke depending on the situation, a Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs or a special session …... (Continues unchanged.)

3. VENEZUELA (add.10)

In the event of any occurrences giving rise to the sudden or irregular interruption of the democratic political institutional process or of the legitimate exercise of power by the democratic government, by a democratically elected government in any of the member states of the Organization, the affected state, another member state, or the Secretary General will request the immediate convocation of the Permanent Council to make a collective assessment of the situation. The Permanent Council will convoke, depending on the situation, a Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs or a special session of the General Assembly ... (Continues unchanged)



1. HAITI (add.4)

Article 14

When the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs or a special session of the General Assembly determines that there has been an unconstitutional interruption of the democratic order of a member state, it shall be, pursuant to the OAS Charter, by means of the affirmative vote of two thirds of the member states. This determination leads to the suspension of said state in the exercise of its right to participate in the OAS. [This situation would entail suspension from participation in the Summits of the Americas process.] The suspension shall take effect immediately. The member state which has been subject to suspension shall continue to fulfill its obligations to the Organization, in particular, its human rights obligations.


1. SURINAME (add.3.a)

When the Meeting of Consultation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs or a special session of the General Assembly determines that there has been an unconstitutional interruption of the democratic order of a member state, it shall be, pursuant to the OAS Charter, by means of affirmative vote of two thirds of the member states. This determination leads to the suspension of said state in the exercise of its right to participate in the OAS. [This situation would entail suspension from participation in the Summits of the Americas.] The suspension shall take effect immediately. The member state which has been subject to suspension shall continue to fulfill its obligations to the Organization, in particular, its human rights obligations. The member state which has been subject to suspension shall continue to have the obligation towards its citizens and the Organization to respect all human rights and in addition to restore the democratic order of society.

2. CHILE ( add.5 )

The square brackets around « This situation would entail suspension from participation in the Summit of the Americas process. » are to be deleted.

3. SAINT LUCIA (add.6)

Delete brackets and the last sentence that reads: ... "The member state which has been subject to suspension shall continue to fulfill its obligations to the Organization, in particular, its human rights obligations."

4. COLOMBIA (add.8 )

When the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs or a special session of the General Assembly... (continues unchanged up to the last sentence which will read):

The member state which has been subject to suspension shall continue to fulfill its obligations to as a member of the Organization, in particular, its human rights obligations.

5. VENEZUELA (add.9):

When the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs or a special session of the General Assembly.....(continues unchanged)

1. HAITI (add.4)

Article 15

When a decision is taken to suspend a government, the Organization will maintain its diplomatic initiatives to restore democracy in the affected member state.


1. COLOMBIA (add.8)

When a decision is taken to suspend a government, the Organization and its member states will maintain their diplomatic initiatives to restore democracy in the affected member state, in keeping with the principle of nonintervention in the internal affairs of states and in accordance with the OAS Charter.

1. HAITI ( add.4 )

Article 16

Any member state or the Secretary General may propose to the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs or to the General Assembly that the suspension be lifted. This decision shall require the vote of two thirds of the member states, in accordance with the OAS Charter.


1. VENEZUELA (add.9)

Any member state or the Secretary General may propose to the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs or to the General Assembly... (Continues unchanged)

1. HAITI (add.4)


Democracy and Electoral Observation Missions

Article 17

The OAS will send electoral observation missions with such scope and coverage as determined in the Agreement signed for these purposes with the interested member state if in the country there exist conditions of security and free access to information. The electoral observation missions shall be carried out provided the member state requesting the mission guarantees the free and fair nature of the electoral process and the appropriate conduct of the electoral institutions. The Secretary General may send preliminary missions for the purpose of assessing the existence of said conditions.



1. SAINT LUCIA (add.6)

The OAS will send electoral observation missions and with such scope and coverage as determined in the Agreement signed for these purposes with the interested member state if in the country there exist conditions of security and free access to information. The electoral observation missions shall be carried out provided the member state requesting the mission guarantees the free and fair nature of the electoral process and the appropriate conduct of the electoral institutions, as well as conditions of security, and free access to information. The Secretary General may send preliminary missions for the purpose of assessing the existence of said conditions.


1. PERU (add.2)

Article 18

If the minimum guarantees or conditions for holding free and fair elections do not exist, with the consent or at the request of the interested government, the OAS may send preliminary technical missions to create or improve said conditions.



1. CHILE (add.5 )

If the minimum guarantees or conditions for holding free and fair democratic elections do not exist, and with the consent ... (Continues unchanged.)



The Promotion of Democracy

Article 19

The OAS will continue to undertake activities and programs of various kinds to promote democracy and its values.


1. CHILE (add.5)

The OAS will intensify and upgrade its activities and programs of various kinds to promote democracy and its values.

2. SAINT LUCIA(add.6)

The OAS will continue to undertake activities and programs of various kinds to promote democracy and its values. aimed at developing and maintaining democratic values and principles as well as consolidating mechanisms for the participation of civil society.


Article 20

The objectives of the programs and actions will be to promote governance, stability, good governance, and the quality of democracy, with special preference given to strengthening political institutions and the wide range of social organizations which make up civil society. At the same time, and noting that democracy is not just a juridical structure and a political regime, but a way of life founded on liberty and the constant economic, social, and cultural improvement of its people, such programs will pay similar attention to strengthening a democratic culture and promoting democratic principles and practices and the values of liberty and social justice in child and youth education.


1. SAINT LUCIA (add.6)

The objectives of the programs and actions will be to promote governance, stability, good governance, and the quality of democracy, with special preference given to strengthening political institutions and the wide range of social organizations which make up civil society. At the same time, and Noting that democracy is not just............

(continues up to the end and the following sentence is added:)

Such programs will also promote a broad national commitment to the strengthening of democracy.


Article 21

The creation of a democratic culture and the education of children and youth in the principles and practices of a society based on freedom and social justice require programs and resources to strengthen democratic institutions and foster democratic values. It is a priority to promote a link between elected political bodies and civil society.


1. SAINT LUCIA (add.6)

The creation of a democratic culture implies that all institutions of society work together for a better understanding of the role of political parties, strengthening of the judiciary and law enforcement, fostering openness and accountability of the legislature and other institutions, expanding local management capabilities and developing a broad national policy framework that allows local activities to flourish. This requires special programs and resources.


1. CHILE (add.5)

The creation of a democratic culture, and the education of children and youth in the principles and practices of a society based on freedom and social justice require programs and resources that the OAS foster programs designed to strengthen democratic institutions and foster democratic values. It is a priority to promote a link and promote links between elected political bodies and civil society.


Article 22

Political parties and other political organizations are essential components of democracy. It is a priority interest of the inter-American democratic community to promote growing and representative participation by the people in political parties to strengthen the democratic way of life, while paying special attention to the problems derived from the high cost of electoral campaigns [and the undue influence that may be exerted by large donors].


1. CHILE (add.5)

The square brackets round "and the undue influence that may be exerted by large donors" in the last clause in the article are to be deleted.



1. CHILE (add.5 )

During regular sessions of the General Assembly, the heads of delegation shall meet to review compliance with commitments made under this Charter, as well as compliance with agreements and recommendations, and any earlier decisions and recommendations with respect to its implementation or the application of the provisions dealing with a specific situation.

In their annual reports to the General Assembly, the Permanent Council, the General Secretariat, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights shall include a chapter on implementation of this Charter, with special reference to the recommendations for addressing problems, failings, and weaknesses in the exercise of democracy.

Agreements reached by the heads of delegation shall be forwarded, through the General Assembly, to the Permanent Council.