

Special Working Group to Reflect on the Workings of the IACHR with a view to Strengthening the IAHRS


Chair: Ambassador Joel Hernandez

         Permanent Representative of Mexico

Vice Chair: Ambassador Hubert J. Charles
                 Permanent Representative of Dominica




Report of the Special Working Group to Reflect on the Workings of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights with a view to Strengthening the Inter-American Human Rights System for consideration by the Permanent Council (Approved by the Working Group at its meeting held on December 13, 2011) GT/SIDH 13/11 rev. 2





7 December 2011




Note from the Chair of the Working Group to the delegations GT/SIDH 2/11


Note from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to the Chair of the working group to Reflect on Ways to Strengthen the Inter-American Human Rights System (On the occasion of the meeting of the Working Group with the IACHR on July 19, 2011) GT/SIDH 3/11


Note of July 27, 2011 from the Chair of the Working Group to reflect on Ways to Strengthen the Inter-American Human Rights System to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) (Pursuant to the Communication from the IACHR of July 25, 2011 with reference to the work of the Group)  GT/SIDH 4/11


Request by the delegation of Brazil to postpone the meetings of the working group in November (Note sent to the Chair of the Working Group) GT/SIDH 12/11


Report of the Special Working group to Reflect on the Workings of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights with a view to Strengthening the Inter-American Human Rights System for consideration by the Permanent Council (Draft Report by the Chair) GT/SIDH 13/11 rev. 1



Member States


Compilation of presentations by member states on the topics of the working group Texts sent to the Secretariat of the working group by Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, United States, and Uruguay as of November 4, 2011 (Phase for diagnosis of the topics: September 12 to October 11, 2011 and the meeting with the IACHR on November 1, 2011) GT/SIDH/inf. 17/11 rev. 1


Presentation by the Delegation of Mexico on the topics “Challenges and Medium- and Long-Term objectives of the IAHRS” and “Precautionary Measures” (Working Group meeting of September 12, 2011) GT/SIDH/inf. 4/11


Statement by the Delegation of Brazil on the topics “Challenges and Medium- and Long-term objectives of the IACHR” and “Precautionary Measures” (Working Group meeting of September 12, 2011) GT/SIDH/inf. 5/11


Presentations by the Delegation of Argentina on “Procedural Matters in Processing Cases and Individual Petitions before the IACHR" and "Precautionary Measures." (Meeting of the Working Group on September 20, 2011) GT/SIDH/inf. 6/11


Presentation by the Delegation of Uruguay on the topic “Friendly Settlements” (Meeting of the Working Group of September  27, 2011) GT/SIDH/inf. 7/11


Presentation by the Delegation of Argentina on the topic “Friendly Settlements” (Working Group meeting of September 27, 2011) GT/SIDH/inf. 8/11


Presentation by the Delegation of the United States on the Topic “Archiving or Closing of Cases” (Working Group meeting of September 20, 2011) GT/SIDH/inf. 9/11


Presentations by the Delegation of Mexico on "Procedural Matters in Processing Individual Cases and Petitions" and "Friendly Settlements" (Meetings of the Working Group on September 20 and 27, 2011) GT/SIDH/inf. 10/11


Presentation by the Delegation of Argentina on the topics “Criteria for constructing chapter IV of the Annual Report of the IACHR” and “Promotion of Human Rights” (Meeting of the Working Group of October 5, 2011) GT/SIDH/inf. 11/11


Presentation by the Delegation of Colombia on “Procedural Matters in Processing Individual Cases and Petitions Before the IACHR” (Meeting of the Working Group, held on September 20, 2011) GT/SIDH/inf. 12/11


Statement by the Delegation of Colombia on the topic “Criteria for Constructing Chapter IV of the Annual Report of the IACHR” (Working Group meeting of October 5, 2011) GT/SIDH/inf. 13/11


Presentation by the Delegation of the Dominican Republic on the topic “Promotion of Human Rights” (Meeting of the Working Group of October 5, 2011) GT/SIDH/inf. 14/11


Matters pointed out by the Delegation of Ecuador at the meetings of the working group ("Medium- and Long-Term Challenges: Financing and Universality," "Construction of Chapter IV of the Annual Report of the IACHR," and "Procedural Matters" GT/SIDH/INF. 27/11


Presentation of the Delegation of the Costa Rica on the "Medium and Long-Term Challenges and Objectives," "Precautionary Measures," "Procedural Matters in the Processing of the Individual Cases and Petitioners," Friendly Settlements," and "Promotion of Human Rights" (Phase for diagnosis of the topic: September 12 to October 11, 2011)  GT/SIDH/INF. 29/11


Presentation by the Delegation of Brazil on “Friendly Settlements,” “Procedural matters in processing individual cases,” “Financing of the IACHR,” and “promotion of Human Rights,” as well as Brazil’s remarks during the working group’s meeting with the IACHR on 1 November 2011 GT/SIDH/INF. 30/11


Aspects highlighted by the delegation of Panama at the meetings of the working group (“Financing,” “Promotion of Human Rights”, “Friendly Settlements,” and “Support by the IACHR for the Activities of the Working Group to Prepare a Draft Inter- merican Convention against Racism and All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance”) GT/SIDH/INF. 32/11


Proposals by the delegation of Chile on the subject of "Promotional Functions," "Precautionary Measures," "Friendly Settlements," "Procedural Matters in Processing Individual Cases and Petitions," and "Financing" (Third and last phase of the Working Group's tasks: presentation and consideration of member states' proposals to be forwarded for consideration by the Permanent Council)  GT/SIDH/INF. 33/11



Proposals by the delegation of Colombia Regarding the following topics: "Precautionary Measures," "Procedural Matters in Processing Individual Cases and Petitions," "Friendly Settlements," and "Criteria for Constructing Chapter IV of the IACHR'S Annual Report" (Third and last phase of the Working Group's tasks: presentation and consideration of member states' proposals to be forwarded for consideration by the Permanent Council)  GT/SIDH/INF. 34/11


Proposals by the Delegation of Canada on the topic “Financially Strengthening the inter-American Human Rights System” (Third and last phase of the Working Group's tasks: presentation and consideration of member states' proposals to be forwarded for consideration by the Permanent Council) GT/SIDH/INF. 37/11


Proposals by the Delegation of Bolivia regarding the topics "Principle of Universality," "Promotion of Functions,"  Friendly Settlements," "Precautionary Measures," "Procedural Matters," and "Financing" (Third and last phase of the Working Group's tasks: presentation and consideration of member states' proposals to be forwarded for consideration by the Permanent Council) GT/SIDH/INF. 39/11


Delegation of Colombia Presentation on the Topic “Criteria for Constructing Chapter IV of the Annual Report of the IACHR” and Proposals on the topic “Precautionary Measures” (Meeting of the Working Group, held on November 29, 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 40/11


Proposals by the Delegation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela regarding the topic “Criteria for Constructing Chapter IV of the Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)” (Third and last phase of the Working Group’s tasks: presentation and consideration of member states' proposals to be forwarded for consideration by the Permanent Council) GT/SIDH/INF. 44/11


Proposals by the Delegation of Perú regarding the topics "Friendly Settlements," and "Promotion of Human Rights: Strengthening Domestic Jurisdictional Systems" (Third and last phase of the Working Group's tasks: presentation and consideration of member states' proposals to be forwarded for consideration by the Permanent Council) GT/SIDH/INF. 45/11


Proposals by the Delegation of Ecuador regarding the topics "Financing," "Universality," "Procedural Matters," and "Annual Report of the IACHR" (Third and last phase of the Working Group's tasks: presentation and consideration of member states' proposals to be forwarded for consideration by the Permanent Council) GT/SIDH/INF. 46/11


Proposals by the Delegation of Paraguay regarding the topics “Medium- and Long-Term Goals of the IAHRS,” “Procedural Matters in Processing Individual Cases and Petitions,” “Friendly settlement mechanisms,” and “Financially Strengthening the IAHRS” (Third and last phase of the Working Group’s tasks: presentation and consideration of member states’ proposals to be forwarded for consideration by the Permanent Council) GT/SIDH/INF. 47/11


Proposals by the Delegation of Brazil on the topics "Grounding of Decisions," "Processing of Petitions, Cases and Precautionary Measures," "Deadlines for States," "Friendly Settlement Mechanism," "Promotion of Human Rights," and "Transparent Management" Third and last phase of the Working Group's tasks: presentation and consideration of member states' proposals to be forwarded for consideration by the Permanent Council) GT/SIDH/INF. 48/11


Proposals by the Delegation of Mexico on the topics “Financially Strengthening the Inter-American Human Rights System,” “Precautionary Measures,” “Procedural Matters,” and “Friendly Settlements” (Third and last phase of the Working Group's tasks: presentation and consideration of member states' proposals to be forwarded for consideration by the Permanent Council) GT/SIDH/INF. 49/11


Executive Secretariat of the IACHR


Presentation by the Executive Secretariat of the IACHR on the topic “Friendly Settlement” (Working Group meeting of September 27, 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 41/11



Civil Society Organizations


Compilación de las recomendaciones de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil sobre los temas del Grupo de Trabajo (Incluye los textos remitidos al Departamento de Asuntos Internacionales por las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil en respuesta a la convocatoria abierta con plazo 31 de octubre de 2011 y las presentaciones realizadas ante el Grupo de Trabajo en su reunión con las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil del 28 de octubre de 2011) GT/SIDH 11/11 rev. 1


Proposal Consultation with Civil Society Organizations in the Framework of the Working Group to Reflect on Ways to Strengthen the Inter-American Human Rights System GT/SIDH 8/11 rev. 1


Consultation with Civil Society Organizations Under the Aegis of the Special Working group to Reflect on the workings of the IACHR with a view to strengthening the IAHRS (Report of the General Secretariat on the civil society organizations and other social stakeholders that have expressed interest in attending the meeting of October 28, 2011) GT/SIDH 8/11 rev. 1 add. 1


Procedure for the meeting that the Special Working Group to Reflect on the Workings of the IACHR with a view to Strengthening the IAHRS will hold with Civil Society Organizations October 28, 2011 GT/SIDH 15/11 rev. 1


Invitation to civil society organizations to participate in the  continued process of reflection on the Inter-American System  for the Promotion and Protection of Human rights CP/CAJP-2671/08

Presentation by the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights (APDH), a Civil Society Organization registered with the OAS, on "Friendly Settlements," "Precautionary Measures," and "Procedural Matters in the Processing of Individual Cases and Petitions" (For the consideration of the member states, in preparation for the meeting of the Working Group with Civil Society Organizations, scheduled for Friday, October 28, 2011) GT/SIDH 16/11


Presentación de la Federación Interamericana de Abogados (FIA) Inter-American Bar Association (IABA), Organización de la Sociedad Civil registrada en la OEA, sobre los temas "Desafíos y Objetivos de Mediano y Largo Plazo de la CIDH”, “Medidas Cautelares”, “Asuntos de Procedimiento en la Tramitación de los Casos y Peticiones Individuales” y “Soluciones Amistosas” (Para la consideración del Grupo de Trabajo en su reunión con la Sociedad Civil programada para el viernes 28 de octubre de 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 18/11


Sugerencias de los Alumnos de la Comisión Nº 662 de Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Buenos Aires sobre el tema “Fortalecimiento Financiero del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos” (Entregadas dentro del plazo establecido por el Grupo de Trabajo: lunes 31 de octubre de 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 19/11


Recommendations by the Haitian-American Grassroots Coalition (HAGC), Civil Society Organization registered in the OAS, on the topic “Promotion of Human Rights” (Submitted within the deadline set by the Working Group: Monday, October 31, 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 20/11


Presentation by Mr. Raúl Barreto Negrete, on behalf of the “Central Sindical de Trabajadores del Paraguay – CESITP”, “Central Unitaria de Trabajadores – CUT”, “Central General de Trabajadores – CGT”, and “Confederación Paraguaya de Trabajadores – CPT”, on all the topics of the working group / (Presentation made at the meeting of the Working Group with Civil Society Organizations held on October 28th, 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 21/11


Recomendaciones de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad (DEJUSTICIA), Conectas Direitos Humanos, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL), Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF) y Fundación Construir a las que se Adhieren: Asociación Interamericana para la defensa del ambiente, Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC), Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez, Corporación Humanas, Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos y Justiça Global (Entregadas dentro del plazo establecido por el Grupo de Trabajo: lunes 31 de octubre de 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 22/11

  • Recommendations from the Civil Society Organizations Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad (DEJUSTICIA), Conectas Direitos Humanos, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL), Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF) and Fundación Construir. recommendations supported by: Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente, Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC), Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez, Corporación Humanas, Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos and Justiça Global (Executive Summary) GT/SIDH/INF. 22/11 add. 1

Recomendaciones del Centro Latinoamericano de Derechos Humanos (CLADH) sobre los temas “Desafíos y Objetivos de Mediano y Largo Plazo de la CIDH”, “Asuntos de Procedimiento en la Tramitación de los Casos y Peticiones Individuales” y “Soluciones Amistosas” (Entregadas dentro del plazo establecido por el Grupo de Trabajo: lunes 31 de octubre de 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 23/11

Recomendaciones del Indian Law Resource Center, Organización de la Sociedad Civil registrada en la OEA (Entregadas dentro del plazo establecido por el Grupo de Trabajo: lunes 31 de octubre de 2011) GT/SIDH/inf. 24/11

Recomendaciones de la Asociación Interamericana de Defensorías Públicas (AIDEF), Organización de la Sociedad Civil registrada en la OEA, sobre los temas “Desafíos y Objetivos de mediano y largo plazo de la CIDH”, “Medidas Cautelares”, “asuntos de procedimiento en la tramitación de los casos y peticiones individuales”, “Promoción de los Derechos humanos” y “Fortalecimiento Financiero del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos” (Entregadas dentro del plazo establecido por el Grupo de Trabajo: lunes 31 de octubre de 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 25/11

Presentación de la Señora Victoria Amato, en representación de la Fundación para el Debido Proceso [DPLF] y la Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia [REDLAC], Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil registradas en la OEA, sobre el tema “Promoción de los Derechos Humanos” (Presentación realizada en la reunión del Grupo de Trabajo con las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil que tuvo lugar el viernes 28 de octubre de 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 26/11

Presentación de la Señora María Victoria Fallon del grupo interdisciplinario por los Derechos Humanos (GIDH) (Presentación realizada en la reunión del Grupo de Trabajo con las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil que tuvo lugar el viernes 28 de octubre de 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 28/11

Recomendaciones del proceso Afro-América XXI-Ecuador, Organización de la Sociedad Civil registrada en la OEA (Recibidas el martes 15 de noviembre de 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 35/11

Recomendaciones del Grupo de Mujeres de la Argentina, Organización de la Sociedad Civil registrada en la OEA sobre los temas “Desafíos y Objetivos de Mediano y Largo plazo de la CIDH”, “Medidas Cautelares” y “Asuntos de Procedimiento en la Tramitación de los Casos y Peticiones Individuales” (Entregadas el lunes 14 de noviembre de 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 36/11



Procedures and schedule

Procedural Matters (Guidelines / adopted by the Working Group at its meeting of August 11, 2011)  GT/SIDH 1/11 rev. 3


Schedule of Activities of the Working Group GT/SIDH 7/11 rev. 3





Note from the Chair of the Working Group to the Delegations GT/SIDH 5/11 corr. 1

  • Note from the Chair of the working group to the delegations regarding the name of the group and the topics it will discuss (Reply of the delegation Ecuador) GT/SIDH 5/11 add. 1

  • Note from the Chair of the working group to the delegations regarding the name of the group and the topics it will discuss (Reply from the delegation of the Dominican Republic) GT/SIDH 5/11 add. 2

Proposed topic for the Working Group (Presented by the delegation of Brazil) GT/SIDH 6/11


Amendment to article 11 of the rules of procedure of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) (Text sent to the Chair of the Working Group by the Chair of the IACHR) GT/SIDH 9/11


Amendment to Article 11 of the Rules of Procedure of the IACHR (Legal Opinion of the Department of International Law) GT/SIDH 10/11


Remarks by the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza at the meeting on July 14, 2011 GT/SIDH/inf. 1/11



Remarks by the Permanent Observer of France (Meeting of the Working Group on Tuesday, November 22, 2011) GT/SIDH/INF. 38/11


Preocupaciones de la coalición internacional de Organizaciones por los Derechos Humanos en las Américas junto con otras Organizaciones y Personas Interesadas, en relación tanto al procedimiento como a los temas en debate en el marco de este grupo de trabajo (Nota dirigida al Presidente del Grupo de Trabajo) GT/SIDH/INF. 50/11

Orders of business





13 December 2011

12 December 2011
9 December 2011

5 December 2011

29 November 2011

22 November 2011

16 November 2011

8 November 2011
1 November 2011

28 October 2011

13 October 2011

5 October 2011

27 September 2011

20 September 2011

12 September 2011

6 September 2011

30 August 2011

11 August 2011

26 July 2011

19 July 2011

18 July 2011

13 July 2011







6 September 2011

30 August 2011

11 August 2011

26 July 2011

19 July 2011

18 July 2011

14 July 2011


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