Biodiversity and Sustainable Forest Management Division

The Department of Sustainable Development (DSD) heads the OAS Biodiversity and Sustainable Forest Management Program.  Biodiversity plays a critical role in sustainable development and poverty eradication by maintaining the earth’s gene pools, species, populations and ecosystems.  90% of the world's food is derived from 15 species of plants. Of the top ten countries identified as megabiodiversity countries, five are found in the Americas. Biodiversity is a key component in agricultural productivity, food security, and ecotourism.   DSD promotes poverty alleviation programs that integrate sustainable use of biological diversity, the protection of ecosystem integrity, and the enhancement of human health. 


A. Biodiversity

The Americas is one of the most important and diverse areas of biological diversity to be found on the planet: it is host to eight of the world’s 25 most diverse and critically important ecosystems.  A main focus of the work of the OAS is to support the exchange of information critical for decision-makers and the public in conserving this rich and unique heritage. More..


B. Payment for environmental services

The OAS, through DSD, signed a contribution arrangement with the Canadian International Development Agency for the “Trade and Environment in the Americas” Project.


The project activities reflect priorities identified by countries of the region and will aid them in the development of the capacities needed in the areas of good governance, the sustainable management of natural resources and trade policy decision-making. The objective of these activities is to build the necessary skills and capacities among government, private sector and civil society actors on a sustainable, long-term and people-centered basis. More...

          Inventory on Payments for Environmental Services.


          Legal provisions related to Payment for Ecosystem Services.


              Payment for Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Agriculture for Conservation and

                Development in Paraguay.






This page was last updated on Wednesday September 29, 2010.