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The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights was created through Resolution VIII, "Human Rights".
The resolution was passed during the fifth Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Santiago, Chile.
The Organization of American States approved the first statute of the IACHR and elected its first seven members.
Importance and ImpactThe Commission began its work, holding its first session in the Columbus Room of the OAS headquarters.
Commissioner Rómulo Gallegos is elected as the first IACHR president.
Importance and ImpactThe Commission visited the Dominican Republic for the first time to observe the situation in the country and investigate reports of human rights violations.
Subsequently, the Commission published a report based on the findings of the visit on human rights violations perpetrated by security forces and other State actors.
Importance and ImpactThe Commission issued these recommendations to Cuba per the powers given to it in Article 9, Subsection C of its official statute.
Importance and ImpactBetween June 11, 1965, and June 1, 1966, the Commission conducted its third visit to the Dominican Republic.
Importance and ImpactIn November of 1965, the second Extraordinary Inter-American Conference met in Rio de Janeiro. There, it was decided that some of the Commission's articles should be redrafted.
Importance and ImpactThe IACHR visits Chile in response to allegations of serious human rights violations during Augusto Pinochet's coup.
The Commission published a report identifying the repeated human rights violations that occurred during and after the coup.
Importance and ImpactThe Convention went into effect on July 18, 1978, after receiving the 11 ratifications required by Article 74.2
Importance and ImpactThe Commission visited Argentina, which was under a military dictatorship.
The Commission heard thousands of testimonies from victims of the regime and their families.
Importance and ImpactThe IACHR published the first report on human rights in Nicaragua, using information obtained from the Commission's visit to the country the year prior.
Importance and ImpactThe commission published a report on its 1979 visit to Argentina.
Importance and ImpactThe IACHR assisted with mediation between the Government and the M-19 guerrilla group for the release of more than 50 people who had been held hostage in the embassy of the Dominican Republic in Bogotá since February 27, 1980.
Importance and ImpactOn October 3, 1983, the Commission published the report on human rights in Guatemala, based on the on-site visit to the country between September 21 and 26, 1982.
Importance and ImpactThe IACHR issues a Friendly Settlement Agreement in Case No. 7956, concerning Luis Alonzo Monge of Honduras.
This decision marks the beginning of the use of the friendly settlement mechanism.
Importance and ImpactThe Commission submits the first three cases to the Inter-American Court on Human Rights.
Velásquez Rodríguez vs. Honduras, a case on forced disappearance
The Commission submitted this case so that the Court could decide whether there was a violation by the State of Articles 4 (Right to Life), 5 (Right to Personal Integrity) and 7 (Right to Personal Liberty) of the Convention, to the detriment of Ángel Manfredo Velásquez Rodríguez.
The Commission requested that the Court order "that the consequences of the situation that has led to the violation of these rights be remedied and that the injured party or parties be granted fair compensation".
Importance and ImpactThe Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture came into effect after reaching the minimum of two ratifications, which came from Mexico and Suriname.
Importance and ImpactThe case concerns Argentina's international responsibility for acts of torture committed against Juan Francisco Bueno Alves by police officers, as well as the failure to investigate and punish those responsible for the acts.
Importance and ImpactThe following reports address amnesty laws in these countries
The Belém do Pará Convention entered into force on March 5, 1995, after reaching the minimum of 2 ratifications, in accordance with Article 21.
Importance and ImpactAdmissibility Report No. 28/98 is published for case 11.625 of María Eugenia Morales de Sierra, deciding to continue with the substantive analysis of the case.
The IACHR published Merits Report No. 04/01, stating that the gender-based distinctions regarding marriage in the Civil Code were not justified and denied Ms. Morales de Sierra's right to equality before the law.
Importance and ImpactThe IACHR publishes the Report on the Human Rights Situation in Colombia.
Importance and ImpactThe Commission publishes Admissibility Report No. 71/99, on case 11.656, concerning Marta Lucía Álvarez Giraldo.
Importance and ImpactThe San Salvador Protocol enters into force when the minimum of 11 States ratified the protocol.
Importance and ImpactThe Commission published the country report on visits made to Peru in previous years.
The Commission publishes Merits Report No. 54/01 on Case 12.051, concerning Maria da Penha.
Importance and ImpactThe OAS General Assembly adopts the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
Importance and ImpactThe Commission granted precautionary measures in favor of persons detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Importance and ImpactThe Commission publishes the Report on Terrorism and Human Rights, within the context of widespread terrorist violence in the Americas at that time.
Importance and ImpactDuring the 119th Session of the IACHR, the hearing on the case of the Sawhoyamaxa indigenous community of Paraguay was held in the Enxet language, with interpretation in Spanish. This was the first time a public hearing was conducted in an indigenous language.
Importance and ImpactThe IACHR publishes its new rules of procedure, in commemoration of its 50 years of existence.
Importance and ImpactThe IACHR publishes Merits Report No. 80/11, Case 12.626, Jessica Lenahan and her three minor daughters vs. the United States.
Importance and ImpactThe IACHR grants precautionary measures (MC 409-14) in favor of the students of the "Raúl Isidro Burgos" school.
As a result of the implementation of the precautionary measures, the State of Mexico decided, together with the IACHR, to establish the GIEI to search for the 43 missing students, investigate and punish those responsible, and assist the victims' families.
Importance and ImpactThe Commission published the report "Democratic Institutions, Rule of Law and Human Rights in Venezuela" on the human rights situation in the country.
Importance and ImpactThe Commission established the Special Monitoring Mechanism for Nicaragua, in compliance with the recommendations made in the report presented on June 22, on the human rights situation in the country.
May 17 - 21
June 22, 2018
The Commission established the Recommendations and Impact Monitoring Section to verify compliance with the recommendations and measure the impact of the decisions.
Importance and ImpactThe IACHR conducted a visit to Venezuela from the border with Colombia because the Venezuelan authorities did not allow the Commission to enter.
Presentation of preliminary observations and recommendations of the visit.
Importance and ImpactThe IACHR announced the establishment of SACROI (Rapid and Integrated Response Coordination Unit) to strengthen its institutional capacities for the protection and defense of fundamental freedoms and human rights in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Resolution No. 1/2020 "Pandemic and Human Rights in the Americas"
Approval of Resolution No. 04/2020 "Human Rights of Persons with COVID-19"
Approval of Resolution 1/2021 "COVID-19 Vaccines in the Framework of Inter-American Human Rights Obligations"
Importance and ImpactThe IACHR visits Chile to address the social crisis that began in 2019.
Presentation of the Country Report in the context of the civil unrest of 2019.
Establishment of the joint monitoring mechanism for Chile.
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and its Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (RELE) visited Chile to follow up on the recommendations of the Report on Human Rights in Chile.
Importance and ImpactInstallation of the monitoring mechanism for Bolivia
The IACHR conducts an observational visit to Bolivia that concludes with reports of "serious violations of human rights of a wide spectrum and lamentable consequences"
Establishment of the International Group of Independent Experts.
Importance and ImpactIACHR Installs Joint Follow-Up Mechanism on the Recommendations of the June 2021 Visit to Colombia.
The IACHR presents the first follow-up report on 28 of the recommendations issued during the June 2021 visit.
The IACHR conducted a working visit to Colombia in the context of the social protests that began on April 28 of the same year. Subsequently, it issued its observations, findings, and recommendations regarding the human rights situation in that context.
Importance and Impact