Order of Business
Denys Toscano Amores Alternate Representative of Ecuador
Giovanni Snidle, Alternate Representative of the United States of America
Héctor Ortega, Alternate Representative of México
Work Plan of the Working Group to Prepare a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs (Presented by the Chair of the Working Group and approved at the meeting of January 12, 2010) CSH/GT/PD - 9/09 rev. 2
Draft Work Plan of the Working Group to Prepare a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs (Presented by the Chair of the Working Group) CSH/GT/PD - 1/09 rev. 1
Draft Resolution Promotion of Hemispheric Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs (Document presented by the Chair) CSH/GT/PD - 2/09 rev. 2
Report of the Chair on the Activities of the Working Group to Prepare a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in dealing with Criminal Gangs CSH/GT/PD - 7/09
List of Entities that will be asked to provide inputs for the Regional Strategy to Promote Hemispheric Cooperation in dealing with Criminal GangsCSH/GT/PD - 13/10 rev. 2
Draft Agenda second special meeting on Criminal Gangs toward a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation (Approved at the meeting of February 4, 2010) CSH/GT/PD - 14/10 rev. 6
Inputs for developing a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs (Ecuador) CSH/GT/PD - 19/10
Inputs for the Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs (Colombia) CSH/GT/PD - 20/10
Input for the Development of the Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in dealing with Criminal Gangs (Mexico) CSH/GT/PD - 21/10
Inputs for the Development of a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs (USA) CSH/GT/PD - 23/10
Inputs for the Development of a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs (Canada) CSH/GT/PD - 24/10rev. 1
Input for Developing the Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs (Brazil) CSH/GT/PD - 25/10
Biographies of the Presenters of the Second Special Meeting on Criminal Gangs Toward a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation March 2, 2010 Washington, D.C CSH/GT/PD - 26/10 rev. 2
Inputs for the Development of a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs (Bahamas) CSH/GT/PD - 28/10
Presentations of the Second Special Meeting on Criminal Gangs Toward a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation March 2, 2010 Washington, D.C. CSH/GT/PD - 29/10 corr. 1
Inputs for the Regional Strategy to promote Inter-American Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs (Panama) CSH/GT/PD - 30/10
Inputs for the Development of a Regional Strategy to promote Inter-American Cooperation in dealing with Criminal Gangs (Guatemala) CSH/GT/PD - 31/10
Inputs for the Development of a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in dealing with Criminal Gangs (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) CSH/GT/PD - 32/10
Address by Denys Toscano Amores, Alternate Representative of Ecuador and Chair of the Working Group to prepare a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in dealing with Criminal Gangs Second Special Meeting on Criminal Gangs toward a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter- American Cooperation March 2, 2010 CSH/GT/PD - 33/10
Draft Resolution Regional Strategy to Promote Hemispheric Cooperation in dealing with Criminal Gangs (Presented by the Chair and adopted at the meeting held on May 10, 2010) CSH/GT/PD-35/10 rev. 3
Draft Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs (Adopted at the meeting held on May 10, 2010)CSH/GT/PD-36/10 rev. 3
Comments on the Draft Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs (Presented by the Delegation of Canada) CSH/GT/PD-38/10
Comments on the Draft resolution regarding a Regional Strategy to Promote Hemispheric Cooperation in dealing with Criminal Gangs (Presented by the delegation of El Salvador) CSH/GT/PD-40/10
Report of the Chair on the Activities of the Working Group to Prepare a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation in dealing with Criminal Gangs CSH/GT/PD-43/10