Special Group on Justice


Formed at the request of the OAS General Assembly in April, 1999, the Special Group on Justice [AG/RES. 1562 (XXVIII-O/98)] follows up on implementation of the mandates of the Meetings of the Ministers of Justice or of Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas [AG/RES. 1698 (XXX-O/00)].  These hemispheric meetings essentially aim to strengthen the justice system and judicial organs in the context of inter-American cooperation.


Since the first meeting in Buenos Aires in December, 1997 (REMJA/doc.33/97), which was followed by meetings in Lima (March 1999) and San José in Costa Rica (March 2000) (REMJA-III/doc.14/00), the Meetings of the Ministers of Justice or of Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas have addressed the following issues.


Draft agenda for the Fourth Meeting of Ministers of Justice or of Ministers or Attorneys General(Document presented by the Chair of the Special Group on Justice of the Permanent Council of the OAS) GE/REMJA/doc.69/01

Order of business

18 October 2001

Access to justice

In this area, the idea is to develop mechanisms allowing everyone-and especially persons with low incomes-simple and timely access to justice, by taking steps to enhance the transparency, efficiency, and effectiveness of the justice system. Member states have committed themselves to continuing to share their experiences regarding measures and initiatives adopted within countries, and to exchanging information on progress made and obstacles encountered by OAS member states with respect to access to justice in their own country. They will also report on legal safeguards for children and young people, and on the implementation of alternative mechanisms of conflict resolution in their justice systems. For those purposes, an effort will be made to pinpoint the cooperation mechanisms that are applicable to these areas. Steps to be undertaken include: compiling legislation currently in force in these areas, with a view to creating a database; conducting comparative studies; and drawing up a roster of countries and institutions in a position to provide international cooperation in these fields.

Strengthening and development of inter-American cooperation

Strengthening and development of inter-American cooperation in the field of technical cooperation; reform and modernization of justice systems.REMJA/doc.6/97

Cyber Crime

Prosecution and investigation of cyber crime GE/REMJA/doc. 51/99 and AG/RES. 1615 (XXIX-O/99).

Prison and Penitentiary Policy

Reiteration of the need to promote, within the framework of the OAS, the sharing of experience acquired in member states as well as technical cooperation in the field of prison and penitentiary policy.

Extradition and mutual legal assistance

Inter-American Convention on Extradition