IACHR grants precautionary measures in favor of the adolescent S.J.C.A. regarding Colombia

August 27, 2024

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Washington, D.C.- The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued Resolution 57/2024 on August 27, 2024, to grant precautionary measures in favor of the adolescent S.J.C.A. after considering that she is at serious and urgent risk of irreparable harm to her rights in Colombia.

According to the request, the beneficiary has been missing since April 20, 2024 after allegedly being recruited by the illegal armed group of the Segunda Marquetalia. The adolescent was able to communicate with her parents through audio messages and texts until August 2024. In these messages, she indicated that she was ill, had injuries on her body, and had suffered unspecified punishments for attempting to escape from the location where she is being held. In addition, the attached medical reports indicate that she allegedly has health issues and reportedly requires special care that is not being provided by the alleged abductors. Although reports have been made to various bodies, there have been no search actions. Given that the State has not replied to the Commission, it has no elements to assess the actions that may have been taken in her favor.

Upon analyzing the submissions of fact and law, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) considered the seriousness of the passage of time under the alleged conditions, which is exacerbated by the context in which she is immersed, as well as the deterioration of her health and the potentially fatal consequences. Consequently, under the terms of Article 25 of its Rules of Procedure, the Commission requested that the State of Colombia:

  1. adopt the necessary measures to determine the situation and whereabouts of the beneficiary, in order to protect her rights to life, personal integrity and health, and;
  2. report on the actions taken to investigate the alleged events that led to the adoption of this precautionary measure, so as to prevent such events from reoccurring.

The decision to grant this precautionary measure and its adoption by the State do not constitute a prejudgment of any petition filed with the inter-American system alleging violations of the rights protected in the American Convention and other applicable instruments.

A principal, autonomous body of the Organization of American States (OAS), the IACHR derives its mandate from the OAS Charter and the American Convention on Human Rights. The Inter-American Commission has a mandate to promote respect for and to defend human rights in the region and acts as a consultative body to the OAS in this area. The IACHR is composed of seven independent members who are elected by the OAS General Assembly in their personal capacity, and do not represent their countries of origin or residence.

No. 195/24

7:40 PM