Questionnaire for consultation on human mobility and climate change

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is preparing a draft resolution on the link between human mobility, climate change and socio-environmental disasters in the Americas.   

The draft resolution aims, on the one hand, to address this issue in an integral and comprehensive manner. On the other hand, to serve as a guide for OAS Member States in the emerging development of their legislation, regulations, administrative decisions, public policies, programmes and relevant jurisprudence.    

In this vein, the resolution aims to establish guidelines based on an authentic interpretation of the Inter-American instruments in force, specifying the applicable human rights standards. This, with the aim of adjusting to the needs and challenges posed by human mobility induced or aggravated by climate change in the Americas.   

Based on the information received, it is expected that there will be greater clarity on the progress and challenges in this area. It is also expected to contribute to support States in the development of their public policies aimed at protecting people who must move in the context of the climate emergency. 

In this regard, the IACHR invites to the national institutions on human rights, international organizations, civil society organizations and academic institutions, as well as human rights defenders and any other interested person, to submit in writing information that they consider relevant to the purpose of this resolution. On the understanding that the purpose of the resolution is about an agenda under construction, issues are provided as merely illustrative reference points to guide the formulation of inputs. 

The deadline to submit the requested information expires on September 20, 2024, and must be sent electronically at this linkThe deadline has been extended until September 30, 2024


Consultation regarding the Inter-American Principles on the human rights of migrants, refugees and other persons in the context of mixed migration movements

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) invites Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS), civil society, and other non-state actors to participate in the Consultation regarding the Inter-American Principles on the human rights of migrants, refugees and other persons in the context of mixed migration movements.

The objective of the Inter-American Principles is to provide a tool that integrates the norms and standards developed by the bodies of the IAHRS concerning migrants, refugees and other persons in the context of human mobility. Moreover, this tool seeks to serve as a guide or directives for Member States of the OAS on how to ensure that their laws, policies, and practices in migration matters, international protection and respect for others in the context of human mobility are in conformity with inter-American human rights norms and standards.

Answers to the questionnaire may be sent until February 18th, 2018 to: cidhmigrantes@oas.org

Please indicate "Consultation – Inter-American Principles on Migrants and Refugees" as subject of the email.

If you do not have internet access, responses may be sent to the following address:

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America


Questionnaire for the Preparation of Report on Due Process and Judicial Protection in Proceedings to Determine Refugee Status, Complementary Protection, and Statelessness

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) invites States, civil society, and other non-state actors to respond to the questionnaire on due process guarantees and judicial protection in proceedings to determine refugee status, complementary protection, and statelessness in the Americas.

Answers to the questionnaire may be sent until July 8th, 2018 to: cidhmigrantes@oas.org.

Please indicate "Questionnaire for report on due process” as subject of the email.

If you do not have internet access, responses may be sent to the following address:

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America

Addressed to the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Migrants of the IACHR