
Given the violence that erupted in Bolivia in the context of the political and social crisis around the elections of October 20, 2019, the IACHR conducted an observation visit to the country over the period November 22–25 that year. At the end of that visit, the IACHR recommended the creation of an Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts, to set up a mechanism for international investigation into the violence in Bolivia from October 2019. The Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts for Bolivia (GIEI-Bolivia) was set up on November 23, 2020, and filed its Final Report—with 36 recommendations— on August 17, 2021. In particular, recommendations 35 and 36 urged the IACHR and the government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to create and implement a national monitoring mechanism and a special monitoring mechanism—in the framework of the inter-American human rights system—to foster and monitor compliance with the recommendations held in that report.

In compliance with these recommendations and noting the need to ensure an effective implementation of the human rights recommendations made by the group of experts, the IACHR launched talks with the Plurinational State of Bolivia to set up a monitoring platform. This platform should foster the consolidation of dialogue with various groups within Bolivian society about compliance with the recommendations held in the Final Report.

Setting up the MESEG-BoliviaSetting up the MESEG-BoliviaSetting up the MESEG-BoliviaSetting up the MESEG-BoliviaSetting up the MESEG-BoliviaSetting up the MESEG-BoliviaSetting up the MESEG-BoliviaSetting up the MESEG-BoliviaSetting up the MESEG-Bolivia

Setting up the MESEG-Bolivia

The mechanism to monitor the implementation of the recommendations made by the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts for Bolivia (MESEG Bolivia) was set up on March 22, 2022. The goal of this mechanism—known as the MESEG Bolivia—was to monitor compliance with the recommendations made in the Final Report filed by the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts for Bolivia (GIEI-Bolivia). On March 11, 2022, a Work Plan was agreed with the State.

The MESEG aims to support and monitor compliance with the recommendations made by the GIEI-Bolivia. Based on that goal, its operations seek to articulate and develop a series of activities through which the IACHR can, first, advise State authorities involved in implementation processes to facilitate and guide compliance with the recommendations made in the GIEI-Bolivia's Final Report and, then, apply specialized methods to systematically analyze any progress made to implement those recommendations.

The MESEG Work Plan has the following goals:

  • Develop and apply methods to monitor recommendations that define processes and criteria focused on the rights of victims of serious human rights violations
  • Gather and analyze data about the implementation of the recommendations where compliance is being monitored
  • Identify measures adopted by the State to implement the recommendations that are being monitored, and specifically any progress made and any challenges encountered in implementation
  • Offer technical assistance to implement the recommendations that are being monitored, as defined in the Work Plan, including quantitative and/or qualitative indicators that make it possible to measure implementation levels and any recent improvements
  • Assess compliance with the recommendations that are being monitored, including quantitative and/or qualitative indicators that make it possible to measure implementation levels and any recent improvements
  • Provide technical support to the Plurinational State of Bolivia to develop tools that foster compliance with the recommendations held in the GIEI-Bolivia's Final Report (this will require, among others, the provision of technical support about how to implement redress and investigation measures, as well as about the design and evaluation of public policies and about institutional and legislative reform concerning human rights)
  • Provide technical support to ensure that civil society organizations and victim associations are actively involved in processes to monitor measures adopted by the State to monitor compliance with recommendations

Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts for Bolivia

The Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts for Bolivia was created on December 12, 2019, by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Plurinational State of Bolivia to support investigations into the acts of violence and human rights violations that happened in the country over the period September 1–December 31, 2019.

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