I am extremely pleased to have this opportunity to visit Guyana in my capacity as Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States. I have lived and worked in Guyana so I know firsthand and appreciate the warmth and hospitality of the Guyanese people.
I want to thank the Private Sector Commission and its Chairman, Mr. Yesu Persaud, a leading and respected captain of industry in the region, for inviting me to address a cross section of the population on the issue of free and fair elections.
This country, as all the other member states of the OAS, has great potential for social and economic development. Yet, the reality is that many of our countries in the Western Hemisphere confront numerous challenges in terms of democratic governability, good governance, equality and social justice.
I firmly believe that political, economic and social development in a country is not solely the responsibility of legislators or the Government and its working arm, the civil service. All members of civil society including individual citizens, religious organizations, media, academia, the business community, trade unions and political leaders have the responsibility and obligation to contribute to democracy, development, security and peace. It is in this context that I am pleased to share my views with you and listen to yours.
Since gaining membership to the OAS in 1991, the OAS has worked with Guyana -- as it has with other member states -- in supporting technical cooperation in a number of policy areas as well as with training, scholarships, and election observation. We consider this intensive relationship important. All 34 member states are equal in the OAS and the OAS leadership considers it important to demonstrate dedicated efforts in support of democracy, development and security –the three fundamental pillars of policy focus- in all its member states.
For more than a decade, the OAS has been accompanying member states, at their request, in the evolution of their electoral systems and in the undertaking of their elections. The Organization has done this through the activities of its electoral observation missions and through the provision of specialized advisory services and technical electoral assistance centered on strengthening electoral institutions, improving and automating electoral procedures, modernizing electoral and civil registries, reviewing and improving electoral legislation and enhancing voter participation and civic education, among others.
Over the last couple of months, I have had occasion to address this issue as head of an electoral observer mission to St. Vincent and the Grenadines in November and, one week ago, as part of the OAS delegation present at the elections in Haiti.
The OAS has received an invitation from the government of Guyana to observe the upcoming elections. Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza has responded positively to this request.
Despite the fact that the notion of democracy, and what it encompasses, has evolved significantly over the past few decades, the indispensable nature of holding free and fair elections remains undisputed. The alternative – not having elections – is generally counterproductive, costly and damaging, creating greater insecurity and instability.
The case can be made that “elections do not equal democracy”. Contemporary and widely accepted notions of a viable democratic system include such elements as respect for human rights, the rule of law, separation of powers, and the existence of a transparent, responsive and accountable government to create and promote social and economic opportunities and growth. Even so, it must be reiterated that, although one can have elections without democracy, one cannot have democracy without legitimate, transparent, free and fair elections. Regionally and globally, elections have been recognized as the only legitimate form of transfer and exercise of power in democratic states, and as such, they are the cornerstone of representative democracy.
The OAS Inter-American Democratic Charter makes these points abundantly clear, and in its article 3, states that one of the essential elements of representative democracy is “the holding of periodic, free, and fair elections based on secret balloting and universal suffrage as an expression of the sovereignty of the people.”
The importance of elections can thus not be overstated. In a democratic society, elections provide a unique opportunity for the electorate to indicate their priorities, interests and concerns by exercising their right to vote. Free and fair elections are important. Equally important is the perception by the electorate that elections meet the criteria for being transparent, free, fair and credible.
Much has been said and written in recent years about the notion of “free and fair elections” and what this concept really entails. Although there is not one universal definition of the specific elements that comprise this concept, it is generally considered that elections are “free” when citizens’ fundamental rights and freedoms are respected, including the rights to vote freely in secret balloting and without coercion; have access to information and polling sites; and enjoy freedom of speech and assembly, among other areas.
Elections are considered to be “fair” when the state and relevant institutions provide the conditions for a reasonably “level playing-field” for candidates, parties and citizens in the electoral exercise, and depend greatly on elements such as the existence of an independent, impartial electoral authority and equitable “rules of the game” governing issues such as political party formation, party and campaign financing, and access to media, polling sites and other key electoral installations, among others.
What the notion of “free and fair elections” has contributed to the understanding and evaluation of electoral processes is that elections cannot be judged on the quality of election day alone, nor on the mere absence or presence of fraudulent activity during the vote, but rather on a series of critical, inter-dependent variables which are present well before, during and after polling day.
Elections result in a winner. The organization and management of elections is therefore critical so that losing candidates can accept that they have lost fairly, according to the will of the people.
In my view, elections present two important elements of democracy: firstly, the undeniable right to every registered voter to cast their vote and with that contribute to and determine the future of his or her country. This is the part where the citizen needs to be accommodated by the electoral authorities with the provision of a transparent and credible electoral process, providing opportunity to register, to nominate and to vote. The other element is equally important: the obligation of those who participate and those who choose not to do so, to accept and respect the outcome of the elections.
Those who won should be applauded by those who lost, and those who lost should be respected by those who won. For reasons of democratic governability, no country should be held hostage by the unwillingness of politicians and political parties to accept the outcome of elections.
Leaders, once elected, have the responsibility to lead efforts at national reconciliation in order to move forward with a national agenda. At the same time, participation in the elected bodies by all is critical for the effectiveness of the political debate on the future course of the country. Modern governance requires inclusion, rather than exclusion or isolation by choice.
Challenges to free and fair elections in the Caribbean tend to lie primarily with the quality of electoral legislation, institutions and procedures -- and their adequate oversight. Perceived or real weaknesses in these areas contribute to public mistrust. Achieving confidence in the electoral process requires transparency both before and after the elections. In its 2001 report, the OAS Observer Mission to Guyana emphasized that “transparency in attitude and practice on the part of election administrators can provide at least a partial antidote” for distrust in elections.
Electoral processes are complex but public trust can also be gained when the public can be assured of the following:
1. An independent, well mandated and equipped electoral office or commission;
2. Timely execution of election activities from the start of the process through the end;
3. Clear deadlines for defined activities have been established and kept;
4. Thoroughly trained electoral workers;
5. An ongoing process of public education and public outreach;
6. A credible voters’ list; and
7. A secure environment in which voters can exercise their franchise without fear of intimidation or retribution.
Pre-electoral confidence building is a process and is a fundamental prerequisite for:
1. Developing trust among all stakeholders in all aspects of elections, including officials, voter registrations, voter rolls, observers;
2. Providing an environment that facilitates dialogue; and
3. Creating credible mechanisms for addressing and resolving disputes in a constructive manner.
Elections constitute only one step, albeit a critical one, with respect to democratic governability. We need to promote an environment of national dialogue, consensus, reconciliation and compromise. Ultimately, the political leaders and citizens of a country hold the key to their own future.
Elections, as important as they are, do not exist in a vacuum. Social and economic challenges, ethnic tensions, poverty, and inequality all greatly impact a country’s ability to realize short and long term goals of security, governability and development.
Civil society has a responsibility to nurture a culture of inclusion and to denounce violence in order to “build a more cohesive society.” To achieve this cohesion, dialogue and constructive engagement must be consistent and ongoing.
A strong civil society – including nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, the media, religious bodies, cultural organizations – has the potential to significantly impact the tone and content of public discourse. An engaged civil society is essential for promoting citizen participation, supporting a civil code of conduct, educating youth, and society at large, about the value of voting, holding officials accountable to the constituencies that they represent, and denouncing irresponsible language and actions.
In 2001, the OAS election report referenced the importance of creating and adhering to an agreed upon process of dispute settlement and encouraged leaders of all parties to “resolve to avoid the use by or on behalf of their respective parties of language which is accusatory and which might have an inflammatory effect in the political context.”
Progress in any arena begins with one step. Elevating the level, tone and content of public discourse can have a positive impact on public attitudes and actions.
The OAS has noted with concern the levels of extreme violence and the resulting consequences and repercussions in terms of governability, stability, development and daily life. I concur with the main thrust of the recent joint statement that was issued by resident members of the international community that “violence and a culture of fear undermine the stable functioning of society.” I call on all citizens, parties and groups to find peaceful and constructive methods to address and resolve differences, and mitigate disputes.
The sustainability of a democratic political system rests on the strength of its democratic political culture and institutions. Our Caribbean community of nations is well known for its deep-rooted practice of democracy based on a parliamentary system of government. There is nevertheless a need to strengthen democratic institutions, values and practices in the region, including here in Guyana, in order to ensure the continued development of democratic leadership and political systems.
Democracy alone is not enough to create sustainable economies. A combination of good governance, rule of law, sound economic policies, a strong and transparent public service and an engaged citizenry constitute the foundation for democratic growth and consolidation.
In its current strategic approach, the OAS has identified its main areas focus as the mutually reinforcing triad of democracy and human rights, development and security – issues which I have referred to repeatedly during this brief discussion. Each of these areas is equally important for our member states.
Stability creates an environment for investment and economic development. Development moves at a more rapid pace when there is stability and security. This is a formula that works in many countries.
Free and fair elections send a message to the citizenry and to the international community that a country is committed to improving transparency, enhancing market access, and providing legal security and political stability. Let me state clearly that the role of the OAS and other multilateral organizations and the international community can only be to assist, support and facilitate this process. This engagement should never be seen as replacing the responsibility or obligations of national authorities in the electoral process.
Developing dialogue, consultation and consensus building on issues of critical importance is an area in which the OAS excels. Developing and nurturing this capacity in Guyana is a must. The challenges for Guyana are great, so too are the potential opportunities. Now is the time for existing and emerging leaders in all sectors to become full partners in development and democratic consolidation.
I thank you for inviting me to this forum and I look forward to our dialogue.