Let me begin by congratulating all of the Delegates of the 2006 Model General Assembly on the level of effort that you have invested in this exercise. I am particularly pleased that there is a range of representation from different OAS member states at this particular Model OAS. Such diversity makes the experience richer and more authentic. I also hope that you have enjoyed the past five days here in Washington, DC as you have had the opportunity to interact with officials from the OAS as well as other multilateral and academic institutions.
I became involved in politics at a very young age and, like many of you here, I was fascinated by fundamental issues of governance, economic development, security, and human rights and the myriad ways in which these issues intersect to impact the lives of individuals, communities, countries and entire regions. In this context of overlapping interests, challenges and priorities, the importance of organizations such as the OAS for the inter-American system is clear.
It is my sincere hope, therefore, that you not only enjoyed this experience but that you will also have gained a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the OAS, inter-regional diplomacy and the determinants that shape the foreign policy of each of the member states you represented.
I hope you have learned through your negotiations that organizations such as the OAS are not only necessary but critical for achieving consensus and developing common agendas to address a range of regional, hemispheric and international issues.
As you would have discovered during your research and over the last few days of intense debate and discussion, the OAS is the main political platform for the countries of the Western Hemisphere. Since its inception in 1948, the member states of the OAS have sought to uphold the ideal of inter-American cooperation through solidarity and good neighborliness first pronounced by Simón Bolivar at the 1826 Congress of Panama. World War II and the ensuing Cold War period validated the existence of the OAS as the countries of the Hemisphere realized that unilaterally they were unable to effectively confront external aggression.
Over time, as priorities have shifted on the global and hemispheric landscapes, the OAS has adapted so that it can continue to respond effectively to the primary concerns and needs of its 34 member states.
The current leadership of the OAS has bundled the range of priority issues under three broad umbrellas -- democracy and human rights, multidimensional security and integral development.
Under these broad headings, a range of traditional as well as non-traditional areas of focus are being addressed by the various technical areas of the OAS. These include trade and capacity building; poverty reduction; trafficking in illegal drugs and firearms; transnational organized crime; the growing scourge of human trafficking; natural disasters; sustainable development; and the rights of indigenous populations, women and youth; among other areas.
Many of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean simply do not have the financial and human resources or the experience to deal unilaterally with the complex range of challenges faced by the region. The system of cooperation and coordination provided by the OAS is therefore invaluable for developing common responses and building capacity to confront major challenges.
Structure and Process
The central operating standard of the Organization is the democratic principle. The structure of the Organization and the established rules of procedure through which business is conducted are intended to ensure that all member states are treated fairly and their opinions, rights and individuality are respected. Through the OAS rules of procedure, the democratic ideals of mutual respect, equality, courtesy, friendly cooperation, good faith and reciprocal relations among member states, are upheld.
As you have learned through your research prior to attending the Model OAS and have practiced in the past few days, the rules of procedure by which we conduct the proceedings of the General Assembly and the Permanent Council ensure that issues are explored in depth and holistically through careful examination by all member states.
Another cornerstone of the OAS procedure is consensus-building. As you know, a two-thirds majority vote is needed in order for a resolution to be approved by the General Assembly and the same is true for the subordinate organs -- the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the Permanent Council and the Committees of the Permanent Council.
As you would have realized, reaching consensus often involves painstaking negotiations. Yet, in an organization which has significant asymmetries among its members in terms of size and economic power and, occasionally, differing priorities, the process at the OAS has been extraordinarily successful in generating constructive debate and arriving at consensus.
This ability to generate consensus and work together to resolve major issues is a fundamental strength of the inter-American system.
The General Assembly & MOAS 2006 Agenda
The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the OAS and determines the course of action and policy of the Organization.
The model General Assembly, which you have completed today, is an excellent simulation of the actual OAS General Assembly in terms of its structure, procedures and issues raised. As I reviewed the topics you covered, I am pleased to see that you have covered many of the key issues and operational matters that the OAS General Assembly regularly debates.
Indeed, many of these topics, including budgetary issues and the system of quotas, will be addressed and hotly debated at the XXXVI OAS General Assembly which will be held June 4-6 in the Dominican Republic.
You also addressed substantive areas of utmost importance to the OAS and our hemisphere including drug and human trafficking; public health; rights of indigenous peoples; the reduction of poverty, inequality and social exclusion; and free trade. On the issue of free trade, you would be interested to know that yesterday, in this building, the governments of the United States and Peru took another step toward cementing closer economic ties with the signing of the US-Peru Free Trade Agreement.
All of the topics you addressed are complex issues that have resulted in long debates in the General Assembly as different countries weigh how the proposed resolutions impact their unique set of capabilities and constraints, and the projected impact on their foreign policy. The process of arriving at a resolution is therefore of immense importance.
MOAS Accomplishments
I am told that over the course of the last three days, you were able to pass approximately 100 resolutions. That is quite an accomplishment.
Let me congratulate the President, Secretary General, Assistant Secretary General and Delegates for their professionalism, hard work and dedication to understanding and arriving at resolutions for the burning issues of the Hemisphere
Message to 2006 participants
In my view, the Model OAS General Assembly serves a very important purpose. It is a valuable, hands-on exercise for you, the future leaders of our hemisphere. It prepares you to face the challenges that afflict our nations, understand both competing and complementary interests that inform negotiations, and arrive at creative ways to find workable solutions.
I wish you every success in your future endeavors and hope that with the level of expertise you displayed over the past days, one day you will be operating on the world stage as politicians, diplomats, or officials at organizations that are engaged in the international arena. Again, congratulations.