Media Center



April 12, 2006 - Washington, DC

Distinguished Permanent Representatives, Mr. Chairman, Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza, Distinguished Permanent Observers, Alternate Representatives, Distinguished Presidents of the Sub-regional Development Banks, Dr. Compton Bourne, Mr. Enrique Garcia and Mr. Harry Brautigam; Execurive Vice President of the Inter-American Development Bank Mr. Ciro de Falco; Director-General of the Caribbean Tourism Organization, Mr. Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace; Specially invited guests, Ladies and Gentlemen;

I have listened with keen interest and excitement to the presentations and debate which followed on the developmental challenges in the Americas. I believe that we have been presented a comprehensive assessment of the development challenges in the Hemisphere, as well as encouraging information about opportunities for social and economic growth through current and new initiatives, policies and programs.

We are indeed pleased and honored that the panel of speakers accepted our invitation to participate in this discussion, and we fully appreciate your valuable contribution. Once again, thank you.

Clearly, the political agenda of this Organization cannot be divorced from the social and economic needs of the peoples of the Americas. There is an undeniable relationship between political stability and democratic governability on the one hand, and our ability on the other hand, to provide opportunities for prosperity, for concrete action to fight poverty, inequality, social exclusion, illegal drug trafficking, the spread of HIV/AIDS, the impact of natural disasters, and trans-national crime, just to mention some of the myriad problems OAS member states face in their quest for social and economic progress.

Ladies and gentlemen, I firmly believe, that the integral development of the nations of the Americas needs to be placed high on the Inter-American agenda, not simply on an ad-hoc basis, but as a standing item to be discussed regularly in the Permanent Council. We should be creative in finding permanent mechanisms to institutionalize such debate in this political body.

I agree with the priority areas outlined by Secretary General Insulza. And I believe that these areas reflect the importance and relevance of democracy and human rights, integral development and multidimensional security, and are indeed functionally and structurally the main focus of the Organization of American States.

From another perspective, it is also important to continue this development forum with our Inter-American partners so that we can develop a more comprehensive approach. There is still a lag in our institutional responses; in that whereas the policy direction of the hemispheric agenda comes to us from our political leaders via the Summit of the Americas Process, it does not always filter into the agendas, policies and programs of all the institutions of the Inter-American system.

To avoid duplication, but more importantly to promote greater synergy and enhance the impact of our collective efforts and investments, it is crucial that key institutions streamline their agendas. For this reason, Secretary General Insulza convened last month a meeting of heads of regional and sub-regional institutions as a first but necessary step towards coordinating the implementation of a hemispheric political and development agenda.

In my view, it is important that we are all looking in the same direction when implementing hemispheric mandates. We have heard today several critical issues that require immediate attention and areas in which progress has been achieved or which offer opportunities for investment, employment, income generation and prosperity. Progress has also been achieved in the areas of sub-regional integration. At the same time, some of our most urgent challenges remain extreme poverty, corruption, weak political institutions, natural disasters, crime, and security. For the Organization of American States, it is important to not only take note of these insights, but to determine what more can be done to facilitate resolution.

Once again, I thank the presenters for their views and contribution, as well as the member states for their comments and suggestions, and look forward to continued collaboration as we work together for the common good of the peoples of the Americas.