Media Center



December 6, 2006 - Miami, Florida

1. I wish to place on record my sincere thanks to the organizers for their kind invitation, particularly Federico Sacasa and Anton Edmunds, Executive Director of CCAA.

2. I also want to congratulate Caribbean Central American Action on this the 30th anniversary of the Miami Conference. The Miami Conference has always been and continues to be a very impressive gathering of public and private sector representatives from throughout the region and the yearly occasion for excellent networking.

3. This conference revolves around the theme “A United Third Border”. Generally, in a process of integration and cooperation the word “border” is not very helpful as it suggests the presence or creation of barriers and divisions. However, by stressing the notion of a “united border,” this conference has seamlessly folded the issue of integration into the debate even as it acknowledges difference.

4. In this context, it is important to recognize that all the countries in the Western Hemisphere are related in some form and there is clear interdependence from a political, economic and social perspective. This is a reality we cannot ignore.

5. Throughout this conference, political leaders, business executives and international civil servants have spoken about the same objectives: the creation and maintenance of stable democracies, viable economies and safe societies. Ultimately, these are the goals to which we all aspire -- political stability, economic growth and an environment in which it is safe and beneficial to invest and produce.

6. I want to quickly share with you some realities we face in the Americas:

· In this hemisphere, small and vulnerable economies exist alongside powerful, developed neighbors. Despite these clear differences, I believe that at the political level and in terms of how countries relate to each other, the giving of equal consideration and respect is critical and should not be linked in any way to size or level of development.

· Despite transitions from dictatorships to young democracies, the people of the Americas do not always feel that democracy has brought real and positive change in their lives.

· In the past two years, almost 55% of the peoples of the Americas elected a new government or renewed the mandate of the incumbent administration. This has created new and interesting interstate dynamics.

· Signs of tension in relations between countries in the Western Hemisphere are becoming more evident. This is true not only between the United States of America and a few Latin American countries but also in the south the tensions among some neighboring countries are readily apparent. Additionally, many countries still have border and maritime disputes. All of these challenges continue to affect the pace and depth of the integration process.

· Economic growth is not trickling down in society and income inequality in the Americas remains one of the highest in the world, and high levels of marginalization among groups such as indigenous communities, youth and women persist.

· Poverty, even though officially on the decline from 44% in 2002 to 38.5% this year, is still at unacceptable levels. It is estimated that almost 30% (230 million) of the total hemispheric population have to survive on less then US$2 a day.

· Lack of transparency and corruption persists throughout society and, in many cases, constitutes what amounts to another tax on the poorest in society. In all cases, corruption ends up becoming a significant brake on development and undermining legitimate progress.

· Limited investment in education and in research and development, result in deficient human and institutional capacity. This has major implications for the ability of countries to be competitive in a global economy.

· We see increasing migratory flows from the poorer to the richer countries, with the inevitable loss of the most precious human resource of countries, their people. It has been estimated that Guyana, for example, has lost around 80%of its population with a tertiary education.

· The annual impact of natural disasters, like hurricanes and floods, continues to present a huge burden for vulnerable economies and small island developing states in particular.

7. But all is not gloom and doom. There are also positive trends:

· There is more communication among political leaders than a decade ago. Since the 1994 Summit of the Americas, there has been regular engagement of heads of government and these openings provide real opportunities for information exchange, debate and consensus building among countries, regardless of size or level of development. In this regard, I am pleased to note that Trinidad and Tobago, a relatively small country of 1.3 million people will host the fifth Summit of the Americas in March 2009.

· The role of the OAS is even more important today and remains a unique platform in the Western Hemisphere to address political issues, to reach consensus and take collective action to resolve critical matters.

8. What needs to be done to create the right environment for realizing the objectives I spoke about earlier of stable democracies, viable economies and a safe environment?

· I believe that stability and development can most effectively be achieved through a process of democratic governance, which needs to be transparent, efficient, effective, inclusive, fair, accountable and credible.

· We need also a holistic perspective on development and a new paradigm on development which combines democracy, integral development and multidimensional security. Each is equally important and mutually reinforcing.

· Neo-liberal economic strategies must be accompanied by adequate social policies in order to achieve the desired social cohesion and stability. Trade alone does not create wealth and jobs for all. Recent experience in Latin America and the Caribbean has shown that free market economics cannot work without appropriate social policies and that a balance has to be struck between economic growth and the distribution of its benefits.

· Sustainable development must become a collective responsibility. Modern governance demands the responsible engagement of civil society -- including the private sector, NGOs, trade unions, religious organizations and the media. A strategy for sustainable development that does not create ownership at all levels in society is doomed to fail and to be counter-productive.

· Old fashioned solidarity, translated in political commitment from richer and more developed countries to assist smaller and vulnerable countries needs to be brought back. Also, creating understanding and mutual respect across cultural, linguistic and political differences is in the interest of all to help mitigate political instability and regional security threats.

· A strong and firm commitment to multilateralism is an important and powerful tool for Member States. At the OAS, we believe that it is essential to promote the equality principle and to maximize collective efforts in resolving cross-border challenges. No country can resolve all of its problems in isolation.

9. What therefore is the role of the OAS in creating a new vision for the Americas?

· Provide political momentum to confront development challenges;

· Facilitate unity and, through proactive engagement, assist in mitigating tensions and resolving conflicts among Member States before they reach critical proportions; and

· Facilitate private sector and NGO involvement in processes of hemispheric integration – thereby giving the people a true stake in the development of their countries.

10. Finally, let me agree with the theme of unity that is underscored by this conference: Divided we certainly will fail but united we, the people and countries of the Americas working together, stand a better chance (indeed perhaps the only chance) to succeed!