Media Center



January 18, 2007 - Washington, DC

It is a pleasure for me to welcome you to this, the first in a series of Seminars being organized by the Department of Sustainable Development, aimed at bringing the Caribbean’s sustainable development agenda to the attention of development agencies based here in Washington D.C.

We at the OAS have a clear understanding that sustainable development requires a holistic approach, an integral and integrated approach to development that combines governance, economic, cultural, social and environmental issues.

We are also acutely aware that the agenda of the OAS cannot and should not be divorced from the reality of the political, social, economic and environmental changes ongoing in the Americas. Indeed, our member states are facing myriad challenges in this respect, but I believe that the challenges of development are particularly daunting for our smaller members, especially those in the Caribbean and Central America.

For this reason, and notwithstanding our efforts in collaboration with the international agencies, the donor community and other members of the inter-American system, I believe that we need to take a closer look at how the OAS can have greater impact, in marrying the resources of our wealthier, more developed countries with the needs of our poorer, less developed countries and sub-regions. We should also be prepared to consider institutional change to ensure that we are more responsive to the demands of our more vulnerable countries, as well as to play a more proactive role in anticipating crises arising from natural disasters and climate change among others.

Those of us who hail from the Caribbean, as well as those who have visited the sub-region, will agree it is a very special and beautiful place, with outstanding natural features, unique species of flora and fauna, stunning beaches and dramatic rainforests. But as we are aware, many beautiful things are also fragile and vulnerable. And while the geographic location of the Caribbean gives it some comparative advantage, especially as a tourism destination, it is also the Achilles heel of the sub-region in its vulnerability to the seasonal ravages of extreme weather events.

The experience of Grenada during and after the passage of Hurricane Ivan in September 2004 aptly demonstrates this vulnerability. Prior to the arrival of Hurricane Ivan, Grenada’s economy was projected to grow by 4.7% in 2004 and at an average rate of 5% between 2005 and 2007. This growth was supposed to have been fuelled by developments in agriculture, construction and tourism. However, after Hurricane Ivan, economic activity declined to -1.4% in 2004. There was an inevitable contraction in tourism; a halt in production of traditional crops, such as nutmeg, cocoa and citrus which directly and indirectly, absorbed nearly 31,000 workers; and consequently there was a sizeable increase in unemployment. Grenada has not been the same since.

Nearly every Caribbean Government has stories to tell of the ravages of storms, hurricanes and floods that have severely retarded the development process in their countries. With those kinds of experiences still fresh in their minds, the Governments and people of the Caribbean are understandably quite concerned about the prospect of any increase in the intensity and/or frequency of extreme weather events, such as is being predicted as possible consequences of global climate change.

Some might argue that the science is not settled on this. But there is growing consensus that if carbon emissions are not reduced, global warming will occur, sea levels will rise and within a decade or so, there could be irrevocable changes to the world’s climate; with unpredictable consequences for all.

While there may differing views on the causes of climate change, there is clear evidence, from NASA satellites, that the polar ice cap as a whole is shrinking at a rate of about 9 percent each decade. Ice shelves such as the Ward Hunt Shelf, that were around for more than 3000 years have broken away and are breaking into pieces. A vicious cycle is in progress, as more of the polar ice cap disappears, the warmer the earth will become.

For the Caribbean, the consequences of global climate change are too grave to be ignored. Although emitting only negligible amounts of greenhouse gases that are linked to global warming, the sub-region could suffer disastrous social, economic and environmental consequences. This prospect alone is enough to warrant “no regrets” investments by Caribbean Governments in informed, adaptation measures.

The OAS, through its Department of Sustainable Development, has been at the forefront of efforts at helping the Caribbean in planning for and adapting to climate change. Together with the World Bank and the CARICOM Secretariat, a solid platform of research and policies has been provided on which Governments can now build, through the establishment of the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC).

The establishment of the Centre is perhaps the strongest indicator of the determination of Caribbean Governments to confront the spectre of climate change in a sustained and focused manner. In a few short years, the Centre has cemented a role for itself as a Centre of Excellence, not only regionally but also internationally.

I believe that the Caribbean faces some equally daunting challenges within the climate change negotiating arena. In addition to the challenge of articulating a coherent Caribbean negotiating position at climate change negotiating forums, there is also the challenge of being able to take advantage of various negotiated instruments such as the Clean Development Mechanism and carbon trading opportunities made possible through the Kyoto Protocol.

Even as the region keeps global climate developments in focus, the national agenda must also be addressed. There is still a considerable amount of work to be done at the national and indeed at the regional level to mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events on highly vulnerable societies and economies. Special attention needs to be paid to poor and vulnerable groups who suffer most from the impacts of extreme events. Governments need to do more to protect critical facilities like hospitals, electricity generating plants, public offices and schools from high winds, heavy floods and storm surges. Attention must also be given to the challenge of rehabilitation after such events. Here, some firm and decisive action is needed on an appropriate insurance pooling mechanism that helps the countries to overcome the challenges of market thinness.

The entire Caribbean would be hoping that the international community can reach the kind of consensus on the causes and potential impacts of climate change, which would bring an end to the debate and herald the emergence of a more decisive and determined effort on both the mitigation and adaptation fronts.

I warmly commend the Department of Sustainable Development, the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre and the World Bank for the collaboration that has made this seminar possible. I offer my best wishes for a successful event and a successful series.

Thank you.