Lieutenant General, Jorge Armando de Almeida Ribeiro,
Chairman of the Inter-American Defense Board,
Brigadier General, Tomas Peña y Lillo Telleria, Vice Chairman of the IADB,
Brigadier General Ancil Antoine, Director General of the IADB,
Chiefs of Delegations and Delegates of State Members of IADB,
Representatives of the Inter-American Defense College,
Sub-Secretariat for Advisory Services,
Sub-Secretariat for Administrative and Conference Services,
Distinguished delegates,
I would like to thank the Inter-American Defense Board for inviting me to speak with you today, briefly, about possible areas of action of the Inter-American Defense Board and the Inter-American Defense College toward addressing the challenges of Small Island Security threats within the context of the renewed relationship between the OAS and the Board.
It is also a pleasure and an honor to be with you on this special occasion to commemorate the 65th Anniversary of the Inter-American Defense Board, and to congratulate the IADB for completing a year of important and fruitful work as an entity of the OAS.
I am aware that the Inter-American Defense Board is currently hosting a series of panel discussions with outside experts and representatives of the OAS in order to begin crafting a new strategy of action and priorities for the IADB/College, as called for by the new statutes. I believe Secretary General Insulza will be contributing to this debate at the end of the month, when he presents to you his vision of the IADB and its role within the inter-American system. These deliberations will, no doubt, be very instrumental to the IADB as it moves forward to strengthening its relationship with the OAS. I also believe that it is important for the IADB to engage intensively with the Sub-Secretariat for Multidimensional Security and to attend and where possible and required contribute to the discussions in the Hemispheric Security Committee, as well as on relevant topics in the Permanent Council.
As we have discussed on a number of occasions the Inter-American Defense College/the Inter-American Defense Board can make an important contributions to the inter-American system, in particular to the OAS and its member states by providing technical and educational advice on related military and security issues in the Hemisphere.
I believe this newly reinvigorated relationship between the IADB and the OAS will be an important element in a new strategic approach that I envision as a Partnership for Security in the Americas.
Allow me, before I speak to the issue of small state security challenges and threats, to share with you some general thoughts which inform the way I look at the Western Hemisphere and the challenges we face.
First of all, I believe, it is important to make a good analysis of the current situation in the Americas. Since the political landscape, after the many elections in 2005 and 2006, has changed, the perspectives on inter-state relations is evolving in interesting directions, elected leaders are presenting new paradigms on development and the role of the State, etc., it is of critical importance for us all to reflect on these new dynamic environment, which, in my view, can be challenging at times, but also can provide new opportunities.
I continue to believe that while the oldest regional organization in the world, the Organization of American States stand for peace, justice and solidarity in the Americas, the principle practical objectives are to mitigate or prevent conflict within as well as between states as much as possible, so as to create the most conducive environment for economic progress for the Peoples of the member states. Building peaceful societies and creating sustainable economies require a climate and approach of unchallenged solidarity and collectivity.
Furthermore, I strongly believe that the OAS and its specialized institutions like the IADB, if we want to be fully committed to the earlier mentioned objectives, need to be pro-active in their assistance to member states. An active and continuous engagement with member states is of critical importance in solidifying the common trust and laying a foundation for true multilateral cooperation and action.
While we all agree and support the notion that the Americas is a composition of member states with equal status in the OAS, we also have to take into account the diversity which exists in the Western Hemisphere. In terms of politics, political system, economic strength, social arrangements, culture, language, geography, etc., the OAS represents very different priorities, challenges and opportunities. This diversity demands therefore also a differentiated approach to how we deal and respond to situations in the Hemisphere. There is no generic template to act, so we need to use the most appropriate channels to respond to be effective and in the long history the OAS has proved in my countries and on many occasions that it can deliver on the expectations.
These are some thoughts I felt important to share with you, as it frames the parameters of our engagement as the main multilateral vehicle in the Americas in terms of principles and pragmatism.
Now let me turn to the area, which is of particular interest to me, which is: the security concerns and challenges of small island states, as well as the low lying coastal countries, like Suriname, Guyana and Belize in the Caribbean sub-region.
The security concerns of small island states have been on the agenda of the OAS for about two decades, since the Quebec Summit where Heads of State and Government recognized the significance of the issue. Since then, attention has been focused on the topic through Resolutions in the General Assembly, at High-Level Meetings, in the 2003 Declaration on Security in the Americas, as well as in the Committee on Hemispheric Security. I firmly believe that the redefined role of the IADB will allow for greater synergy, collaboration and joint response to the challenges and tasks that lie ahead for both our institutions in the Caribbean basin.
The unique characteristics of Small Island States make them vulnerable to risks and threats of transnational nature, such as natural disasters, sudden changes in the global economy and systematic environmental damage. As a result the national security situation of small island states has become more than a complex law enforcement issue.
To respond effectively to these threats and challenges, the OAS needs harness all the resources and expertise of the region, including the expertise of the Inter-American Defense Board in supporting island governments identify and address their security risks.
The reality is, however, that security often means different things to different people at different times. What one state considers an inconsequential or fleeting economic, environmental or social challenge may be looked upon by another as a threat to its very survival. I already spoke about the heterogeneous nature of the Americas and the OAS, which demands a differentiated approach to the needs and priorities of the sub-regions and the countries involved.
This is why it is equally important to understand the regional and local context in which our institutions operate; the sources of conflict and security threats, to fully grasp their meaning and inter-relationship within the small island societies and beyond. Today, distinguished delegates, the new concept of security requires a holistic approach, one which no country acting alone, irrespective of strength or size is capable of fully combating without the assistance of regional partners like the OAS and IADB.
Nevertheless, in the context of small island states, asymmetries in size, development and capacity of Member States are ever more relevant when addressing security needs. For example, some of these concerns have been at the forefront of the Caribbean; as the region has begun to host the International Cricket Championships, for the first time, this month and continuing in April of this year. Governments have been working regionally and internationally to provide flawless security during this period because they recognize the striking interrelationship between the impact of any type of disaster or security incident and their implications for the socio-economic future of the region whose growth is intrinsically linked to tourism.
Another concern of small island states is that of environmental security certainly in terms of climate change but also with regard to the transshipment of nuclear waste and hazardous material through the Caribbean Sea. One accident involving hazardous waste during a passage through Caribbean waters could jeopardize the region’s economic security and environmental integrity, especially where the sub-region heavily depends on the inflow of people for the tourism industry. It is important to realize that in these circumstances just the perception of a threat can be devastating. While CARICOM Heads of Government repeatedly raise these grave security concerns, it is clear that this is yet another issue which can be addressed only through joint action.
Similarly, the proliferation of weapons and illegal trafficking in drugs and firearms is a threat to all the countries in the Hemisphere. In the island Caribbean, this is of particular concern as criminal elements with sophisticated weaponry and transnational networks can potentially destabilize society and threaten the ability of governments to govern. The speed with which the most sophisticated weapons reach the hands of gangs, criminal elements combined with the well financed and orchestrated drug operations constitute major areas of concern for law enforcement. It is noteworthy that almost all the island states that are members of this organization have ratified the Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials.
Certainly for example, the IADB could play a more strategic role in providing the OAS with accurate information on the evolving security policy in each of the member states, liaise with the security apparatuses of individual countries to promote and foster more dialogue exchange on national security issues and challenges affecting each country. Lack of coordination between civilian and military personnel has represented missed opportunities both for dialogue and information sharing among national security actors, within the subregion and with other regions of the hemisphere.
Finally there are financial and institutional constraints due to size and level of development of particular countries. This only underscores the need for a sub-regional approach; and the strengthening of a partnership with institutions like the Inter-American Defense Board and College can provide additional research and training resources, which are sorely needed to address the vast scope of needs in terms of security.
Given this multiplication of challenges, the OAS has been repositioning itself, restructuring programs and solidifying partnerships such as the one with the Inter-American Defense Board/College in order to support the security concerns of all of its 34 member states.
In this regard, I am pleased to say the OAS has taken important steps in addressing the security concerns of small island states. Programs such as:
1. A two-day seminar on trafficking in persons organized in June 2006 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where the OAS provided an opportunity for the different sectors of the Haitian society to come together and discuss alternatives and best instruments for use in that country’s fight against trafficking in persons;
2. CICTE training programs for port security officers from Caribbean Member States on how to implement the new IMO International Shipping and Port Security Code system (ISPS). CICTE conducted 6 port facility assessments (in Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Dominica, St Kitts and Nevis, Belize and the Dominican Republic) on security preparedness and training needs, particularly with respect to access controls and standards of the ISPS. Grenada, Guyana and Jamaica will be assessed during the course of this year.
3. The work of Integral Development over the past year, which has focused on assisting Caribbean States in anticipating and/or mitigating real or potential threats such as: natural hazards; energy price shocks: food scarcity, land degradation, chemical contamination, loss of biodiversity and water scarcity. These are areas which require greater monitoring, analysis and research.
I have just come back from an important security event held in Montego Bay, Jamaica, in which the OAS sought the input and advice of top security officials in the Caribbean to help our institution design realistic programs of action to help combat arms trafficking, human trafficking, gangs, and drugs. We hope that this recent event in Jamaica will be the first phase of a regular plan of engagement between the OAS and the Caribbean states on transnational organized crime.
These are the type of opportunities the inter-American community must and should continue to create. These assistance programs allow for deeper cooperation, and in this regard the Inter-American Defense Board and College can play an important role through its research and educational capacity.
In my view, as the hemispheric security agenda continues to expand, the role of the OAS as a partner for peace and security will become even more critical. The security needs and responses of small island states can only be adequately addressed through the power of partnership and shared approaches. To accomplish this objective, the OAS in partnership with the IADB must reinforce its ability to support its member states in all their security efforts. We must continue to:
Work towards stronger, more effective bilateral and sub-regional cooperation on security-related matters using existing multilateral mechanisms like the OAS and IADC/IADB more effectively.
Promote greater cooperation between civilian and military actors responsible for all aspects of the security agenda, both at the national and sub-regional levels, in order to minimize duplication, maximize the use of resources and human capacity, and strengthen conflict-prevention mechanisms.
Improve civilian/military coordination, within the framework of citizen, food, trade and health related security to cope with these new threats. To do this, it is essential to have solid information on the legal frameworks and assist countries to re-define the respective roles of the police and the armed forces, to ensure complimentarity of each other’s functions.
Intensify sub-regional cooperation so that the main vulnerabilities affecting stability, governance and human security such as HIV aids, natural and man-made disasters and environmental degradation are mitigated as best as possible.
These are ambitious objectives for the hemisphere, but with increased resources, collaboration of other regional and sub-regional partners and the expertise of institutions like the Inter-American Defense Board and College, it may be possible to forge an important regional consensus on these issues in the coming years.
Both Secretary General Insulza and I look forward to collaborating closely with the Inter-American Defense College and its Board on many of these areas of concern to our member states. Let us do not forget that main purpose of the OAS is to promote peace, strengthen justice and enhance solidarity in our hemisphere.
Once again, I thank you for inviting me to address you today. I look forward to working with the Inter-American Defense Board and College on all of these issues. Thank you for your time and interest this morning.