It is always an honor and pleasure for me to speak at forums organized by the Inter-American Economic Council. Let me at the outset express my deepest appreciation for the work being carried out by the Inter-American Economic Council, an organization which now has a proven record of its value for and contribution to the a better and stronger inter-american system. I therefore congratulate Ambassador Christopher Thomas and Mr. Barry Featherman, and their team of workers for the excellent work.
The OAS values its relationship with the Council and the role the Council has played in reaching out to the hemisphere through a range of activities including the Private Sector Business Roundtables on the margins of the OAS General Assembly.
I am doubly pleased to be here this morning to launch this Economic Forum for the Americas which, at its root, is focused on the necessary conditions, policies and actions that are essential for building sustainable societies. I sincerely hope that this economic forum will provide the so necessary platform for new, dynamic and pragmatic thinking on the future of the Americas.
This, of course, mirrors the OAS’s main objectives which aim to support democratic and peaceful societies, build sustainable and viable economies, and provide opportunities to improve the lives of the citizens of the Americas.
I believe that while we have strengthened democracy in the hemisphere, it has not satisfactorily translated in economic and social progress for all in society. Clearly there is need for a new paradigm on development, one that is more holistic, more human and more pragmatic.
The Critical Role of the OAS
Those who have heard me speak before know that I am a firm believer in the inter-american system and in the relevancy of the OAS in accompanying the political and economic processes in the Western Hemisphere in such a way that we collectively can contribute to the health and wealth in our societies.
Indeed, as the main political multilateral platform for the Americas, the OAS provides a unique forum for 34 countries to discuss, agree and undertake collective action on issues of hemispheric interest. Through frank and open debate, countries often reach agreement on policies and actions aimed at the current and future development of our economies, and indeed our democracies.
Through multilateral efforts in the area of democracy and human rights, good governance, and trade, the OAS is creating an environment that is conducive for investments, the strengthening of productive capacity and wealth creation.
Multilateral organizations, like the OAS, play a critical role in today’s world in helping to create the right environment and conditions for social and economic progress.Many, if not most, of the problems and challenges the countries of the Americas are facing today are of a cross border nature and as such can best be addressed effectively or resolved through collective effort.
Multilateral fora create important spaces where the foreign policies of member states “meet”. Sometimes I believe that this relationship is too much a mechanical one, sometimes even opportunistic, while what we need is a more natural relationship, where inter-americanism becomes an organic part of the foreign policies of the member states.
In my view, it is critical to keep this collective decision making process alive as the basis for an increased understanding of the broad range of positions and strategic interests that are represented in the Western Hemisphere. I am convinced that without the political platform represented by the OAS, the challenge of creating the required peaceful environment and political stability would be even greater.
I see several key pillars as building blocks in constructing sustainable societies, including democracy and the rule of law, respect for human rights, free and fair trade, poverty alleviation, environmentally responsible development policies, and a range of social issues such as equitable access to health care and education.
Targeting and Empowering Youth for Development
While acknowledging the fundamental need for each of these areas I just mentioned, I propose to take a different approach today and to provoke a broader discussion by focusing on what I consider to be one of the most critical but underemphasized areas for sustainable development. This is an issue that if left unaddressed or if examined only halfheartedly will work to the detriment of our societies but if addressed with commitment, energy and resources has the potential to reap incredible dividends for growth, stability in our countries.
I refer, ladies and gentlemen, to the importance of bridging the gap between the present and the future by providing opportunities for the youngest among us and by building a culture of entrepreneurship among our youth population. Youth is in my view is one of the key, if not the most important, asset of a country and any investment in youth is a strategic investment in the future of that country.
The under 35 year old population in many of our countries comprises more than half of the population.
Consider the following, according to ECLAC’s 2006 Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean, as of 2000, 67.5% of the population of Latin America and the Caribbean was under 35 year. In other words, the under 35 year old population comprises about two-thirds of the population in the Latin America and Caribbean region. – that is close to 350 million people.
The ability of our societies to create and maintain sustainable societies rests with this group. Yet, all too often, investment in educational, social, health and other programs aimed at providing youth with skills for development and advancement is woefully inadequate.
A continuation of the disadvantaged position of youth in our societies demonstrates that countries are not capable of benefiting from the available human resources in a time where countries need to increase their productive capacity to be able to take part in a globalized economy.
Many of the challenges that currently plague our Americas significantly impact the youth population or, in many cases, youth play an active role in perpetrating acts that threaten peace, security and development. Consider the following examples:
· Youth represent a disproportionate percentage of the 222 million people living in poverty in the Americas; if we do break this trend, we will see a continuation of what some people has termed “intergenerational transmission of poverty”.
· The issue of gangs, with a huge participation of young people, is one of the most omnipresent manifestations of transnational organized crime in our Hemisphere and a security threat in Central America and the Caribbean. High levels of unemployment coupled with social isolation create circumstances that feed disruptive, illegal and often violent behavior that if not dealt with effectively can cause political and social conflicts in our societies.
· Illegal drugs have achieved an acute level of penetration in youth populations in both developed and developing countries throughout the Hemisphere;
· The trafficking of illegal weapons has also been tied to gang activity; and
· 2005 statistics show that an estimated 22,000 children under the age of 15 in the Caribbean and 32,000 in Latin America are living with HIV/AIDS.
These are all disturbing indicators of youth at risk, young feeling threatened, excluded and isolated.
On the other hand, statistics show that programs targeted at youth and maintained over time, tend to have a lasting impact. The challenge for policymakers and business leaders is to create real opportunities for youth that will attract a larger percentage to becoming productive members of society. Let me add that I present this not as a proposition to be viewed as an act of charity.
I believe that the quality of our future democracies and the sustainability of our economies depend in great measure on the policies, actions, programs and investments that we make today to nurture the future leaders of the Americas.
I urge each of you here today to exercise your civic, social and political leadership in support of the advancement of the children and youth of the Americas.
Many of our member states have already improved the policy frameworks that address issues affecting underserved populations including women, indigenous peoples, and people of African descent. I believe that a broadening of the policy debate to consistently include a focus on youth is not only important. It is imperative.
I firmly believe, however, that while governments make policy, establish rules and regulations, and create enabling environments that support change, public-private partnerships are essential to effect the transformation of societies for the better. Governance has become a share responsibility.
I challenge those of you here today to:
· Invest in youth programs that emphasize skills training, entrepreneurship and social responsibility.
· Contribute to the development of poverty alleviation programs with a component that targets youth.
· Work toward providing equal access to education and, thereby, improve an individual’s chances for upward mobility.
Let me add that, in some of these areas, the OAS has developed highly successful programs that, with the right partners, have the potential to do even more. For example:
· The Young Americas Business Trust is perhaps one of the most effective and successful youth entrepreneurship programs in the Americas, offering business labs, training programs, and internships all geared at providing the tools for young people to develop their business skills and, ultimately, to create employment and contribute to economic growth and development. The program has trained almost 30.000 young people under 35 in almost all the countries of the Hemisphere, many of which have gone on to start successful businesses of their own.
· The OAS is also very proud of its Portal of the Americas distance education initiatives. Through distance education we can educate people with the use of a simple computer eliminating the extensive costs of bricks and mortar and providing unprecedented access to rural areas.
· The Pan American Development Foundation, an NGO headquartered at the OAS, also conducts a range of programs that help to create jobs, in countries such as Haiti and in rural areas throughout the Hemisphere.
· The Trust for the Americas, in partnership with the private sector, has launched several programs in Latin America and the Caribbean to improve the skills of disadvantaged youth, such as the POETA project and the “Youth at Risk” program which will be launched at the upcoming OAS General Assembly in Panama City.
Ultimately, if we are to build sustainable societies, combating poverty is essential in a hemisphere characterized by the high levels of income inequality and social exclusion. There is a responsibility here for not only the Governments, but also for the business community and civil society at large. Sustainable development must encompass building a future for our youth. This is a collective responsibility.
In my view, it is in the interest of all the member states of the OAS to support such an approach of inclusion and engagement, not only by adopting common strategies, but also by supporting implementation of “hemispheric public policies” and providing the necessary financing.
Finally, let me note with satisfaction that the Inter-American Economic Council has placed special emphasis on the issues relevant to the Afro-Colombian Population in this conference. Afro Colombians in many ways have borne the brunt of the armed conflict here in Colombia. Unemployment amongst Afro-Colombians is amongst the highest in the nation and access to basic healthcare is limited amongst the Afro-Colombian Community. The Pan American Development Foundation which has done so much for youth has also been present in Colombia with programs aimed at helping the most vulnerable in society, including Afro-Colombians. PADF focuses on providing the training, skills, and economic and social opportunities for people to secure jobs and support their families in a dignified manner.
The task of building a sustainable society is difficult but I am confident that we can build a hemisphere that is democratic, that protects human rights, protects the environment, promotes citizen security and advances a development agenda that is both comprehensive and inclusive.
I want to thank the Council for this opportunity to address you and I invite you to join me in committing ourselves to participate in this forum again next year so that we can continue to follow up on the important accomplishments that will undoubtedly be a product of this forum.
Thank you.