The Political Context
Since November 2005, we have witnessed a significant turnover, via democratic means, in the political leadership of the hemisphere, with eighteen countries undergoing general elections, four of them from CARICOM. During this period, roughly 55% of the peoples of the Americas have been involved in some sort of electoral process. The OAS has been invited in most cases either to provide technical assistance or to observe the elections, all with the aim of consolidating the democratic process amidst the constant of change.
Evidently, the democratic political process in the region is a dynamic one, which, I believe, can shape a positive path for growth and development in Latin America and the Caribbean for several years to come.
We have also seen what has been described as a leftward swing in Latin America, which, even though nuanced, has been worrying to some, principally because of the radicalization of politics in a few countries and the resulting potential for instability, confrontation and divisiveness across the hemisphere.
In addition, Cuba appears to be a state in transition. There is consequently intense speculation about the nature of change there, and if and when Cuba will be fully re-integrated into the hemispheric community of democratic nations and re-take its place in the councils of the OAS.
Meanwhile, the United States is trying to develop a more positive agenda towards the region, to counter what it considers to be the threat of leftist populism in a region disenchanted with perceived American neglect and contradictory policies.
The United States is also reaching out to CARICOM, through the Conference on the Caribbean in Washington, DC, next month. This will clearly be an excellent opportunity to showcase the Caribbean and create greater political awareness of the sub-region in the United States, even as it should open doors for increased investment, trade, transfer of technology and the like.
My Office has been instrumental in facilitating OAS assistance to the CARICOM Caucus of Ambassadors in their preparations for the Conference. The Secretary General has already stated his support for the Conference and I pledge whatever other support and assistance the Organization can reasonably offer.
Meanwhile Latin America and the Caribbean continue to take small, but increasingly positive steps towards each other, as evidenced by Guyana’s recent chairmanship and successful hosting of the 24th Summit of the Rio Group at the beginning of March; Guyana and Suriname’s active participation in the South American Community of Nations; and the hosting by Belize of the Second CARICOM-SICA Summit on Saturday.
I believe that it is therefore an interesting time for reflection on the relationship between democracy and development in the Americas and the place and role of the Caribbean Community in the hemisphere.
Democracy and Development
Even before 2005, the political landscape of the Americas has been changing over the past three decades and the hemisphere has gained much in terms of democratic governance, representative electoral democracy, economic development and human rights.
A quarter of century has passed since Argentina initiated its transition to democracy in 1982, heralding for Latin America the most comprehensive and enduring experience it has had with constitutional democracy in its history. I believe that it is useful to review the gains made and the lessons learned during this period of building democracy, which are just as important for CARICOM as they are for Latin America.
We see, today, a relatively stable political landscape, in which democracy, with all its advantages and limitations, is now the government of choice throughout the active membership of the OAS. Although there are challenges to the process of democratic consolidation in Latin America, it is important to bear in mind that the democratic trends of the past three decades exceed in breadth and duration all previous experiments with democratization in a region hitherto marked by military coups and dictatorships.
Much of the work and emphasis of the OAS during the late 1980s and 1990s was, therefore, on assisting newly installed democracies strengthen their democratic institutions, and in particular, their electoral systems. This important work continues today through electoral observation and institutional support for consolidating democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean.
And there are signs of progress. In 2004, the Latin American and Caribbean region experienced its highest growth in twenty years. Whilst the pace of growth is modest by global standards, it is still considered strong compared with the region’s growth path over the past decade. Second, political crises have generally resulted in institutional changes that adhere to democratic norms and constitutional procedures. Third, public opinion polls throughout Latin America and the Caribbean show that, despite its shortcomings, democracy remains the system of choice in the region.
However, whilst an unprecedented number of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean can today be considered democracies in that they hold regular, competitive elections, it has to be reiterated that the process of democratic governance does not begin and end with elections.
The ongoing debate in the OAS over the difference between representative democracy and participatory democracy is a case in point. Whatever the merits of the arguments being put forward by each camp, the bottom-line is that democracy needs to deliver more than just free and fair elections in a region with the highest level of income inequality in the world, where some 222 million inhabitants live in extreme poverty, on less than two US dollars a day. The failure of the region’s democracies to deliver tangible improvements in the quality of life for the majority of their people has translated into a growing impatience and a tendency to question the benefits and performance of democratically elected governments and external democratic models.
The reality of about 40% of the population of Latin America and the Caribbean still living in poverty cannot and should not be ignored. According to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), some 68 million people in Latin America and the Caribbean lack access to safe water and 110 million are un-served by public sanitation systems. The sad truth is that democracy and democratic governability are threatened by the growing gap between rich and poor, as well as structural and institutional inefficiencies in society that culminate in enormous and unacceptable levels of poverty, discrimination, inequality, social exclusion and marginalization.
There is therefore a need for socio-economic policies that promote equitable growth and inclusion. And there is a growing recognition in the OAS that we need to increase partnerships to build equity within and among countries. For development without equity is unsustainable and will ultimately undermine democracy and governability.
The challenge of achieving growth with equity has long been recognized in the OAS and was clearly articulated in the 1997 Declaration on the Inter-American Program to Combat Poverty and Discrimination, which noted that, “Economic growth is a fundamental condition, but not sufficient, to promote a better quality of life, overcome poverty, and eliminate discrimination and social exclusion”.
At present, the OAS is negotiating the adoption of the Social Charter of the Americas and its Plan of Action, an instrument that will include the principles of social development and is intended to establish specific goals and objectives that would strengthen the existing instruments on democracy, integral development and the fight against poverty.
As the first regional organization to identify the defence and promotion of democracy as one of its essential purposes, enshrined as a guiding principle in its founding charter, the OAS has established itself as a leader in this area. This has not been a static principle.
OAS Member States reaffirmed their commitment to the defence and promotion of democracy on September 11, 2001, when they unanimously adopted the Inter-American Democratic Charter, which provides a comprehensive definition of the essential elements for democracy - previously characterized simply by the conduct of elections - and endows the OAS with strengthened mandates to promote and defend democracy in the hemisphere.
The Inter-American Democratic Charter recognizes that democracy can be threatened from gradual deterioration as well as sudden shocks and it provides renewed mandates to engage in countries before political developments reach the crisis stage. Most importantly, though, the Democratic Charter reinforces the commitment of Member States to the centrality of democracy in efforts to improve the lives of all citizens. In this respect, it tacitly acknowledges that the governments of the region must have the will and the capacity to open communication with social sectors and effectively channel public expectations into consensus-building and problem-solving processes. Finally, the Inter-American Democratic Charter provides a mechanism for hemispheric action to address potential crises of democratic governability in a timely manner.
For example, in 2005, the OAS deployed Special Missions to Bolivia, Ecuador, Haiti and Nicaragua, in response to requests for assistance from each government to help address real or potential situations of political and/or institutional crisis of various types. These experiences highlight the important role played by the OAS in responding to ongoing or potential political and/or institutional crises, as well as assisting Member States in the prevention and resolution of conflicts.
The OAS has also directed much of its efforts toward strengthening democratic governance by building national capacities to engage in constructive dialogue and institutionalize conflict prevention and resolution mechanisms.
The OAS moreover recognises that, whilst it is possible to have elections without democracy, one cannot have democracy without legitimate, transparent, free and fair elections. As recognized in the Inter-American Democratic Charter, elections are the cornerstone of representative democracy and constitute the only legitimate form of transfer and exercise of power in democratic states.
In this regard, the OAS has played, for over 15 years now, a critical part in observing more than 130 elections and providing technical assistance to some 22 Member States. The OAS has had considerable success in bolstering public confidence in the electoral process and creating a secure environment in which voters can exercise their franchise without fear of intimidation or retribution. These are, of course, fundamental prerequisites for strengthening democracy.
I am pleased to report that, with respect to the Caribbean, the OAS observed the elections in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in 2005, and in Haiti, Guyana and St. Lucia in 2006. I had the honour to head the observer missions to St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Guyana.
The OAS played a particularly important role in the electoral processes in Haiti and Guyana, where there was considerable potential for instability and violence.
In Haiti, the OAS was deeply involved in the preparations leading up to the presidential and legislative elections in Haiti. This process led to an unprecedented number of Haitians being registered and eligible to vote - over 3.5 million. Haiti now possesses a modern electoral registry system, which the government can use to lay the groundwork for the establishment of a national civil registry system. The OAS and especially my Office continue to be closely engaged in the consolidation of the democracy in Haiti, acutely aware that state and personal security is still a matter of high importance. I shall say more about Haiti later in my presentation.
In Guyana, the OAS mounted one of the most significant observation missions ever in the English-speaking Caribbean. Long-term observers arrived some four months before the general election in August and monitored the activities of the electoral authorities, political party candidates and civil society leaders. On Election Day, the OAS Mission fielded observers in the ten regions of the country and witnessed citizens peacefully exercise their franchise.
In December, I presented the Final Report of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission to the Honourable Prime Minister of Guyana. Also, in an effort to disseminate its observations and recommendations of the Guyanese electoral process and to elicit constructive debate on strengthening democratic governance in Guyana, the OAS organized a one-day seminar with the participation of key stakeholders, including the Government of Guyana, the political parties represented in Parliament, the electoral authorities, as well key figures from organized civil society.
In accordance with the recommendations of the OAS Permanent Council, my Office continues to consult with the Government of Guyana on the development of a programme of institutional and technical support.
The Bahamas has just had elections and I extend my congratulations to the Right Honourable Hubert Ingraham on his return to the office of Prime Minister. Later this year, Argentina, Guatemala, and possibly Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago will also go to the polls. The OAS stands ready to provide any assistance requested by the Governments of Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago.
Whilst the indispensable nature of holding free and fair elections is now broadly acknowledged, it is also clear that elections alone do not equal democracy. As national dialogues have intensified and hemispheric discussions have advanced, there is consensus that delivering the benefits of democracy must become integrated into the policy objectives of governments. Indeed, there is recognition in the OAS that achieving sustained political, economic and social stability across the hemisphere is in the strategic interest of all.
Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan had stated that “good governance is perhaps the most important factor in eradicating poverty and promoting development”. As the nations of the Americas grapple with issues of governance and poverty reduction, it is increasingly clear that an integral and integrated approach to development must combine governance, economic, security, cultural, social, technological and environmental issues.
What we are seeing in the OAS is nothing less than the evolution of a new paradigm for development – one that I embrace wholeheartedly.
Since my election in 2005, I have aimed, as a member of the leadership of the Organization to work with Member States to develop and support such an approach. Accordingly, the recognition that many states in the hemisphere require assistance with institutional reforms to help ensure the primacy of the rule of law and the democratic framework, within which freedom and socio-economic development can flourish, has been an important element in the formulation of the current strategic plan of the OAS.
However, it is clear that for all sectors and groups to reap noticeable gains from the fruits of development and democracy, there must be significant improvement in the ability of states, especially small states, to benefit from market reform and economic liberalization policies and to deliver those benefits to their people.
The OAS, through successive mandates emanating from the Summit of the Americas process and its General Assemblies, and, through instruments such as the Inter-American Democratic Charter, is adapting its institutional initiatives to respond to the new needs and demands of all Member States in the areas of democracy, integral development, multidimensional security and human rights.
CARICOM Member States have to continue working with the rest of the membership of the Organization to ensure that this process of adaptation truly responds to the sub-region’s needs and interests.
The 37th Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly
The next General Assembly comes at an opportune moment to focus on a few issues that are going to be critical for the Americas over the next few years. The theme of the General Assembly is, of course, “Energy for Sustainable Development”, but this will not prevent Ministers from addressing other pressing issues such as the security/development problems of corruption, organized crime and drug trafficking; the spread of HIV/AIDS; climate change, natural disasters and environmental degradation; human and social development issues such as migration, youth and building social capital; and the challenges of creating peaceful, sustainable economies.
Regarding the Declaration of Panama on Energy for Sustainable Development, there is already consensus that energy is an essential resource for sustainable development; that access to energy is of paramount importance to equitable economic growth poverty eradication; that there is need for a transition to a sustainable development model, based on the generation and efficient use of renewable forms of energy, balanced patterns of consumption and better use of fossil fuels; and that there is a need for more public-private partnerships and regional, sub-regional and inter-state cooperation..
I would like to take this opportunity to commend CARICOM Heads of Government for embarking on the design of a CARICOM Energy Policy. The OAS regards this decision as being both timely and strategic; timely from the standpoint of the disturbing dynamics of the global energy market and projections which point to a continuing tightening of supply and an increasing demand for energy products especially from Asia; and strategic in the context of the imperative of reducing the region’s dependence on imported energy products as well its vulnerability to energy price shocks; and softening their related effects on the region’s limited foreign exchange reserves.
I confidently expect that a well-designed CARICOM Energy Policy will provide an appropriate framework for the emergence of comprehensive national and regional action plans that will propel the region towards the twin goals of international competitiveness and sustainable human development. No doubt the CARICOM Energy Policy will inform the elaboration of an OAS action plan based on the Declaration of Panama.
In the OAS, we are seeing an ongoing process of change, as Member States go through processes of political evolution and economic transformation. We are seeing change, as civil society in many countries feels more empowered to participate actively in public discourse. We are seeing change as long-marginalized groups, including indigenous communities, youth and women, assume more prominent roles, challenge traditional notions of leadership and bring attention to a range of new human development and capacity building issues.
The political agenda of the OAS cannot and should not be divorced from the reality of these changes, in attending to the social and economic needs of the peoples of the Americas. In my view, it is only in the political debate that a sound understanding of and an adequate response to the underlying causes of poverty, inequality, social exclusion and environmental degradation can be gained.
These myriad elements are challenging enough for the bigger countries of the region. This Council knows only too well how much more daunting they are for smaller, more vulnerable countries. And here there is common ground which could be developed further with the countries of the Central American Integration System.
Sustainable development does not require or assume that all countries must be at the same level of development, or have the same capabilities, or use the same development model. While the responsibilities may be common, the abilities and capacities of States are clearly differentiated.
It is therefore essential to have policies and strategies that would ensure that the benefits of sustainable development reach all peoples in all countries in our Hemisphere, especially those small developing states whose social, economic and environmental vulnerability is more pronounced owing to their small size, restricted markets, narrow economic base and/or geographic location.
In this context, CARICOM and Central America need to come together to urge the wealthier, more developed countries to increase financial and technical assistance to the poorer countries and sub-regions. To be successful in their integration efforts, these countries and sub-regions should be supported, not only by taking account of their unique needs and constraints, but also by strengthening their democratic institutions, education systems, institutional capacity, law enforcement agencies and their social environment. In the end, achieving sustainable development built on the pillars of stability and security will be in the interest of all the Americas.
The Second CARICOM-SICA Summit is therefore timely for the development of relations between the two sub-regions and in the pursuit of common objectives in the OAS in the lead up to the 37th General Assembly.
Term as ASG
When I was elected, as CARICOM’s candidate, to this high office in June 2005, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, it was a personal honour, as well as one for the Government and People of Suriname and the entire Caribbean Community.
At that time, I gave a commitment to do my utmost to uphold the principles of the founding Charter of the OAS and to enhance the effectiveness and relevance of the Inter-American System.
I have flagged above some of the challenges and objectives on the OAS agenda. As I pointed out in Fort Lauderdale, these cannot be met by the OAS alone. The responsibilities and demands clearly exceed our financial and institutional means. I have therefore focused on redefining and improving existing areas and activities traditionally under the purview of the Assistant Secretary General; advancing new initiatives with a particular emphasis on development and natural disasters; strengthening cooperation within the Inter-American System and with other international, regional and sub-regional organizations, to develop our multilateral platform to execute the mandates of the Summit of the Americas process and the General Assembly, in a much more coordinated and effective manner. All this, with a view to ensuring that the OAS remains relevant to its membership.
Permit me, Mr. Chairman, to highlight some of the accomplishments of my Office, with particular relevance for CARICOM:
· Enhanced management of the Permanent Council and of the General Assembly, including expanding the time allotted for the Private Dialogue of Foreign Ministers.
· During this period, my Office was instrumental in inviting the following CARICOM Heads of State and/or Government to address the Permanent Council: H.E. Bharrat Jagdeo President of Guyana; H.E. René Preval, President of Haiti; The Most Honorable Percival J. Patterson, Prime Minister of Jamaica; Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas, Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis; Hon. Patrick Manning, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago; and Dr. the Hon. Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of st. Vincent and the Grenadines.
· A comprehensive evaluation of the work, roles and functions of OAS Country Offices for more strategic management and greater effectiveness and efficiency; the OAS Country Offices, which are for most CARICOM members, the first point of contact with the OAS.
· A revival of support for and interest in the organization Organization’s cultural and educational centres – the Art Museum of the Americas and the Columbus Memorial Library – with efforts being made to acquire more works of art from Caribbean countries.
· Intensified collaboration with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), as a critical partner in advancing a comprehensive development agenda for the Americas that takes into account urban and rural economies, innovative technological and strategic approaches to a new agriculture, and opportunity creation for marginalized and under-served communities.
· In March 2006, my Office collaborated with IICA, the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) and other organizations to hold a briefing for Permanent Representatives and a press conference on the possibility of an avian influenza outbreak in the Americas.
· An Inter-American Development Forum, held on April 12, 2006, in Washington, which provided an opportunity for the leadership of the IDB, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) to discuss strategies to address challenges to development in the Americas.
· Having identified the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) as an important partner on issues of economic development and resource leveraging, I spearheaded cooperation between the OAS and PADF on disaster relief management and other activities, including assisting flood victims in Suriname in May 2006 and offering recommendations for development projects on the Haiti-Dominican Republic border.
· With Tourism being high on the development agenda of several CARICOM Member States, my Office has supported: a symposium on “Rationalizing Standards for the Caribbean” (February 2006) on the theme “Achieving Sector Readiness and Value Added for the Global Market”; the signing of a cooperation agreement (April 2006) by the OAS, the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and the Caribbean Hotel Association (CHA); implementation of a Tourism Infrastructure Disaster Preparedness project for CARICOM; continuation of a Tourism Capacity Building Programme especially for small tourism enterprises.
· In support of the efforts of the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) to promote youth entrepreneurship and economic inclusion, my Office facilitated an exchange of ideas between the YABT and OAS Country Offices in January 2006. In this respect, the YABT was encouraged to expand its collaboration with OAS Country Offices and permission was granted for the OAS Jamaica Office to be the stage for a pilot programme to enhance joint cooperation on common development issues.
· My Office continues to strengthen ties with the Secretariats of CARICOM, the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) and the ECLAC Sub-regional Headquarters for the Caribbean. In this respect, we were responsible for coordinating the Fourth General Meeting between the OAS and CARICOM Secretariats, in Georgetown, Guyana, on March 2, 2007, which approved a series of recommendations relating to enhancing and deepening cooperation and consultation between the Secretariats in the following areas: human resource development, gender issues, training of persons with disabilities, trade capacity-building, multidimensional security, drug demand reduction, sustainable development, with particular regard to the environment, climate change, natural disasters, energy, tourism development, democracy and governance, electoral assistance and electoral reform. A Technical Meeting with the OECS Secretariat will take place in St. Lucia, on May 16 next.
· On May 17, also in St. Lucia, I shall address the Opening Ceremony for an OAS Seminar for CARICOM Parliamentarians on “Shaping a Trade Agenda to promote Regional Integration and Competitiveness for CARICOM: the EPA and Other Negotiating Challenges”.
· As stated earlier, my Office has been facilitating OAS assistance to the CARICOM Caucus of Ambassadors in their preparations for the Conference on the Caribbean on June 19-21, including the hosting at OAS Headquarters of the Caribbean Diaspora Forum and the organisation of an OAS Seminar for Caribbean Journalists in the margins of the Conference.
With specific regard to Haiti, I would like to inform you that in the spirit of Resolution AG/RES.2215 “Strengthening Democracy and Socio-economic Development (paragraphs 17-19), the Secretary General established on October 27, 2006 a Haiti Task Force (HTF) in the General Secretariat to coordinate efforts and design a realistic strategy and programme of support to Haiti. The Secretary General asked me to chair the HTF, to ensure the coordination of the initiatives of the complete OAS system to strengthen and improve the quality of support provided to Haiti and to promote a higher profile for Haiti within OAS.
The HTF is comprised of members from all the substantive and administrative areas of the Secretariat. This representative participation allows the HTF to engage in full consultation on all substantive matters and decisions.
Also, once established, the HTF recognized the need for broader consultation and coordination at two other levels:
1. Within the Inter-American System, with the IDB, IICA, PADF and PAHO, and with CARICOM and its specialized institutions;
2. With the UN System.
The first major activity of the HTF was to streamline the operations of the OAS representation in Haiti. It was decided that the four entities making up the OAS presence in Haiti - OAS Office, Special Mission, Electoral Technical Assistance Program in Haiti (ETAPH), Cap Haitien Office - would be brought under one operational and representational umbrella, that of the OAS Country Office. This decision was taken in order to decrease operating costs, align personnel levels with the means available, reach an optimal coordination capacity and deliver a more coordinated cooperation with Haitian public and private institutions, and increase overall efficiency.
I am especially pleased to report that on April 15, 2007, Mr. Arthur Gray, a national of Trinidad and Tobago and a former Director of Foreign Affairs of the CARICOM Secretariat, assumed the position as the new OAS Representative in Haiti. We have every confidence in Mr. Gray’s ability to manage the implementation of our new strategy in Haiti.
My Office was also instrumental in the reactivation of the Group of Friends of Haiti, after a dormant period of three years, to ensure that Haiti remains a priority for the international community and to support the delivery of OAS assistance to Haiti. The Group of Friends is an invaluable source of political support for the activities of the OAS, both in Washington and Port-au-Prince.
On March 18-21, 2007, I led a Technical Mission to Haiti, to engage with government officials and other identified stakeholders with respect to planned and funded OAS programme activities in the areas of Human Rights, Trade and Tourism, Civil Registry and Democratic Governance.
The new OAS Special Programme for Haiti will embrace the following components and activities:
Democracy and Political Affairs:
· Continuation of high-level political engagement;
· Assistance to the Provisional Electoral Council in its transformation to a Permanent Electoral Council;
· Human rights programme: training and assistance in updating of relevant legislation;
· Judicial reform with the collaboration of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (CEJA).
Integral Development:
· Trade
· Training programme, focusing on updates of the trade negotiating agendas at global, regional and sub-regional levels;
· Haiti Trade and Investment Forum, responding to the focus of the Haitian government on socio-economic development, based on job creation, business development, economic growth and poverty reduction. The Trade and Investment Forum is being coordinated by my Office, in collaboration with the Government of Haiti and the Inter-American Development Bank, and is scheduled to be held in Haiti in September or October 2007. The CARICOM Secretariat, CDB, CTO, CHA and the Caribbean Association of Industry and Commerce (CAIC) are also expected to be institutional partners in this initiative.
· Civil registry and ID card project;
· Tourism, in collaboration with the Haitian Ministry of Tourism, CTO and CHA, to achieve Haiti's re-entry into the tourism marketplace, capacity building and linkages with the craft and agricultural sectors.
It is important to underscore that the Special Program on Haiti has been established on the basis of the priorities identified by the Haitian Government, and in keeping with the specific expertise of the OAS General Secretariat, complementary to what other institutions do and on the basis of the availability of funds.
Permit me to share with you some perspectives on the future of Haiti:
1. It is, in my view, of critical importance to maintain the demonstrated solidity of the administration, by continuing the policy of inclusiveness. The international community should be encouraged to accompany this political climate of unity with high-level political attention.
2. President Préval’s Administration will have to demonstrate short-term concrete social and economic change, especially in terms of humanitarian assistance, basic needs and jobs. The people of Haiti cannot be once again tested on their trust in the political establishment.
3. The role of the Haitian Parliament in this process is of great importance, for which it will be necessary to provide technical assistance so that the role and functioning of Parliament can be improved.
4. While Haiti has completed the full cycle of elections in accordance with its Constitution, the costly system in place will require, especially at local and municipal levels, much investment in terms of training, to become effective in fostering social and economic development.
5. Capacity building and institutional strengthening, with the active support of the Haitian Diaspora, should be a cross-cutting exercise in all projects and programs executed in Haiti.
6. Modernization of the state, especially the judicial sector, is of the utmost importance.
7. Mobilization of the Haitian private sector and civil society, as well as the international private sector, to take part in the implementation of the social and economic programmes will not only strengthen the policy of inclusiveness, but also create ownership and facilitate more channels of implementation.
8. The strengthening of the Haitian National Police should continue and it should, in a phased approach, take over the responsibilities for law and order in the streets of Haiti, providing to individuals and businesses a safe environment. MINUSTAH’s mandate to assist in this process with its contingent of forces cannot be ended before such a level of critical ability and expertise has been created in the Haitian National Police.
9. Coordination of donor assistance both internally and externally is of critical importance, so as to avoid duplication and overlap; programmes should be complementary to each other, so that the available resources can be used as effectively as possible.
10. We look forward to Haiti’s further integration in the sub-region, as I believe that CARICOM can continue to play a critical role in assisting Haiti. In this respect, my Office has been in consultation with the CARICOM Secretariat on the possibility of assisting in the housing of the CARICOM representational office in Port-au-Prince and I would like to offer the following ideas for consideration, the development of which could be facilitated by my Office:
· The establishment of a “Hybrid Court” in Haiti with CARICOM judges
· An exchange programme with the Haitian Parliament
· Training of Haitian police officers and assistance to specialized task forces
· The establishment of UWI Campus in Port-au-Prince
As we enter a new period of mandates and a new strategic agenda for the Americas, the OAS stands ready to continue:
· Focusing efforts on strengthening democracy through education and support for the electoral process;
· Maintaining a strong commitment to the protection of human rights;
· Pursuing a security agenda which reflects a modern understanding of the profound impacts of regional conflict; terrorism; illegal drugs, firearms, and human trafficking; and natural disasters;
· Promoting development policies that include the participation of vulnerable groups and that promote environmental stewardship; and
· Working more closely with the private sector and regional and sub-regional agencies in the formulation and execution of an effective development agenda.
As CARICOM looks forward to the 5th Summit of the Americas to be hosted by Trinidad and Tobago in 2009, you will all have noted that there is already increasing competition for influence in the hemisphere. We all recognize that international relations and diplomacy have changed in nature, in terms of conduct and objectives, and we know that this process will continue to evolve. As we look forward, we have therefore to continue to evaluate the relationship between CARICOM and the OAS from this perspective.
This understanding and your sub-regional opportunities and strengths should translate into a strategic foreign policy, which uses every opportunity to achieve insertion into the hemispheric political and economic agenda. In this respect, building political and social partnerships obviously continues to be of critical importance in any foreign policy strategy.
Promoting communication and understanding among the peoples, countries and sub-regions of the hemisphere is also a strategic necessity, to promote cooperation for development, increase trade, reduce the potential for conflict and bolster stability and security.
As my Office prepares for the 37th General Assembly, we are cognizant of various elements needed to assist the strengthening of democratic governability and the pursuit of sustainable democracy in our Member States. But even as the OAS continues to respond to the pressing concerns of its membership, such as strengthening democratic institutions to meet the demands of citizens, we are aware that even more can be accomplished through strategic partnerships and the power of multilateralism.
CARICOM therefore needs to play its part in strengthening the Inter-American System to make multilateralism work more effectively, by helping to define specific and clear mandates. The OAS is ready to be a full partner in this regard and, as has been noted, is already working to strengthen cooperation and consultation with other regional organizations for the benefit of the hemisphere.
Thank you.