Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza,
Major General Keith Huber, Director of the Inter-American Defense College,
Lieutenant General Jorge Armando, Chairman of the Inter-American Defense Board,
Brigadier General Ancil Antoine, Director of the Inter-American defense Board,
Brigadier General Julio Fabian, Chief of Studies for the Inter-American Defense College,
Distinguished Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives,
Representatives of delegates to the IADB,
A special welcome to the Graduates of Class 2007 and their families,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I thank General Huber for inviting the OAS to share this important moment with the new graduates of the Inter-American Defense College. I am especially pleased to address the Graduating Ceremony and to remind you of my firm belief that the Inter-American Defense College has an integral role to play in supporting the major pillars and mandates of the Organization of American States.
In recent years, I am more and more encouraged by the ability of the Inter-American Defense Board and College to adjust - as the Hemisphere evolves - and to position itself to better accommodate these changes and challenges within its structure and focus. It has also improved its collaboration with the OAS which recognized in the Bridgetown Declaration and reiterated in the Conference on Security in Mexico City that security is multidimensional in nature and requires multi-faceted and novel approaches in addressing it.
Inherent in the changes in the socio-economic and political landscape, following elections of the last two years, the perspectives on inter-state relations has begun taking interesting directions. We witness a plethora of new and fresh ideas from elected leaders on issues of development, security, and the role of the State. It is of critical importance for our Inter-American partners to reflect on the dynamic environment, which, can prove challenging from time to time, but which can also provide amazing opportunities.
The Organization of American States remains our regions most steadfast compass and proponent for peace and security, justice and solidarity in the Americas, and its principal practical objectives remain those of mitigating and preventing conflict within as well as between and among states. It is also that of helping to create an environment conducive to the social, political and economic progress of the Peoples of the Americas. Therefore, building peaceful societies and creating sustainable economies require a climate and approach based on solidarity and collective action.
We are better stewards today, than at any time in our collective history, of the wealth of our diversity. Member states and their citizens have a much better understanding of diversity and that it is a constant throughout the Americas. We are increasingly aware that we must work more closely together to address common goals, shared experiences and build bridges that uplift and not denigrate our societies. Our major political achievement and experience of the twenty-first century is one of strong societies built on the foundations of democracy and its institutions, and a hemisphere which does not simply pay lip service to the values of democracy but has adopted into the framework of our governance, our development and security institutions, the principles of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
Therefore, in order to protect these achievements going forward, I strongly believe that the OAS and its specialized institutions like the IADB and IADC need to be pro-active in their collaboration with assistance to member states. An active and continuous engagement with member states is critical in solidifying trust and promoting the common agenda of the OAS.
While we all agree and support the notion that the Americas is a composition of member states with equal status within the Organization of American States, we also have to take due account of the differences which exist throughout the Western Hemisphere. These are evident in the politics, political systems, economies and economic strength, societies and social arrangements or networks, through culture, language, and geography. The OAS is in fact that binding nexus which accommodates harmoniously the competing agendas, varying priorities, challenges and opportunities of 34 member states. Such diversity demands therefore a differentiated approach in how we deal and respond to situations in the Hemisphere.
I repeat that there can not be a generic template for action. We therefore need to analyze the situation then use the most appropriate channels for response, based on collective action, consultation and consensus if we are to be effective. History has shown that when we work together, the Organization of American States is best positioned to and can deliver on the expectations.
As graduates of this college, which continues to grow in prestige and results, you go forth with the knowledge and training to help our Organization reach out to its citizenry not from bunkers of distrust, but from the trenches of classroom, conference rooms where you exchange experiences, share insight, promote understanding, and exchange information on the real and holistic interplay between democracy, development and security.
Our Governments have agreed that democracy is a right to which all our citizens are entitled; but you have a responsibility to irrigate and strengthen the growing roots of democracy by upholding the right of the individual to personal security and an improved quality of life. You must bear witness to the relevance and benefits of bolstering democracy. You must collaborate to promote employment opportunities at home, encourage investment in education and health care, underpin and uphold the rule of law and the pillars of good governance. You should not see yourselves only as partners in the Inter-American challenge to move the Hemisphere forward, but also as leaders who hold in your hands the power and potential to help shape the future of these Americas for its citizens.
As I said earlier, the reality is that security often means different things to different people at different times. What one state considers an inconsequential or fleeting economic, environmental or social challenge may be looked upon by another as a threat to its very survival. I spoke about the heterogeneous nature of the Americas and the OAS, which demands a differentiated approach to the needs and priorities of the sub-regions. This is why it is equally important to understand the regional and local context in which our institutions operate; the sources of conflict and security threats, to fully grasp their meaning and inter-relationship within small societies and beyond.
As you go forth, I encourage you to be mindful that security in the Americas requires a holistic approach - one in which no country is obliged to act alone, irrespective of strength – because member states need each other, they need regional partners and the continued assistance of institutions like the OAS and IADB. More importantly, as has become evident in the past, the IADB and IADC should play a more strategic role in providing the OAS with accurate information on current, evolving or projected security policy frameworks in member states; help to liaise with the security apparatuses of individual countries; to promote and foster dialogue; and provide exchanges on national security issues and challenges affecting each country.
I believe that in the past, that the lack of coordination between civilian and military personnel represented missed opportunities both for dialogue and information sharing among national security actors within the sub-regions, other regions and the hemisphere. In addition, financial and institutional constraints associated with geographic size and level of development of particular countries have also limited the ability of certain countries to act; which clearly underscores the need for a sub-regional approach; and the strengthening of a partnership with institutions like the Inter-American Defense Board and College to address this void.
Such cooperation represents a wonderful opportunity for these countries to access additional valuable research and training resources, which are sorely needed but which can successfully address a vast scope of security and other needs. In light of increasing changes and challenges, the OAS has undertaken to reposition itself, to restructure departments and programs, and to solidify partnerships such as this which exists with the Inter-American Defense Board/College in order to support the concerns and meet many of the challenges of all of its 34 member states.
I would like to repeat some recommendations I made in March because they are important and valid. In my view, as the hemispheric security agenda continues to expand, the role of the OAS as a partner for peace and security will become even more critical. The security needs and responses of member states can only be adequately addressed through the power of partnership and shared approaches. To accomplish this objective, the OAS in partnership with the IADB must better collaborate and reinforce our ability to support member states in their security efforts, but on different levels as well. We must continue to work towards stronger, more effective bilateral and sub-regional cooperation on security-related matters by using more effectively existing multilateral mechanisms like the OAS and IADC/IADB.
We must promote greater cooperation between civilian and military actors responsible for all aspects of the security agenda, both at the national and sub-regional levels, in order to strengthen conflict-prevention mechanisms, minimize duplication while maximizing the use of resources and human capacity. It is also important to improve civilian/military coordination, within the framework of citizenship participation, food security, trade and access, better health care and any other security related issues that will better equip us to cope with and adequately respond to current or emerging threats. To do this, it is essential to have access to reliable data and solid information on the legal frameworks. This should allow us to be able to assist countries to re-define the respective roles of the police and the armed forces, and to ensure complimentarity of each other’s functions.
I would also like to see increased sub-regional cooperation within some of the broad areas previously outlined so that major vulnerabilities which impact stability, the rule of law, governance and human security such as the HIV/AIDS pandemic, natural and man-made disasters and environmental degradation are mitigated as best as possible. I would be the first to admit that I do appreciate that these remain ambitious objectives for the hemisphere. But I assure you they are necessary now. I believe that member states will recognize the need for increased resources, cooperation among themselves as well as collaboration with other regional and sub-regional partners with appropriate expertise such as the Inter-American Defense Board and College. The OAS welcomes and thanks the IADB/IADC for your work in the areas of Action Against Anti-personnel Landmines; Follow-up to the Special Conference on Security; Military Spending and Transparency in Arms Acquisition; and Natural Disasters.
Both Secretary General Insulza and I have repeatedly stressed the value and importance of this partnership and we look forward to the continued collaboration with the Inter-American Defense College and its Board. As the Organization of American States continues its mandate to promote peace and security, strengthen justice and enhance solidarity in our hemisphere, we embrace the willing partnership of the Inter-American Defense Board and College.
Before I end, allow me to congratulate Lieutenant General Jorge Armando from Brazil and Chairman of the Inter-American Defense Board with his term in Office and thank him for the excellent leadership he has provides during his tenure and the effective collaboration established with the OAS General Secretariat. We wish you the very best for the future.
In closing, I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate you and your families with your achievement. As you return to your countries I wish you the very best and encourage you to remember the important nexus between democracy, security and development.
I thank you.