Su Excelencia el Dr. Francisco Santos Calderon, Vice-Presidente de la Republica de Colombia,
Su Excelencia el Dr. Diego Palacio, Ministro de Protection Social,
Su Excelencia Nicolas Curi Vergara, Alcalde de la Ciudad de Cartagena de Indias,
Su Excelencia Sara Oviedo, Presidenta del Consejo Directivo del Instituto Interamericano del Nino,
Su Excelencia Kirsys Fernandez de Valenzuela, Vice Presidenta del Consejo Directivo,
Sra. Maria de los Dolores Aguilar Marmolejo, Director General del Instituto Interamericano del Nino,
Sra. Elvira Forero, Director General del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar,
Distinguidos Representantes del Consejo Directivo del IIN,
Distinguidos Representantes del Cuerpo Diplomatico,
Distinguidos Representantes de Organizaciones Regionales e Internacionales,
Distinguidos Representantes de la Sociedad Civil,
Damas y Caballeros,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am indeed most privileged to address you at the Opening Session of this 82nd Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the Inter-American Children Institute. We are at the dawn of a new era for one of the oldest bodies in our region, a vital and dynamic body that protects the treasure and the future of our hemisphere and which is the most valuable asset of any country: our children.
Indeed, a long journey, from 1927 to 2007, has confirmed the critical role of the IIN for our region. This 80th anniversary constitutes, in my view, a unique opportunity to chart the course of our vision, to continue with energy and courage for the benefit of the children of the Americas. As we all know the IIN predated the OAS, in its current form. The IIN is of singular importance in articulating initiatives and actions that safeguard the rights and well-being of children and which have been enshrined in many inter-american instruments.
Damas y Caballeros,
En nombre de la Organización de Estados Americanos, quisiera expresar mi sincera y profunda apreciación al gobierno y al pueblo colombiano por su generosidad en acoger esta importante conferencia. Les agradezco su hospitalidad y los excelentes arreglos en el marco de este encuentro.
También, me da un gran placer estar aquí en su magnífica ciudad por la segunda vez en los últimos tres meses. En abril de este año, el distinguido alcalde, Su Excelencia Nicolás Curi me hizo el honor de entregarme la llave de la Ciudad de Cartagena. Señor Alcalde, me gustaría agradecerle una vez más por este honor y privilegio.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to recognize also the work of the Chairperson of the institute and the dynamism brought by the new Director General of the IIN. We note her experience and determination, and applaud the new approaches and policies that she is putting in place, the focus on building a new network to expand the activities of the IIN, and her continuing efforts to attract more resources and attention to the children’s agenda.
I also want to recognize the leadership and good work of the Mayor of Cartagena in improving the lives of children in this region. Political commitment and leadership at the highest level will be of utmost importance to achieve the objectives we have set and to effectively provide our disadvantaged children the life they deserve.
I want to take this opportunity to publicly express our satisfaction with the decision to establish a sub-regional office of the Instituto Interamericano del Nino for the Caribbean and Central America. I particularly thank the Government of the Dominican Republic for this initiative and for their offer to host this sub-regional office. We look forward to the establishment of this sub-regional office. In that context, I would like to propose for your consideration the possibility of convening the next meeting of the IIN in the Caribbean.
In my view, the IIN is at a turning point. While we must continually face the challenges arising from the very nature of our work and the inadequate attention that it often receives, we must also be prepared to identify, create and take advantage of opportunities.
The challenges, which we and the children of this hemisphere experience, are still enormous.
According to the Report on the “State of the World’s Children” issued last year by UNICEF, “Millions of children make their way through life impoverished, abandoned, uneducated, malnourished, discriminated against, neglected and vulnerable. For them, life is a daily struggle to survive, whether they live in urban centers or in rural outposts, they risk missing out on their childhood, … For these children, childhood as a time to grow, learn, play and feel safe is, in effect, meaningless”.
Our region bears the unhappy distinction of having among the highest rates of inequality in child mortality in distinct groups within the same country. This is one of the many examples which underscores that we need to make even more progress in our countries to meet the Millennium Development Goals related to children.
The issues that confront us today are many, among others, limited birth registration, malnutrition, child abduction, commercial sexual exploitation, and trafficking in persons particularly women and children. In sum, contributing to the respect for the rights of children requires fresh commitment, acknowledgement of the fact that children and youth issues should become our priority if we really to want to craft a better today and a brighter tomorrow.
In my view, there are still too many children living under extremely difficult and unacceptable conditions. Many children have no opportunity to attend school or receive the health care necessary to live a decent life. This is not something we can ignore. Government, private sector and civil society, indeed all of us have a role to play in bringing constructive change now.
Investing in the education, health care and well-being of our children is a strategic and necessary investment in the future of our nations.
Damas y caballeros,
El labor inmenso que tenemos por delante puede ser abordada con los mejores resultados si en ella abrimos los espacios necesarios para el desarrollo de una política institucional. Debemos identificar las prioridades, establecer alianzas estratégicas y fortalecer el rol del Instituto como referente y articulador del Sistema Interamericano en materia de niñez y adolescencia.
Recordemos que la intervención de las organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil en el tema de infancia posibilita la relación entre las personas y el Estado de forma ágil y constante. Esta invocación universal exige un examen acerca de su concreción. Les invito a todos a hacer que esta reunión logre lo mejor para la infancia, en areas de una América más comprometida e incluyente, acorde a los desafíos de nuestro tiempo.
En esta reunión se pondrá a su consideración el Plan de Acción para el presente mandato de la Directora General del Instituto que se suscribe a través de los elementos más importantes del Plan 2007 – 2011 y que innova en áreas importantes con acciones específicas.
To succeed in this undertaking, we need an Institute that responds to the challenges and needs of children and youth in all the Member States. We at the OAS and member states welcome the elaboration of a new vision by the new Director and her staff.
A stronger IIN, endowed with adequate personnel and resources will certainly help us to face the future with more hope and serenity.
Dejame reiterar el compromiso de la OEA para que esta reunión sea un evento que contribuya a marcar el rumbo de la infancia en el hemisferio, y que las recomendaciones y resoluciones que de ella se obtengan lleguen a cristalizar el deseo y las aspiraciones de los niños y niñas del hemisferio.
Consequently, we will be in a position to tap present and upcoming opportunities to promote the rights of children, to contribute to their well-being, and to work toward strengthening families and communities.
South America, North America, Central America and the Caribbean should join forces to preserve our gains in children issues, and to ensure that our region reaches a minimum common level of achievement in pursuing this noble cause of turning our children into citizens imbued with democratic values and capable of realizing their full potential.
I would like to mention also that the 2006 General Assembly approved Resolution 2193 which contains provisions for the creation of a specifc fund for the Children of the Americas to “foster solidarity and to provide financing for projects, programs, and activities in the promotion and protection of the human rights of the children of the Americas, combat all forms of violations of their human rights, and contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals as they pertain to children”.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me close by saying that I always welcome the opportunity to address the issue of children and youth, their role in society, the responsibility of society to provide them with access to opportunity. I believe that in our Hemisphere where in many of our countries more than half of the population fall into this category, we have an obligation and a responsibility to provide the opportunity for children and youth to realize their full potential. We must protect their rights with vigor, promote their growth and development with resolve, and create an enabling environment that supports the expression of creativity, new ideas and innovation.
Only in so doing can we assure that our Hemisphere becomes a model of promise, hope and possibility in crafting a brighter future for our region and our world.
Muchas gracias.