Mr. Chairman, Ambassador Reynaldo Cuadros Anaya, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Bolivia,
Ambassador Javier Sancho, Permanent Observer of Spain to the Organization of American States,
Distinguished Permanent Representatives,
Distinguished Permanent Observers,
Distinguished Representatives of Indigenous Organization
Distinguished Delegates,
Colleagues from the Organization of American States,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am pleased to join you this morning to commemorate the Encounter of the two Worlds. Actually, this encounter was one of the first steps toward creating a globalized world. In a sense, we are commemorating the spirit of adventure, entrepreneurship and risk taking. We celebrate, also, the fact that the world today is almost fully connected and that our individual action here can influence the lives of others elsewhere on the globe.
The lesson of this experience is that, through perseverance, it is possible to achieve great accomplishments even though we may miss our original goal. This spirit of exploration and discovery continues to live on in the Americas today and makes our region a rich and diverse cultural space, a beacon of hope and freedom, nurtured by complex and diverse ancestral traditions and knowledge.
The strong ties between Spain and the Americas have evolved over more than five centuries and remain strong and dynamic today. On behalf of the General Secretariat, I thank the Government and People of Spain for their support and commitment to this Organization and for the assistance provided over the past years to its member states.
Today, rich in diversity and united in a commitment to democracy and development, the peoples of our hemisphere can move forward in partnership recognizing and responding with purpose to the difficult challenges that confront our nations, large and small. We can also celebrate looking forward to the possibility of realizing our vast potential, the perfection of our democratic institutions, the protection and promotion of our freedoms and human rights, and our commitment to ensuring that all of our peoples are provided with the tools to share in economic and social benefits.
Distinguished Representatives, while we cannot and should not live in the past, at the same time we cannot forget the past as it contains important lessons for our actions today and in the future; actions that must always include respect, understanding, justice, equity and solidarity.
More than five centuries after the Encounter of the two Worlds, this Hemisphere is enriched by the diversity of cultures, races, and languages as well as political and social systems. We have not only strengthened relations among the countries and regions of this Hemisphere, but our region has also become more fully integrated into the global system. One study reported by The Latin Business Chronicle established a globalization index of 18 countries based on four factors: exports, imports, foreign direct investment and internet penetration, that measure a country’s link with the outside world. Based on these indicators, the study concluded that countries such as Panama, Costa Rica and Paraguay are among the most globalized countries in the world.
As we unite to commemorate this watershed moment in history, we are reminded of the vast and inextricable web of linkages that connect our countries as individual actors in a global system. Economic jolts around the world, such as the financial turmoil being experienced today, remind us that no single country can succeed alone. That might also imply that no country flounders on its own. More than ever, the butterfly effect, according to which a butterfly flaps its wings in Asia can create a storm in America, can be clearly seen.
The ability to set aside differences and work toward consensus, as demonstrated so often right here in the House of the Americas, reflects this awareness and underscores the value of partnership and collaboration among states.
In that sense, I believe that the role of the OAS has become even more relevant as we bring together all the countries in the Americas to work together to build peace, democracy, security, prosperity, and development. Even as we celebrate today, we take the time to draw lessons from the past so that, together, we can continue to forge a safe future imbued with solidarity, inclusiveness, compassion and meaningful cooperation.
Thank you.