Distinguished Permanent Representatives and Permanent Observers to the Organization of American States,
Representatives of delegates to the Inter-American Defense Board,
Honorable Rear Admiral Moira Flanders, Director of the Inter-American Defense College,
Honorable Vice Admiral Elis T. Oberg, Chairman of the Inter-American Defense Board,
Honorable Brigadier General Ancil Antoine, Director General of the Inter-American Defense Board,
Honorable major general Larrea, Congratulations with your induction today,
Distinguished Staff members of the Inter-American Defense College,
A special welcome to the Graduates of Class 2009 and their families,
My colleagues from the OAS, especially Mr. Abraham Stein from the Secretariat for Multidimensional Security,
Good morning Ladies and gentlemen,
I have had the distinct honor and privilege to address the College on numerous occasions but this time it is particularly satisfying to be able to speak to the graduates of this very important institution as we live in very exciting times. In many ways challenging times for all of us, but also a time with hope and optimism for better relations in our Western Hemisphere.
I want to take the opportunity to thank Rear Admiral Moira Flanders, your distinguished leader and director, for inviting me to share this important moment for the Inter-American College and for the opportunity to address the new graduates of Class 48.
I firmly believe that the Inter-American Defense College can play a fundamental role in supporting the major pillars of the Organization of American States. In my view, the reinvigorated and redefined relationship between the Inter-American Defense College/the Inter-American Defense Board and the OAS allows the hemispheric body and its member states to have greater access to technical expertise and educational advice on hemispheric military, defense and security issues. This new relationship is not only important to the OAS in our ever-changing political and economic landscape and but essential in fulfilling the mandates of the Organization in such areas as security, demining, natural disasters, peace and stability.
As you leave the College today, I am certain that many of you will want to use the knowledge and lessons you have learned at the College to make a difference in the lives of the citizens you serve. It may be useful; therefore, to point out some of the challenges you will face as you move forward.
Without a doubt, the world has undergone and continues to witness fundamental and transformative changes. Certainly, the global financial crisis has impacted both small and large economies and changed the way we see ourselves and the rest of the world. But we must remember that with every crisis comes the seeds of opportunity and change.
Within the context of inter-American relations, 2009 will be remembered for several significant milestones and historical events. The Fifth Summit of the Americas held in Trinidad & Tobago and the recent historic General Assembly in San Pedro Sula, Honduras are a watershed and have ushered in unprecedented opportunities for constructive dialogue and multilateralism in the Western Hemisphere.
Of historic importance was, of course, the decision of member states to revoke Resolution VI of 1962 opening up the way for Cuba to become an active member of the Organization, upon its own request and in accordance with the principles, purpose and instruments of the hemispheric body.
In tandem with these opportunities is the emergence of new leaders, different, and sometimes competing, political approaches and diverging perspectives and objectives on society, development and security. It is of critical importance for our Inter-American partners to reflect on the dynamic environment and to assist in this dialogue towards a strengthened inter-American system with more unity and solidarity.
The 21st century will be marked by many contending actors seeking greater power on the world stage. Across politics, economics, culture, military strength, a new world order is emerging. Countries such as China, Brazil, India, and groups like the European Union are now major, regional powers in the global system, which offer new avenues for international cooperation. While such developments may provide for new financial and economic opportunities, it will be important to track their overall impact on society, the economy and the relations in the inter-American system.
As graduates, preparing to face the challenges and opportunities of this new global and hemispheric reality, you have a responsibility to further nurture democracy. You must assist in improving democratic governance by upholding the right of the individual to personal security and a better quality of life. You must collaborate to promote employment opportunities at home, encourage investment in education and health care, underpin and uphold the rule of law and the pillars of social justice.
You cannot see yourselves only as partners in our collective and individual efforts to move our Hemisphere forward, but also as leaders who hold in your hands the power and opportunity to help shape the future of the Americas for its citizens.
Dear graduates, ladies and gentlemen, as you go forth, I encourage you to be mindful that security in the Americas requires a holistic and multilateral approach - one in which no country is obliged to act alone, irrespective of strength – but to work together to harness the power of the common good through multilateralism. Member states cannot act alone or in isolation, because member states need each other, they need regional partners and the continued collaboration of institutions like the OAS and IADB to achieve the objectives of peace, security and prosperity.
Ladies and gentlemen, in my view, the IADB and IADC should play a more strategic role in providing the OAS and member states with accurate information and sound analysis on current, evolving or anticipated threats to security in member states.
In my opinion, as the hemispheric security agenda continues to expand and transnational problems intensify, the role of the OAS as a unique multilateral vehicle and also as a partner for peace and security will become even more critical and necessary. The security needs and responses of member states can only be adequately addressed through the power of partnership and shared approaches.
To accomplish this objective, the OAS in partnership with the IADB must better collaborate and reinforce our ability to support member states in their security efforts. We must continue to work towards stronger, more effective bilateral and sub-regional cooperation on security-related matters through more effective use of existing multilateral mechanisms like the OAS and IADC/IADB.
It is also important to improve civilian/military coordination, to address issues such as citizenship participation, food security, trade and access, better health care and other security-related issues that will better equip us to cope with and adequately respond to current or emerging threats.
The OAS welcomes and appreciated the assistance from the IADB/IADC in the areas of action against anti-personnel landmines, the follow-up to the Special Conference on Security, on military spending and transparency in arms acquisition, and on natural disasters.
As the Organization of American States continues its mandate to promote peace and security, strengthen justice and enhance solidarity in our hemisphere, we embrace the willing partnership of the Inter-American Defense Board and College.
In closing, I take this opportunity to congratulate you and your families on your achievement. I encourage you to remember the important nexus between democracy, multidimensional security and integral development and your role in its preservation and in the establishment of peace, stability and prosperity in society.
As you return to your countries, I wish you the very best. Dear friends, in all you undertake, let integrity and fairness be your shield, hard work and discipline your armor and truth and honesty your ammunition. I wish you above all good health and happiness.
I thank you for your kind attention.