Vice President of Nicaragua; Minister Barañao of Argentina, Chairman of the COMCYT; other Ministers; Vice-minister; Directors General; Executive Secretary of SEDI; special guests; ladies and gentlemen:
I am pleased to welcome you to the Sixth Meeting of the COMCYT, which as you know, is a direct follow up to the ministerial process which begun during the Second Meeting of ministers and High Authorities on Science and Technology held in Mexico City in October 2008, which I was honored to attend and address also.
We meet today to review the progress made in three critical areas central to the Hemisphere’s objectives in integral development, natural resource management and economic productivity and competitiveness and those are: science, technology, engineering and innovation. Given the significant impact that these three areas have on our regional economic development, Member States agreed to give a progress report in all the areas during the Second Ministerial Meeting.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe that our hemisphere’s future competitiveness relies on having a workforce highly skilled in mathematics, science and technology. If we want to increase productivity, bring development to the people, and empower them to find greater opportunities whilst fighting poverty, we must make greater investment in science and technology.
Unfortunately, in this hemisphere, despite recognition of these critical areas in promoting development; investment in science and technology, particularly at the secondary school level, has fallen behind those of almost all other advanced nations.
In fact, a recent study (conducted by the Inter-American Development Bank) found that in industrialized countries a great percentage of economic growth is due to higher levels of productivity resulting from major scientific and technological advances. Unfortunately, this is not the case for all the countries of our hemisphere.
Countries that excel in innovation and knowledge-based products and services are those that have invested in the intellectual development of their citizen.
For example, Japan invests 3.44% of GDP in R&D; Sweden 3.75% and Germany 2.53% and by contrast Brazil invests 1.13%; Mexico .37% and Trinidad & Tobago is 0.06%. This problem, while very real, can be rendered more manageable in the medium to long term if governments make greater investment in education for development. But it can also be facilitated through greater hemispheric cooperation.
The OAS has long recognized that in order to improve employment opportunities and more permanent jobs, member states must first ensure quality education for all its citizens, promote literacy for democratic citizenry, fight poverty and achieve greater social inclusion. Given that technology is a fundamental tool in promoting education for development, it critical to create sound public policies.
It is essential to point out that Latin America and the Caribbean are still relatively young regions. In fact, 67.5% of the total population of the LAC region -- close to 350 million people -- is under 35 years of age. And there is a growing concern that the younger generation is becoming disengaged from the political and social structures that determine their future development and wellbeing.
It is therefore important that our inter-American system respond; and promote greater involvement of youth in matters of social, cultural, economic, political, and, especially, scientific and technological importance. This, of course, must begin at an early level, thus the fundamental importance of high quality math and science programs from as early as elementary school. We need a structural, not an ad hoc approach.
And because no modern economy can compete successfully in the global market without proper investment in math education, science and technology, it is important to recognize that when students are exposed to math and science at primary and secondary education levels, this dramatically improves their analytical skills, writing and reading techniques and innovative potentials.
Therefore, a decline in the number of young people exposed to math and science instruction has a commensurate impact on the level of productivity and innovation in a given society and its prospects for future growth and development. In this regard you may want to take a look at the efforts and results of the Young Americas Business Trust, an OAS affiliate that promotes entrepreneurship among the youth.
Governments should finds ways to: Build a stronger culture of entrepreneurship and innovation by
(a) educating our young citizens on the value of science and technology;
(b) promoting better understanding of the role science and technology education plays in development; and
(c) sensitizing citizens to modern technological trends.
In conclusion let me reiterate the following points:
• Member states need to demonstrate the political will and understanding to act expeditiously on the importance of science and technology for the sustainability of our societies and to create an environment for progress.
• We need to mobilize all resources and expertise at a national and regional level, with a special focus on the partnership with academia, the business community and the Government. I would like to reiterate the importance of sound public policies that allow for the private sector to contribute to greater growth and productivity. The private sector can play an essential role in ensuring solid, transformative investment in research and development, in particular engineering and product innovation. Governments must create the policy framework and ensure requisite support.
• We need to strengthen existing alliances at the hemispheric level and continue building partnerships so as to pool scientific and technological resources and to benefit from each others best practices. There is an urgent need for regional initiatives that successfully combine and promote engineering and entrepreneurship to foster development and future prosperity.
• There is a need to increase investments in the education of math, science and technology, with the objective to improve competiveness and to enhance creative critical mass, which is the only way to increase productivity and therefore wealth in our countries.
• Undoubtedly an extra effort need to be made to support the youth as future leaders in business and government, as inventors and engineers.
Therefore, it is my hope that this COMCYT Meeting, in addition to tracking the progress made by member States, will also serve as an opportunity to maximize available resources, especially through horizontal cooperation, take full advantage of our regions’ human capital; and make it easier for our people to use science and technology to transform their lives and societies for the better, not only by reducing poverty but also in making them creative, competitive participants in the global marketplace.
You can be assured of the commitment of the OAS and its leadership to these objectives.
I thank you and wish you a most productive meeting.