I want to thank the Finnish Government and, especially Ambassador Janne Taales for the invitation and for hosting this gathering on the very important topic of non-proliferation in the Americas, and for their long-term commitment to the important work of the UN Security Council in this region and around the world.
I also want to thank Ambassador Heller, the current Chairman of the UN 1540 Committee for his leadership and vision in moving the implementation of Resolution 1540 forward across the globe, but in particular, here in the Americas. I also want to acknowledge Brian Finlay from the Stimson Center for his tireless efforts and commitment to working with regional and sub-regional organizations like the OAS, CARICOM, and SICA to seek out synergies and find creative ways of responding to the pressing development and human security needs of these sub-regions. The OAS is proud to partner with “The Next 100 initiative of the Stimson Center, which brings together governments, and international and regional organizations together in support of this important resolution. I also wish to recognize the invaluable role of my own advisor, Yadira Soto, in advancing the cause of implementation of Resolution 1540 in the Western Hemisphere.
Let me take this opportunity to recognize the invaluable support of the Finnish Government in facilitating the work of the OAS and the Stimson Center in relation to UN Res. 1540. Without this support, our collective outreach efforts, regional meetings and work undertaken by Stimson in the Americas would not have been possible. Additionally, it is the Government of Finland’s keystone support that has allowed my organization, the OAS, to play a leadership role in highlighting the relevant "security-development links” in the promotion of UN Res. 1540 in our hemisphere. Their willingness to try and break the traditional way of thinking about nonproliferation and how we engage the Global South on these issues--including governments across the Americas-- has transformed the work of the UN 1540 Committee, and opened new pathways to achieving both enduring security, and sustainable development.
I would like to take a few moments to brief UN member states on the importance of continuing to work on a sub-regional basis in the promotion and implementation of UN Res 1540. Since 2006, the Organization of American States (OAS) has been actively supporting and promoting the full implementation of UNSCR 1540 in the Americas. Of course, we have done so through the formal channels available to us, working with individual governments of the region through our Committee on Hemispheric Security (CHS).
But significantly, we have also reached out beyond the traditional mechanisms of our organization: to the United Nations; to sub-regional organizations such as the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Central American Integration System (SICA), and to NGOs like the Stimson Center, the Arias Foundation for Peace, and the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development. Our commitment is not only to the process but our commitment is primarily to making a difference on the ground—and that is what this initiative has accomplished. The presence of O’Neil Hamilton, the CARICOM Coordinator of 1540 is testament to this fact.
As many of you already know, many Member States of the OAS find themselves challenged on a daily basis by pressing economic, and development challenges, such as, natural disasters, health, social issues, including exclusion, inequality and discrimination, while simultaneously threatened by an array of security challenges from drug trafficking to the illicit trade in small arms, including human trafficking and institutionalized organized crime. Press headlines speak almost daily to the serious development and human security challenges that impinge upon the peaceful and safe existence of a large percentage of citizens across the Americas.
It was in this environment that the Security Council came together in 2004 to pass Resolution 1540 for the prevention of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. This was a positive and defining moment for international security. However the benefits of this international agenda did not materialize in direct benefits to the pressing domestic issues and priorities of a different nature at the national level.
By 2006, we recognized that effective implementation of Resolution 1540 required an innovative new approach that broke with tradition—that serviced a wider array of national challenges—that bridged the security/development divide.
This innovative approach to implementation of UNSCR 1540 captivated my attention since I strongly believe it is a pragmatic approach in terms of promoting peace, prosperity and people’s interests through strengthening democracy, security and development.
Within the context of the OAS, we have come to realize that one cannot have development without security, and that one cannot achieve security without sustainable development. These are the now famous words of former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan—words that have been given practical meaning by the current UN Secretary General and by our own efforts in the Americas.
Through the initiatives sponsored by the Government of Finland and promoted by the Stimson Center and others, organizations like the OAS, CARICOM, the United Nations, along with key nonproliferation donors have been able to unite efforts in sensitizing and working with national governments on the importance of achieving implementation of 1540. A combination of a bottom-up approach is needed to raise awareness and ownership. Although much more needs to be done, we have been able to leverage support that brings together “obligations” with real needs.
Needs such as poverty, failing public health, youth gangs and violence, small arms and drug trafficking—can be addressed through an innovative “dual-benefit” assistance that can be drawn from nonproliferation accounts to meet these priorities while simultaneously ensuring the nonproliferation of WMD.
The OAS and Stimson have worked with individual states, but also in a regional context connecting states through existing regional infrastructures, including the System for the Central American Integration (SICA) and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all template with regards to a regional approach, such a modus operandi is logical because of the transnational nature of regional development and security concerns, as well as several of Resolution 1540’s provisions. Making progress in all three of these areas requires cooperation between neighboring states.
Successful , effective and efficient multilateral cooperation can only be achieved through a regional international framework, where we are able to ensure consistency so that efforts are not duplicated, scarce resources do not go to waste, and one country’s advancements are not immediately undercut by a gap in another. The regional context also provides an opportunity for states to discuss and establish, among other things, cost-sharing plans, to exchange model legislation, and to collaborate on enforcement mechanisms.
The Caribbean region is an excellent example of how a sub-regional approach can open paths to assisting states meet their obligation under UN Res. 1540, and in so doing has been able to advance other development and security related priorities beyond WMD proliferation. We are mitigating conflict in society by creating a useful and meaningful development platform.
In the case of the Caribbean positive results have included increased streams of international funding at both the regional and national level to support security and development objectives such as countering small arms proliferation, drug trafficking, and various other forms of criminality that threaten human security and civil society.
A similar model is currently being considered in Central America through regional meetings and cooperation under the auspices of the Central American System for Integration (SICA). Recognizing the multiple advantages that a 1540 Coordinator offers, SICA recently submitted to the UN 1540 Committee a request for funding to hire an individual with a similar job description to that of the CARICOM 1540 Coordinator.
I strongly believe that in order for this model to continue to be successful, the international community must remain committed to working on a sub-regional basis. To that end, I would encourage donor states to respond favorably to the request from the Central American Integration System and to continue working with SICA, CARICOM and the OAS in this regard. .
At the international level, we must strengthen our collaboration with the UN 1540 Committee. As we have discussed with Ambassador Heller, and other member states, regional organizations can serve as conduits for their members to approach their challenges collectively; therefore we must aim at strengthening regional cooperation within the Western Hemisphere as well as with the United Nations.
This is precisely what we at the OAS are striving for in this process. This is why we have facilitated with the Stimson Center several meetings in the Caribbean and in Central America. And that is why I will be traveling to Lima Peru, next month to continue working with the UN and other member governments in promoting champions and leaders throughout the Americas in the full implementation of this important resolution, especially with a focus on the Andean Community.
Once again, I thank you for your support and I look forward to continuing our collective efforts.