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April 7, 2011 - Panama City, Panama

Quiero en primer lugar, agradecer a la APEDE por la invitación a participar en esta importante Conferencia Anual de Ejecutivos de Empresa y por la hospitalidad generosa y fraternal que hemos recibido en esta hermosa ciudad de Panamá. Deseo felicitarles por esta importante iniciativa que permite al sector privado debatir y ofrecer recomendaciones en temas de relevancia para el bienestar de los panameños y panameñas.

Felicito también la selección del tema ¨Seguridad Ciudadana: Paz para el Desarrollo¨ para esta conferencia porque hoy por hoy la violencia, el crimen y la inseguridad constituyen uno de los principales desafíos para la democracia, paz y prosperidad de los países del hemisferio. Y aquí deseo reconocer la a la Misión Permanente de Panamá ante la OEA, encabezada por el embajador Guillermo Cochez, que está apoyando la agenda de la OEA en temas como seguridad, democracia y desarrollo.

Me atrevería a decir que la mayor prueba de liderazgo mundial en el Siglo Veintiuno será definida por la capacidad de los líderes de trabajar unidos para enfrentar los desafíos de seguridad actuales.

Por ello, hoy estoy especialmente agradecido por tener la oportunidad de hablar con todos ustedes, porque si bien sus empresas tienen demandas de mostrar ganancias a corto plazo, los retos de un mundo que cambia rápidamente requieren que ustedes también se enfoquen en su entorno y en temas a largo plazo.

Además, el sector privado tiene la capacidad no sólo para generar negocios y crear empleos, sino también para ayudar a resolver grandes problemas en nuestras sociedades. Y aquí deseo reiterar el mensaje que algunos expositores ya han comunicado en estos dos días de conferencia sobre la importancia de que el sector privado tome un rol activo en el desarrollo de una estrategia nacional de seguridad ciudadana. Solo así podrán asegurar que Panamá mantenga la trayectoria democrática y de crecimiento económico lograda en los últimos años.

Teniendo en cuenta el momento histórico que la región está experimentando en cuanto a la inseguridad y la violencia y sus negativas consecuencias, me atrevería a decir que estamos frente a uno de los más importantes retos para la democracia y la paz del continente en esta década. La buena noticia para Panamá, y todos ustedes, es que con la consolidación de su democracia en los últimos veinte años, ustedes están en una mejor posición para desarrollar e implementar una estrategia de seguridad.

Señoras y señores, permítanme ahora continuar mi presentación en inglés.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is estimated that drug trade is equivalent to 2% of world’s Gross Domestic Product and for strategic geopolitical regions, such as Central America, this poses a threat to the very concept of the nation state. The current insecurity trend, especially poses a threat to governance in vulnerable States and regions within countries, which are at greater risk both because they are easy victims of organized crime, and because crime deepens their vulnerability. And Central American countries, in particular Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, can attest to this with the highest murder rate of any region in the world.

Ladies and gentlemen, while today we can celebrate the virtual end of political violence and instability that dominated the 80s and early 90s, existing security threats have the risk to undo all the significant progress made in recent decades in consolidating democracy, alleviating poverty, and improving living standards in the Hemisphere.

I would like to refer in particular to the current threat to our democracies and democratic institutions. For the first time in decades, the population of Latin America identifies crime and insecurity as a major concern, even greater than unemployment.

A 2010 Latinobarometro report shows that in some countries where citizens have perceptions of high insecurity, there is lower satisfaction with democracy. Citizens perceptions of high insecurity give rise to distrust in the judiciary, in the police force, and in government institutions.

This is why at the Organization of American States we are particularly concerned about the impact of violence and insecurity on vulnerable democracies.

Risks to vulnerable democracies include a new protagonist role of the military, militarization of the police, punitive populism, tensions between the Executive and the Judiciary, and low levels of popularity rates for some democratically-elected government leaders. These risks, associated with lack of economic and social opportunities, are obscuring the important democratic progress that has occurred in the Americas in the past decades.

In addition, high rates of violent crimes against persons in Latin America and the Caribbean are alarming for democratic governance and the rule of law.

At these historic times, our nations need to develop rules and regulations regarding citizen security that take into account the interdependence and mutually reinforcing relationship of democracy, security and development, where one cannot succeed or be sustainable without the other. This very important notion of the inter-dependence between democratic forces, economic progress and a safe environment to build sustainable and peaceful societies is embedded in the founding documents of the OAS and also in the Inter-American Democratic Charter. A Charter which will celebrate this year, as it exists now, ten years, and which has been applied several times in spirit and in real terms.

Public policies on citizen security should focus on creating or strengthening State institutions that can effectively and efficiently respond to a democratic society's needs.

And here, allow me to also highlight that any public policy to address citizen security should also have a nexus to human rights. The OAS Inter-American Commission on Human Rights defines citizen security as a situation in which persons are able to live free of threats caused by violence and crime, and that the State has the necessary means to guarantee and protect human rights directly threatened by violence and crime.

A human rights perspective towards an adequate security framework calls for the strengthening of democratic participation of citizens and the implementation of policies focused on the protection of the individual instead of those focused solely on the security of the State or any particular system.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights´ Report ¨Citizen Security and Human Rights¨ states that citizen security policies that have been implemented historically in many States of the region have generally diverged from international human rights standards, and in many cases the authorities have resorted to the illegal and arbitrary use of force in the name of crime prevention and control. It notes that these policies have proven to be ineffective in solving society's demands for citizen security based upon harsher penalties, fewer procedural guarantees, and having adolescents charged as adults when accused of criminal offenses.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are all responsible for peace and security in our Hemisphere. This new challenge to our democracies requires that all stakeholders in society play a role in continuing to strengthen our democracies and maintaining peace and prosperity. This participation of stakeholders in societies needs to be structured, meaningful and serious, with the full commitment of all. Too many times we observe that structures are created but not functioning!

I believe that there is a need for a comprehensive business perspective towards security challenges facing our societies. It is in your interest because a country with an insecure climate will not attract investments. Your attention is also important from the perspective of corporate social responsibility to create safer, more productive and prosperous communities.

In modern governance, governments must be inclusive in the process of policy-making and their implementation, involving the private sector, labor unions and civil society. With a pragmatic approach, we will be able to use the potential of our societies to the fullest for the benefit of all.

This requires a mind-shift keeping in mind that the world economy neither transnational crime organizations stop to wait for differences within sectors in a country to be solved.

The security framework in our countries require a new vision, leadership, political will, and a mandate, with the participation of all stakeholders, to address emerging challenges that might prove even more serious than previous threats to our democracies, democratic institutions and democratic governance.

Crime and violence cannot only be resolved by taking short term measures, such as higher sentences, strengthening judicial systems, more training and better equipment for law enforcement forces, intra and inter-country operational collaboration, and legal cooperation. We must understand the underlying causes for crime and violence in our societies. This also requires changing the focus of attention from repression to prevention; a more structural approach with investments in institutions, education, social protection systems, job creation, and rural developments. In short: a more holistic and integrated approach.

Given the important interdependence between democracy, peace and development, any security strategy should also be conceived as part of a country development strategy. It cannot be conceived in isolation. The partnership between the private sector, labor unions, civil society and the State is essential to a modern strategy.

Citizen security involves relations between these multiple actors, at the national and local governments, and the mass media, and academia, in order to reinforce promotion of a culture of peace and non violence, and respond in a participatory, coordinated, and integrated manner to complex security threats in our countries.

Ladies and gentlemen, no country alone can solve the security challenges and facilitate economic development. Regional and multilateral cooperation is needed understanding that there are differences in the security needs and national challenges as well as varying perceptions of threats, priorities, and sub-regional particularities.

Therefore, I commend the recognition of the importance of a regional approach by the Central American governments, under the Central American Integration System. The launching of a Regional Security Strategy next June in Guatemala, as a regional model for the adoption of joint policies, for aligning identified priorities with resources and technical assistance, and for facilitating interagency coordination, is a promising initiative that is receiving great attention from the international community.

At the OAS, Member States agreed on a holistic approach toward hemispheric security: one that recognizes the interdependence of threats and challenges, at the international, national and local levels, as well the cross-border impact of these challenges. Among the different instruments and tools of the Inter-American System, one of the many success stories is the adoption of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) to assess the efforts of member states in combating illegal drug trafficking under the OAS Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD).

Recognizing the need to find regional solutions to the security threats in our Hemisphere, the next General Assembly of the Organization of American States, to be held in El Salvador in the first week of June, will focus on the theme ¨Citizen Security in the Americas.¨

This event, which gathers the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Western Hemisphere, will present a unique opportunity for governments to strengthen Inter-American cooperation on security and development.

Recognizing the importance of the private sector’s participation in the policy dialogue at the Inter-American level, the OAS will organize in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador and private sector leaders a Private Sector Forum and a Private Sector Dialogue with the governments of the Hemisphere. I encourage your different organizations and businesses to take part in this event and to use the General Assembly to put your priorities in the agenda of the governments of the Western Hemisphere.

In addition, the Sixth Regular Summit of the Americas, in April next year in Cartagena, Colombia, will provide another opportunity to the leaders of the region to demonstrate and solidify political will and collective commitment to peace, prosperity and democracy in the Americas.

And in closing, ladies and gentlemen, let us as governments, elected representatives, policymakers, business and community leaders not forget that the ultimate objective of our choices, decisions and actions as responsible citizens is to maintain and strengthen the solid foundation to the benefit of future generations to also live in peace in a secure environment and in prosperity.

I thank you very much for your attention. Muchas gracias!