It is a pleasure, once again to be part of this historic conference which, I am convinced more than ever, is a necessary and invaluable forum, as we move forward in addressing the diverse development, economic and security challenges all of our regions face. It is also a privilege to share this space with such respected and recognized leaders of the many regional organizations, civil society institutions represented here. In particular, I want to express my deep appreciation to GPACC, our partner, who has supported us in the organization of this event. I also want to convey a special thanks to SEGIB and the Spanish government for their generous hospitality and for making it possible to host this conference in this beautiful country. Finally, it is important to acknowledge the commitment and interest of those representing the public sector, academia, the private sector and civil society, who are our invaluable partners in ensuring the sustainability of our mission.
I am honoured to have been invited to deliver this keynote presentation on the role regional international organizations and civil society can play in strengthening global peace and security for development. This is a topic I consider challenging but critical to many of the institutions and governments present here, as we work together towards greater peace and stability in the world.
Permit me to begin with a few words about the Organization of American States, which I represent and which has been committed to promoting the need for greater cooperation between regional organizations and civil society for at least the last decade. As some of you may know, the OAS is the oldest regional political organization in the world, based on the ideas of Simón Bolívar to create one, united hemisphere. To a certain degree, this vision of Simón Bolívar was realized through the creation of the OAS, as it is able to provide leadership in the Americas by bringing together 34 Member States from the Western Hemisphere, 68 Permanent Observers from Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa, as well as other specialized agencies, to give political momentum to the inter-American agenda. The OAS represents an enormous diversity of nations in many ways, from the most powerful and developed country to member states with no more than fifty thousand inhabitants. It is in this diversity that the OAS as a multilateral platform adopts resolutions and mandates through a process of consensus building and through consultation, cooperation and negotiation. Every member state has an equal right to express its views and contribute to the political agenda of the hemispheric body.
The original purpose of the OAS was to strengthen democracy collectively, while securing a prosperous and safe community of nations in the Western Hemisphere. Today, the four pillars of the OAS are the promotion of democracy and democratic governance, respect for human rights, citizen security and socio-economic development. The OAS recognizes that these pillars are interdependent, complementary and mutually reinforcing; the strength of each is critical to the integrity of the whole edifice and the quest for peace and prosperity.
I firmly believe that as members of the larger peace-building community, we must expand our networks and partnerships across regions to exchange information and ideas; to generate cutting edge proposals; and to promote collective efforts to address the critical peace and security challenges all of our regions currently face. Taking into account the global interdependence and interconnectedness between countries, the recent historic changes taking place in regions of the world and the impact of the global financial, economic and environmental crises, I believe that this global dialogue on strengthening peace is not only timely and important, but necessary as well.
I am certain this conference will mark the beginning of an important global process, whereby new and existing alliances will be strengthened and ideas will flourish on the path forward.
The Global Context
It is perhaps an understatement to say we are living in interesting times. Just last week, we received the news that the world population had reached 7 billion people. This is a daunting number and there is nothing more frightening for our generation than to try to comprehend how our societies will be able to co-exist in such a fast-growing, complex and globalized world, where each and every region will be forced to make difficult decisions about the future of their youth, the preservation of their cultures and religions, their customs and their languages and their natural environment. Moreover, how will our leaders guarantee peace and prosperity in a safe and secure environment for all their people? The obvious truth is that our individual leaders and governments will not be able to tackle the overwhelming peace and security challenges alone. No country, continent or specific region can address this myriad of issues alone. And the business sector and civil society cannot be left out of this equation.
No doubt, we all are individually and collectively responsible for creating and maintaining peace in our respective societies.
We are, today, confronted with a historically unprecedented combination of political and governance challenges: the global economic crisis, poverty, inequality and inequity, social exclusion, food insecurity, volatile energy prices, the potential escalation of tension and conflict in different parts of the world, and the looming threat of climate change and its subsequent impact on life in general.
At the same time, we are told that the developing world has made tremendous progress in reducing levels of poverty and increasing access to basic services and benefits. A recent report published by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), titled Mapping Progress, Evidence for a New Development Outlook, states that “the past two decades have delivered unprecedented progress and improvements in the quality of life across the developing world”. Poverty levels have declined in the global south, and according to the ODI, “the number of low-income countries fell from 60 in 2003 to just 39 in 2009”.
This is certainly welcome news for many of the regions represented at this conference and I am pleased to say that the Latin America and Caribbean region in the last two decades have been making great strides in economic and political terms. Furthermore, I believe that it is no coincidence that democracy is the only form of government for the overwhelming majority of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, which, so far, and for the most part have been able to weather the economic downturn.
However, our world today is faced with numerous dichotomies, constantly pulling and pressing our governments and civil society in many different ways and directions - from the urgent need to reform financial systems and regulatory frameworks to the absolute need to protect the many social and political gains of the last twenty-five years.
Thus, I strongly believe, that as our regions look for ways to position themselves in what I would loosely term an emerging new world order – others might say, disorder - and strive for more just and equitable societies, we should work toward three primary goals:
1) Focus on a more holistic, integral and sustainable development paradigm that takes into consideration the interdependence and inextricable link between peace, security and development in an ever-changing global environment. One that is not only geared towards profit making, but that has at its center the human and creative potential of our societies, one that aims at equality and equity, one that promotes the sustainable use of the existing natural resources.
2) Find mechanisms for greater cooperation and strategic alliances between governments, private sector, civil society, international and regional organizations. And maybe it is also time to reconsider the purpose, mandates and actions of global and regional multilateal frameworks, so as to promote a more inclusive dialogue on global governance through a stronger and reinvigorated multilateralism.
3) Broaden the participation of all sectors of society, especially youth, women and other marginalized segments in our societies, through equitable democratic inclusion.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have to ensure that democracy works and delivers on its promises. I believe that once we take upon us to promote democracy and its accompanying principles, norms and institutional frameworks, we also place upon ourselves as representatives of international and regional organizations, as private sector and the wider civil society, the responsibility to defend and safeguard democracy. Democratically elected governments are supposed to be Governments of the people. I, therefore, believe that when democratically elected Governments embark on a road of suppressing fundamental and universal freedoms and rights; of obstructing dialogue or opportunities for democratic engagement and inclusion, these Governments cannot, by definition, be considered to be Governments of the people.
I also firmly believe that regardless of the region of the world, for peace to be sustainable, governments, regional organizations and civil society need to focus on people, on creating a positive climate for social peace and economic growth and development.
Peace, Security and Development
It is therefore in this context that I speak to you today about the creation and implementation of an effective and inclusive framework to promote peace, enhance security and advance towards sustainable development.
This interrelationship between peace, security and development can be seen from two perspectives. The first perspective is the impact that instability and insecurity have on development and economic growth. No low-income, fragile or conflict-affected country has yet achieved a single Millennium Development Goal.
A great percentage of the funds that should be used in development are used to deal with conflicts. Last year alone, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America’s combined military spending was more than $520 Billion, a staggering amount that dwarfs the resources needed to reach the targets of the Millennium Development Goals.
In contrast, stable and secure countries attract investment, generate economic growth and employment, and more government revenues which allow for greater investments in social programs. The second perspective refers to the impact that inequity and lack of economic opportunities have on the poor and on political stability, and the escalation of violence and crime. This is a particular threat to peace and security in the Americas, where in many Central American countries youth view organized crime as an attractive alternative for making a living. It is a valuable reminder that the Arab Spring was fueled by poverty, unemployment and lack of economic opportunity.
In the Western Hemisphere, we continue to battle these very same issues which have manifest themselves through criminal networks with a strong capacity to influence various sectors of the population, the economy, politics, justice and the media. An increasing threat, along with drug violence, is the spread of gang-related violence and the progressive diversification of organized criminal activities in the region, including migrant smuggling, kidnapping, sex-trafficking and extortion (including “taxing” businesses).
Societies with low levels of security breed an atmosphere where gangs and organized crime can operate almost freely, filling the void of legitimate sources of authority and institutions, thus increasing corruption and reducing public trust in the State. We are witnessing this phenomenon around the globe as local and national governments continue their struggle to find ways of stemming the spread of violence and insecurity.
In 2003, OAS member states recognized that a multidimensional approach for addressing security threats was vital to sustaining democratic governance and strengthening the foundation of democracy in our societies. Thus, member states have worked tirelessly to address the broad array of security concerns and review how they can create and strengthen the conditions for stability and security through a comprehensive security arrangement that prioritizes the social and economic needs of the entire population.
We have also recognized the important relationship between democratic forces, economic opportunity and progress and a safe environment. This principle is not only embedded in the founding Charter of the OAS, but was strengthened through the landmark Inter-American Democratic Charter, which was unanimously approved by all 34 member states in 2001.
Forging a new Development Paradigm: Addressing the Challenges of Demographics, Youth, Resources and Climate Change
Ladies and Gentlemen, too often we find ourselves scrambling to manage the impact of current shifts in the balance of economic and financial power from the West to the East. I believe it is incumbent on all of us to step up and contribute to a new world order through a new development paradigm that not only takes into account the importance of preserving peace, security and sustainable economic growth, but incorporates the reality of our regional contexts in a pragmatic and equitable manner.
We can no longer remain complacent about the real development needs of the majority of our populations. Currently, there are more than 3 Billion people, nearly half of humankind, subsisting on less than two-and-a-half dollars per person per day. The inequalities suffered by these populations extend beyond income to health and well-being and pose serious threats to peace worldwide. We need a development paradigm that allows for social inclusion, while reducing inequity and creating opportunities that can bring about conditions for social, economic, political and cultural development. This calls for increasing confidence in social justice and the full participation of peoples in decisions relating to their own development.
There is no doubt that demographics, unemployment and competition for scarce resources will play a role in a new development paradigm. We must address the worldwide population growth, characterized by the explosive birthrates in the developing world. These communities are clamoring for more resources and economic opportunities in a world that is wrestling with the challenge of integrating this population explosion in the midst of a global economic downturn.
As mentioned earlier, the challenge of responding to 7 billion people, as we continue in a recession, is daunting. With a growing share of the population living in unplanned urbanized areas, developing countries will experience greater pressure on scarce resources and infrastructure fueling the potential for future conflicts.
Throughout the Middle East and North Africa, there is an inherent tension between the region’s demographic and economic structures. As this part of the globe undergoes an unprecedented demographic transition, its economic structure remains unable to create productive employment opportunities for new entrants to the labor force.
This point takes me to the next area that needs to be addressed under a new development paradigm – the economic integration of our youth and addressing the dangerous levels of youth unemployment around the world. Dubbed as a ticking bomb, as the epidemic of this decade, youth unemployment requires urgent attention.
From the Middle East to China, from Europe to the United States, economies are not generating enough jobs to absorb their young people. Young people are nearly three times as likely as adults to be unemployed. This is creating a lost generation of the disaffected, unemployed or underemployed – including growing numbers of recent college graduates. This is a "lost generation" of intelligent and young people, who will be generally unproductive and not by their own choice. At the same time, this important and significant segment of our societies will need to be fed, housed, educated and provided many other services, under national budgetary constraints.
The highest rates of youth unemployment are found in the Middle East and North Africa, at roughly 24 percent, according to the ILO. In Latin America and the Caribbean there are 20 million youth unemployed.
I need not tell you the impact in terms of lost productivity and economic growth for our nations. But more worrisome is the fertile environment for discontent and instability that an absence of economic opportunity and social mobility creates.
In the Americas, the primary social base of support for drug-trafficking is the youth population who continue to be neglected by society. Until we address social exclusion and create opportunities for our youth, countries will not be able to combat structurally the ability of organized crime and criminal organizations seeking to undermine democratic institutions and legitimate sources of authority to recruit young people. Governments and international aid have to go beyond short term law enforcement measures and move toward a thorough understanding of the underlying causes of crime and violence in society. This will allow for governments and civil society to form a better basis for effecting structural changes which target youth education and employment as key elements of a more long-term strategy for a more inclusive and effective development paradigm.
Climate Change
An emerging threat to peace and security, and one that is most likely unparalleled in its magnitude and pervasiveness is climate change. The full nature of this existential threat is literally unimaginable, as we have no modern basis for comparison. Addressing climate change and its impact on peace and stability should be an essential part of a new development paradigm joining energy, food and nutrition, water security and climate security. Climate change is global in its causes and consequences, causing loss of between 5% and 20% of Global GDP each year. Developing countries are especially vulnerable to it because of their geographic exposure, low incomes, and greater reliance on climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture. Competition between communities and countries for scarce resources already is increasing, exacerbating old security dilemmas and creating new ones. Around the world, hundreds of millions of people are on the front line of food insecurity and water shortages, undermining the most essential foundations of local, national, and global stability.
Climate change could potentially cause the mass migration of large populations due to agricultural changes and rising sea levels. These migrations would mean millions of environmental refugees, disrupting existing markets and social stability.
Democratic Inclusion and Participation
It is clear that no country can attain the desired levels of development, political stability and democracy, when a significant percentage of the population is deprived of real opportunities and therefore unable to realize their full potential. In many countries the underlying basic values of a democratic political culture is being eroded by the inability of state institutions to deliver on their commitment to the social policies aimed at alleviating poverty and inequality.
If our democracies are to continue to grow and strengthen, it will be important to incorporate development concerns into a comprehensive policy framework which prioritizes all sectors, needs and interests of a society. Only establishing formal democracies with a constitution, the minimal state institutions and regular free and fair elections cannot be an end in itself. The electorate and the population in general expects not only representation and participation, but also that democracy and democratic governance will result in tangible gains that will improve their lives and the future prospects of their children.
To achieve this we must ensure our political systems are strengthened with more efficient and effective democratic institutions. We must improve transparency and accountability, enhancing the ability of parliaments to provide for the voice of the people to be heard more clearly and to exercise the necessary checks and balances in open, democratic systems. We must ensure that our executive and legislative authorities become more receptive to inputs from their citizens, including civil society. We must develop more structured and meaningful mechanisms for dialogue on issues of public policy, to allow the participation of civil society, trade unions, the private sector and academia to facilitate more informed, responsive and effective policy making by governments. In the same vein, I believe that the business community also has a responsibility to be accountable and transparent corporate social partners as the rule, not the exception. Democracy has to create valuable space for public-private dialogue and greater political inclusion, particularly with regard to traditionally marginalized groups. I have called this the "next generation" of actions to deepen the democratic process in society; the "first generation" being the establishment of formal democracies and the strengthening of democratic institutions.
To this end, the OAS has pursued greater inclusion of our most marginalized segments through our summit process in the Western Hemisphere. The Summit of the Americas, as it is called, convenes Heads of State and Government from member countries every four years to discuss common policy issues, affirm shared values, and commit to concerted actions at the national and regional level in order to address continuing and new challenges faced by countries in the Americas. The unique aspect of the summit process is that civil society organizations are able to participate in the drafting of recommendations for mandates that will be discussed at the Summits of the Americas. Just a few weeks ago, our Summits Secretariat was able to receive inputs and recommendations from a wide spectrum of civil society organizations, including women’s organizations, labor associations, indigenous peoples, youth, Afro-descendants, and people with disabilities, on the central themes of our upcoming 6th Summit of the Americas to take place in Cartagena, Colombia, in April 2012.
Moving Forward through Strategic Alliances
In light of these global and regional developments we cannot discount the important role regional and multilateral organizations play in addressing the myriad of social, political and economic issues facing their respective regions. Furthermore, transnational problems require a multilateral approach and regional organizations such as the OAS, ASEAN, African Union, SICA and CARICOM, have the political platform where member states can share interests and challenges and can meet and act collectively.
In a multilateral world, where both interstate and intrastate conflicts as well as transnational threats affect all of us, it is crucial to intensify cooperation and communication not just within our own region but across regions to address these threats and promote a culture of peace and equality in the world.
One specific recommendation I have made in the past is that it is imperative that intergovernmental organizations and civil society sectors create opportunities to systematically learn from each other’s successes and failures. I have consistently called for the establishment of an annual conference to analyze successful cooperation frameworks between intergovernmental organizations, civil society organizations, as well as other key actors such as the private sector. This would assist multilateral organizations in providing more effective and targeted assistance in a country or sub-region, and support the notion of an integral development approach to our regions’ socio-economic needs.
I believe that in a changing world of instant communication, porous borders and intertwined realities, political leadership must be innovative, open-minded and committed to shared goals, if our societies are to adequately confront the social, economic and political realities which challenge our development and impact governance.
Leaders must be willing to seek multilateral cooperation and engage others in effecting change. They must be willing to propose new concepts and recommendations, and they must be open to citizen participation in public discourse and decision-making. In this respect, I believe that the multilateral framework provides an important structure that supports democratic consolidation.
We all know that a country’s ability to respond to and manage change will be determining factors for success. Leaders are expected to be agents of change and must be willing to break from the traditional and status quo to forge new paths to progress. At the same time, leaders must also display pragmatism by establishing strategic partnerships. As they execute their responsibilities, leaders must be devoted to upholding the fundamental values of accountability, efficiency, transparency and adherence to the rule of law. These values will help to create ownership at all levels of society. And the next generation of democracy will, in large part, depend on our willingness to invest today in our youth. It will also depend on the strategic alliances that all are willing to build in their countries, as well as the willingness to create valuable partnerships internationally and regionally.
Ladies and gentlemen, as I said yesterday in the opening of this conference, our challenges are many, and the seeds of conflict are before us today. This calls for the need to bring together the collective knowledge, experience and resources of our different regions and to place sustainable and inclusive development at the heart of the peace and security agenda.
Let us therefore move forward toward a new era of cooperation and bring together the synergies of our respective institutions to build a new development paradigm that improves equitable access and development for our peoples in a peaceful, stable and prosperous environment. We have no other choice than but to work together.
I thank you for your attention.