Cada año el Secretario General de la OEA publica una Propuesta de Programa Presupuesto para el siguiente año calendario. La Asamblea General de la OEA se reúne en Sesión Extraordinaria y aprueba el Programa Presupuesto. Encuentre aquí esos documentos desde 1998 a 2013.
Cada año en abril la Junta de Auditores Externos publica un informe con los resultados financieros del año anterior. Encuentre aquí los informes de los años 1996-2016.
Aproximadamente seis semanas después del final de cada semestre, la OEA publica un Informe Semestral sobre Gestión de Recursos y Desempeño, que desde 2013 incluye informes sobre resultados programáticos. Los textos completos pueden encontrarse aquí.
Aquí encontrará datos de Recursos Humanos de la OEA, incluyendo la estructura organizacional y el personal de cada unidad organizacional, puestos vacantes y contratos por resultados.
La OEA ejecuta una variedad de proyectos que son financiados por donantes. Los informes de evaluación son encargados por los donantes. Véalos aquí.
El Inspector General presenta al Secretario General informes relativos a auditorías, investigaciones, e inspecciones que realice. Estos informes están a disposición del Consejo Permanente. Más información puede encontrarse aquí.
La OEA ha discutido por varios años el tema de bienes inmuebles, el financiamiento requerido para mantenimiento y reparaciones, y el mantenimiento diferido de sus edificios históricos. La Secretaría General ha presentado una serie de propuestas con una variedad de opciones para financiarlos. El documento más reciente que refleja el estado de la Estrategia es CP/CAAP-32/13 rev. 4.
Aquí encontrará información relacionada con las operaciones de compra de la SG/OEA, incluyendo una lista de avisos de contratación y ofertas formales, enlaces a los reportes de contratos y a los informes de control de medidas de viaje, las reglas y reglamentos de contratación aplicables, y la formación y cualidades del personal de compras.
El Tesorero de la OEA certifica los estados financieros de todos los fondos administrados por la SG/OEA. Aquí encontrará los más recientes informes financieros con propósito general para los principales fondos de la OEA, así como los Informes Financieros Trimestrales (IFTs) de la OEA.
Todos los años la SG/OEA publica el Plan Operativo Anual formulada por todas las áreas de la Organización. Este documento es utilizado como ayuda en la formulación del programa presupuesto anual y como seguimiento a los mandatos institucionales.
Aquí encontrará los documentos relacionados con el diseño, elaboración y aprobación del Plan Estratégico OEA 2016-2020.
The Follow-Up Mechanism for the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (MESICIC) is the Anticorruption Mechanism of the OAS. It brings together 33 of the 34 Member States to review their legal frameworks and institutions in the light of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption.
In the 16 years that it has been in operation, the MESICIC has adopted more than 100 reports with recommendations for States to strengthen their legal frameworks and institutions to effectively combat corruption in areas such as prevention of conflict of interests; conservation of public resources; government procurement; government hiring; ethics training; systems for registering income, assets and liabilities; civil society participation in the fight against corruption; internal oversight in companies to detect and prevent corrupt practices; criminalization of acts of corruption, such as transnational bribery and illicit enrichment; protection of whistleblowers; mutual assistance in prosecuting and punishing those who commit acts of corruption and, as appropriate, their extradition; and oversight bodies responsible for the prevention, detection, punishment and eradication of such acts.
The Inter-American Convention against Corruption (IACC)
The IACC is a treaty by which the 34 OAS Member States have undertaken to work together to fight corruption and take specific decisions to that end. Adopting a comprehensive approach, the Convention envisages measures for the prevention, detection, investigation, and punishment of acts of corruption as well as for the recovery of corruption proceeds.
Through a follow-up process carried out by the MESICIC, States receive recommendations in each round of review for advancing with their implementation of the provisions of the Convention, while also periodically examining their progress in relation to recommendations formulated for provisions of the Convention that were subject to previous rounds of review.
The political body that issues guidelines on the operation of the MESICIC and for strengthening hemispheric cooperation against corruption in the framework of OAS Convention in that regard.
It is the body responsible for the technical review of the implementation of the Convention by States. The Committee meets twice a year in Washington, D.C., to consider and adopt anticorruption reports for the countries under review, as well as to exchange best practices and discuss matters of collective interest, with a view to strengthening cooperation against corruption.
The MESICIC experts, with assistance from the Technical Secretariat, review domestic laws and institutions to determine if they accord with the provisions of the Convention and if they are effective at preventing and combating corruption.
As part of this review process, the experts visit the country being reviewed, where they meet with government officials and civil society organizations to gather more information for their report that will contain recommendations for the State to strengthen its legal framework to prevent and combat corruption.
In the preparation of the report, the MESICIC formulates recommendations to the reviewed countries to improve and adjust their legal frameworks and institutions in order to make them consistent with the provisions of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption.
In each round of review, the MESICIC reviews the provisions selected by its Committee of Experts at the start of the round. It also follows up on the recommendations made to each State in previous rounds to assess their implementation and the progress made by the country in terms of combating corruption.
Given that cooperation is one of its pillars, the Technical Secretariat has prepared model laws and legislative guidelines as an aid to States in reforming and strengthening their legal frameworks by making them better at preventing and combating corruption.
As a forum for cooperation, the MESICIC promotes the exchange of best practices, and since March 2018, has had in place a specific methodology for States to present best practices considered useful for preventing and combating corruption.
The Anticorruption Mechanism today
The MESICIC is currently carrying out its Fifth Round of Review of States Parties.
Order of countries already reviewed in the current round:
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay
Convention provisions reviewed:
Follow-up on implementation of recommendations formulated in the second round in relation to systems of government hiring and procurement of goods and services; systems for protecting public servants and private citizens who, in good faith, report acts of corruption; and criminalization of acts of corruption.
Instruction to government personnel to ensure proper understanding of their responsibilities and the ethical rules governing their activities.
Study of prevention measures that give due consideration to the relationship between equitable remuneration and probity in public service.
The modernization and update of the Anticorruption Portal of the Americas was made possible by the financial contribution of the Government of Canada, through Global Affairs Canada’s Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program (ACCBP).