xxx Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Brazil, Comisión Pastoral de Tierra Countries: Brazil Topics:
| 13-Mar-2005 |
| N/A | N/A |
Protection of Human Rights in Natural Disasters Participants: Countries: Regional Topics:
| 03-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation of persons affected by mandatory minimum sentences in the United States Participants: American Civil Liberties Union Foundation (ACLU), Justice Roundtable, Open Society Policy Center, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Countries: United States Topics: Rights of Afro-Descendents / Against Racial Discrimination
| 03-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
General situation of Human Rights in Haiti Participants: Countries: Haiti Topics:
| 03-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights situation in Haiti Participants: Countries: Haiti Topics:
| 03-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation created by the Dominican Republic General Law of Migration Participants: Countries: Dominican Republic Topics:
| 03-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation of children and infants work in Latin America Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) Countries: Regional Topics: Rights of Children
| 03-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
General Situation of Indigenous People in Mesoamerica Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro Indígena de Centroamérica Countries: Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
| 03-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Latin America Femicide Participants: Countries: Regional Topics: Rights of Women
| 03-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation of the Persons Deprived of Liberty in El Salvador Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Costa Rica, Fundación de Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho (FESPAD), Asociación de Jueces Democráticos e Independientes Countries: El Salvador Topics: Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty
| 03-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Petition 712/03 - Elena Telles Blanco ("Tías del PANI"), Costa Rica Participants: Countries: Costa Rica Topics: Rights of Women
| 03-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human rights of migrant workers in Costa Rica Participants: Countries: Costa Rica Topics:
| 03-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Petition 4614/02 - Wilmer González Rojas (Tipitapa), Nicaragua Participants: Countries: Nicaragua Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 03-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Policies in Guatemala Participants: Countries: Guatemala Topics:
| 06-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Compiance with Precautionary Measures in Guatemala Participants: Countries: Guatemala Topics:
| 06-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation of the Judiciary in Guatemala Participants: Countries: Guatemala Topics:
| 06-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Obstacles in the Investigation of Human Rights Cases in Guatemala Participants: Countries: Guatemala Topics:
| 06-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights situation in Guatemala Participants: Countries: Guatemala Topics:
| 06-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation of the Penitentiary System in Guatemala Participants: Instituto de Estudios Comparados en Ciencias Penales de Guatemala (ICCPG) Countries: Guatemala Topics: Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty
| 06-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Justice situation in Nicaragua Participants: Countries: Nicaragua Topics:
| 06-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights situation in México Participants: Countries: Mexico Topics:
| 06-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights situation of women in Oaxaca, México Participants: Countries: Mexico Topics: Rights of Women
| 06-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights situation in Bolivia Participants: Countries: Bolivia Topics:
| 06-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation of the Penitentiary System in Buenos Aires Province Participants: State of Argentina Countries: Argentina Topics: Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty
| 06-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights situation in Colombia Participants: Countries: Colombia Topics:
| 06-Mar-2006 |
| N/A | N/A |