Resolution No. 5/24( LIFTED )
PM 150-11 - Hildebrando Vélez and Sandra Viviana Cuéllar , Colombia
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) decided to lift these precautionary measures in favor of Hildebrando Vélez and Sandra Viviana Cuéllar. At the time of making the decision, the Commission assessed the actions taken by the State during the implementation, as well as the observations of the beneficiaries’ representation. Following the State’s request to have the measures lifted, the IACHR requested, on several occasions, observations from the representatives, who provided their observations. In this regard, given the nature of the precautionary measures and in light of the information available, the Commission considered that at present there is no information available to find that the terms of Article 25 of the Rules of Procedure are fulfilled. After failing to identify compliance with the procedural requirements, the IACHR decided to lift the precautionary measures at hand.