IACHR launches Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts for the case of Berta Cáceres in Honduras

February 14, 2025

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Washington, DC/Tegucigalpa – The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) launched an Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts for the case of murdered human rights defender Berta Cáceres (GIEI Honduras).

This mechanism was created through an agreement signed by the IACHR, the State of Honduras, and the party who represents the victim (COPINH and CEJIL), with the aim of supporting the investigation of events linked to Cáceres' murder and other related crimes and of proposing redress measures and guarantees of non-recurrence. The launch of the GIEI Honduras responds to the need to ensure comprehensive and effective justice in cases involving serious human rights violations against rights defenders, in line with international human rights standards.

The GIEI Honduras will be independent and impartial. During its mandate, it will seek dialogue with victims and witnesses, as well as with State authorities and civil society organizations. It will also seek out sources that are crucial to solve this case, beyond the information provided by the State and by Honduran civil society.

In order to be able to meet its goals, the GIEI Honduras will have the following tasks: Provide international technical support to the State to investigate the masterminds of Cáceres' murder and other related crimes Draft the following documents: (i) a technical analysis of lines of investigation to establish the applicable criminal responsibilities; (ii) a comprehensive technical analysis of all investigations into related crimes; and (iii) a proposal for a Comprehensive Victim Reparation Plan.

This Interdisciplinary Group will be made up of Ricardo Guzmán Loyo, Roxanna Altholz, and Pedro Biscay, with Jaime Vidal as Executive Secretary. The experts who make up the GIEI Honduras were selected by the IACHR based on technical eligibility criteria, autonomy, independence, and impartiality, in permanent contact with the State and the victim's representatives. The GIEI Honduras—with a six-month mandate—will have its own on-site autonomous technical staff, in order to protect the right to truth and justice.

Throughout its work, the GIEI Honduras will draft partial reports and a final report, which will all be publicly accessible.

The IACHR notes the Honduran government's commitment to launching this GIEI and to ensuring access to truth, justice, and comprehensive reparation for victims of serious human rights violations in Honduras. The work of the GIEI Honduras is a fundamental step in the fight against impunity and in efforts to protect human rights defenders, whose role is essential for democracy and the rule of law in the Americas.

The IACHR is an autonomous body of the Organization of American States (OAS) whose mandate is based on the OAS Charter and the American Convention on Human Rights. Its mission is to promote and defend human rights throughout the Americas and to serve as an advisory body to the OAS in this area. The IACHR consists of seven independent members elected by the OAS General Assembly who serve in a personal capacity and do not represent their countries of origin or residence.

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