Questionnaire for consultation: Study on the "challenges for guaranteeing the rights of children in latin america and the caribbean"

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights will prepare, in the course of this year, a study on the challenges in guaranteeing the rights of children in the face of different movements that seek to regress in the enjoyment of these rights, in the different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The study aims to identify and evaluate the dynamics and strategies that these movements use to curb and/or limit the enjoyment of rights by children. These strategies include the adoption of laws and/or public policies that would represent a setback in the guarantee of rights previously consolidated or that have made great progress at the internal level of each State, among which are: i) the right to comprehensive protection by the State, ii) the right to live in a family,  the right to live a life free of violence, iii) rights in the framework of criminal proceedings, iv) the right to non-discrimination, the right to quality education, sexual and reproductive rights, and v) the right to participation.

Based on the information received through this questionnaire, there will be greater clarity on the current progress and challenges for the protection of children in the context of the actions of these movements. In this regard, the IACHR will be able to emphasize the urgency of States having effective public policies aimed at comprehensively protecting the rights of children in the face of regressive actions. 

The questionnaire can be answered partially or totally; Research, reports, and other documents already prepared or published that are relevant to the topic may be submitted as annexes.

The deadline to submit the requested information expires on August 30, 2024 , and must be sent electronically at this link.

For any questions or clarifications regarding this questionnaire, please contact Cristina Huayamave, at the following address: