Argentina: Risks to the protection of the rights of refugees and asylum-seekers
Chile: Situation of the National Human Rights Institute
Canada: Status of temporary migrant workers
Regional: State human rights obligations in corruption contexts
Cuba: Rights of persons deprived of liberty with psychosocial disabilities
United States: Detention practices at borders
Argentina: Case 14.458 Diego Lamagna and family et al. v. Argentina
Peru: Impact of extractive industries on indigenous peoples' rights
Venezuela: Status of the right to freedom of expression, association, assembly and the press
Guatemala: Criminalization of justice operators
Regional: Situation of arbitrary deprivation of liberty on political grounds
El Salvador: Status of judicial independence
Nicaragua: Impacts of constitutional and legal reforms on human rights
Guatemala: Impunity and obstacles to the search for memory, truth and justice
Peru: Impacts on Indigenous Jurisdiction
Regional: Gender-based violence and discrimination against female judges and magistrates
Suriname: Indigenous peoples' rights in the face of extractive projects (Ex Officio)
Mexico: Situation of trans women's rights
Venezuela: Situation of adolescents and adults deprived of liberty in the post-electoral context
Mexico: Status of the right of access to information and the protection of personal data
Costa Rica: General human rights situation
Regional: Impacts on the rights of persons with disabilities and older persons in care institutions
Honduras: Impact of the lack of recognition of same-sex marriage on the rights of children and adolescents
Brazil: Freedom of religion and belief of practitioners of Afro-Brazilian religions
Colombia: Situation of persons detained in the framework of the 2021 National Strike
Haïti: Situation de la violence, du crime organisé et de l'insécurité publique
Colombia: Impacts of mine closures on communities in the Mining Corridor (Private)
Brazil: Rights of persons deprived of liberty with psychosocial disabilities
Bolivia: Follow-up Committee on the Recommendations of the GIEI Report - Bolivia (Ex officio)
Colombia: Follow-up on precautionary measures for ethnic communities in the context of armed conflict (Ex Officio)
Honduras: Situation of rights of peasant communities in El Merendon, Choloma
Regional: Artificial intelligence and human rights (Ex officio)
Bolivia: Criminalization of environmental defenders