Home Inter-American Peace Forum Emissaries of Peace |
Emissaries of Peace |
On September 23, 2008 during the inauguration of the Inter-American Peace Forum, OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza announced the establishment of the OAS Emissaries of Peace initiative. The OAS Emissaries of Peace boast diverse backgrounds and consist of renowned artists, writers, athletes, musicians, journalists, and other celebrities from the region who have agreed to help us promote inter-American principles and values related to peace, harmony, and tolerance through their participation in cultural events, organized within the framework of the Inter-American Peace Forum. By taking advantage of their fame and popularity, these individuals help the OAS raise awareness about important issues that require immediate attention in the Hemisphere. Through public appearances, visits to affected countries or by using their talent to fundraise for specific programs, the OAS Emissaries of Peace make significant contributions to humanitarian causes and serve as staunch advocates of important causes. The Americas is a region that hosts a wealth of talented leaders in the Arts. These Emissaries embody the enormous cultural capital and diversity of the countries of the Hemisphere, as well as the best of the human spirit. Their commitment and true concern for others have inspired millions of people to become civically engaged. The OAS Peace Fund gratefully acknowledges their invaluable contributions to promoting peace and brotherhood within and among OAS Member States. |