The Working Group’s files also contain a document in
three-column format, produced in 2002 (OEA/Ser.K./XVI/GT/DADIN/doc.53/02,
of January 9, 2002).
Three main texts serve as the working text and basis for
discussions in this process:
– Initially, the negotiations held between 1999 and 2002
chiefly referred to the “Proposed American Declaration on
the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” ([OEA/Ser.G.
CP/doc.2878/97] of March 21, 1997). This, the original
document put forward by the IACHR, comprises six sections
with 28 articles, plus a preamble containing nine titles or
recitals.[11] The preamble was discussed
at the meeting of experts held in February 1999.
– In May 2003, the Chair of the Working Group submitted a
new text for consideration, called the “Consolidated Text of
the Draft Declaration Prepared by the Chair of the Working
Group” ([GT/DADIN/doc.139/03] of
June 17, 2003). That text
was based on the IACHR’s original proposal and the
contributions, comments, and proposals submitted by the
member states and indigenous peoples’ representatives at the
meetings held since the start of the proposed American
Declaration’s drafting process. As indicated in the previous
section, the substantive part of the Chair’s Consolidated
Text was examined at the first seven negotiation meetings as
part of the consensus-building process. It comprises 35
articles, plus a preamble containing seven titles or
recitals. To date, however, that preamble text has not been
subject to negotiation.
– At present, after fourteen Meetings of Negotiations, the reference text for the Working Group’s deliberations is called the “Record of the Current Status of the Draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” [GT/DADIN/doc.334/08 rev. 7]. This version contains 44 provisions, of which nine have been adopted by consensus, and fourteen have been approved, furthermore it contains a preamble that has not been revised.
[10] The proposals made up to the Ninth
Meeting of Negotiations are contained in document [GT/DADIN/doc.255/06
rev.2] of April 13, 2007, and those of the Tenth Meeting of
Negotiations in the aforesaid document [GT/DADIN/doc.255/06
rev.2 add.1] of May 14, 2007.
[11] Section One (Indigenous Peoples –
Scope of Application); Section Two (Human Rights); Section
Three (Cultural Development); Section Four (Organizational
and Political Rights); Section Five (Social, Economic, and
Property Rights); Section Six (General Provisions).
[12] Section One (Indigenous Peoples.
Scope of Application); Section Two (Human and Collective
Rights); Section Three (Cultural Identity); Section Four (Organizational
and Political Rights); Section Five (Social, Economic, and
Property Rights); and Section Six (General Provisions). |