Alternate Representative of El Salvador
Secretaría de Seguridad Multidimensional (Presentado por la Secretaría de Seguridad Multidimensional durante la sesión del Working Group celebrada el 26 de agosto de 2011) CAAP/GT/PPP 31/11
Secretariat for Multidimensional Security (Presented by the Secretariat for Multidimensional Security at the session of the Working Group held on September 6, 2011) CAAP/GT/PPP 31/11 add. 1
Text of the note sent to the Secretaries and Autonomous and Decentralized Entities CAAP/GT/PPP 33/11
Text of the Second note sent to the Secretaries and Autonomous and Decentralized Entities CAAP/GT/PPP 33/11 add. 1
Reply from the Secretariat for Administration and Finance to the Note the Chair of the Working Group, published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 37/11
Reply from the Office of the Director General of the Inter-American Children’s Institute to the note the chair of the working group, published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 38/11
Corrections to document CP/doc.4657/11 -Proposed 2012 Program-Budget of the Organization of American States-CAAP/GT/PPP 39/11
Reply by the Secretariat for External Relations to the note from the chair of the working group, published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 40/11
Reply by the Secretariat for Political Affairs to the note of the Chair of the Working Group published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 41/11
Projected execution 2011 and proposed 2012 budget CAAP/GT/PPP 43/11
Reply by the Office of Inspector General to the note from the Chair of the Working Group Published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 44/11
Total projected resources at the chapter and subprogram level in 2012 CAAP/GT/PPP 45/11
Corrections to Document CP/Doc.4657/11 "Proposed 2012 Program-Budget of the Organization of American States"CAAP/GT/PPP 48/11
Reply by the Inter-American Defense Board to the note from the Chair of the Working Group published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 49/11
Partially funded positions in the Program-Budget for 2012 CAAP/GT/PPP 50/11
Reply of the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to the note from the chair of the working group published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 51/11
Response of the Secretariat for Legal Affairs to the note form the Chair of the Working Group published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 52/11
Reply by the Administrative Tribunal to the note from the chair of the working group, published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 53/11
OAS Budget contribution to the Pan American Development Foundation CAAP/GT/PPP 54/11
Reply by the Executive Secretariat for the Integral Development to the note from the chair of the working group, published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 55/11
Reply by the Executive Secretariat for the Integral Development to the note from the chair of the working group, published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 55/11 add. 1
Reply by the Executive Secretariat for the Integral Development to the note from the Chair of the Working Group, published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 55/11 add. 1
Reply by the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission to the note from the chair of the working group, published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 56/11
Reply by the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission to the note from the chair of the working group, published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 56/11 add. 1
Reply of the Inter-American Commission of Women to the note of the Chair of the Working Group published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 57/11
Response of the Office of the Assistant Secretary General to the note from the Chair of the Working Group, published as document CAPP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 58/11
Response of the Office of the Assistant Secretary General to the note from the Chair of the Working Group Published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 Replies to the questions raised by delegations during the presentation of chapter II of the proposed Program-Budget for 2012 at the meeting of September 23, 2011CAAP/GT/PPP 58/11 add. 2
Breakdown of Non-Personnel resources at the chapter and Subprogram Level in 2012 CAAP/GT/PPP 59/11
Presentation by the Trust of the Americas at the meeting held on September 23, 2011 CAAP/GT/PPP 60/11
Reply by the Trust of the Americas to the note of the chair of the working group published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 60/11 add. 1
Reply of the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on ports to the note from the chair of the working group, published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 CAAP/GT/PPP 61/11
Reply by the Office of Secretary General to the note from the chair of the working group published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 (Presentation by the Chief of Staff of the Secretary General) CAAP/GT/PPP 62/11
Reply of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to the note of the chair of the working group published as document CAAP/GT/PPP-33/11 (Overview 2011‐2015 Strengthening Inter-American Justice through foreseeable and harmonious financing) CAAP/GT/PPP 64/11 add. 1
Matrix of information on the proposed Program-Budget for 2012 of the Organization of American States (OAS) (Presented by the Chair of the Working Group to Review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2012) CAAP/GT/PPP 65/11
Letter from the chair of the working group to review the Proposed Program-Budget for 2012 regarding the Matrix of Information on the Proposed Program-Budget for 2012 of the Organization of American States (OAS) (CAAP/GT/PPP- 5/11) CAAP/GT/PPP 65/11 add. 1
Lista de documentos Distribuidos en relación a las reuniones celebradas sobre la Propuesta del Programa Presupuesto 2012 CAAP/GT/PPP 67/11
Note from the Chair on revision 2 of the table of amendments to the proposed OAS Program-Budget for 2012CAAP/GT/PPP 70/11 rev. 3 corr. 1
Note from the Chair Accompanying the Table of Amendments to the Proposed OAS Program-Budget for 2012CAAP/GT/PPP 70/11 rev. 1 add. 1
Table of Amendments to the Proposed Program-Budget for 2012 (Proposal by the Permanent Mission of the United States of America) CAAP/GT/PPP 70/11 rev. 1 add. 2
Report of the Chair of the Working group to review the proposed Program-Budget for 2012 (Presented by the Chair of the Working Group at the meeting of October 25, 2011) CAAP/GT/PPP 73/11
24 October 2011
20 October 2011