About the Committee


According to Article 19 of the Rules of Procedure of the Permanent Council, the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs shall have the following functions:

a.         To recommend to the Permanent Council any programs within the Council's purview that may serve the General Secretariat as a basis for preparing the proposed program-budget of the Organization, as stipulated in Article 112.c of the Charter;

b.         To examine the proposed program-budget that the General Secretariat transmits to it in consultation with the Permanent Council for the purposes indicated in Article 112.c of the Charter, and to submit to the Council such observations as it may deem pertinent;

c.         To study any other subjects the Permanent Council may entrust to it in relation to the programs, budget, administration, and financial aspects of the operations of the General Secretariat; and

d.         To consider any annual evaluation reports submitted by the secretary general to the Permanent Council in compliance with the provisions of the General Standards to Govern the Operations of the General Secretariat and, on that basis, to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Organization's programs, projects, and activities.  Furthermore, to make any recommendations it deems appropriate and submit them to the Permanent Council for consideration and subsequent referral to the Preparatory Committee, so that they may be considered by the General Assembly in conjunction with the proposed program-budget.

It is important to highlight that to go further on the consideration of the matters entrusted to the CAAP, the Committee is supported by two permanent working groups: 1) Review of OAS Programs, and 2) Technical Review of the Program Budget. Additionally, another working group is installed each period specifically to support the negotiation of the text of the draft resolution: Working Group to Prepare the Draft Resolution on the Program-Budget.

Relationship between the CAAP and other areas of the OAS: The Committee maintains a relationship of cooperation and collaboration with different areas of the General Secretariat, and other organs, agencies and entities of the OAS, in relation to matters within its competence. The work of the CAAP are intrinsically related with the Secretariat for Administration and Finance (SAF), the Strategic Counsel for Organizational Development and Management for Results and the Department of Legal Services. However, due to the cros-cutting issues that the CAAP considers, it is maintained a constant relationship with all Secretariats of the Organization.


Secretary of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs


The Committee Secretary is Ileana Navarro (INavarro@oas.org)