About the Committee


Article 22.  The Committee on Inter-American Summits Management and Civil Society Participation in OAS Activities has the following functions:

a.         With respect to the Summit process:

i.         To coordinate OAS activities in support of the Summits of the Americas process;

ii.         To coordinate follow-up and implementation activities relating to mandates assigned to the Organization by the Summits;

iii.        To request and receive contributions from civil society, relating to its participation in the Summit process, for consideration by the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG);

iv.         To study topics relating to the Summit process that are assigned to it by the Council or the General Assembly and to make recommendations thereon to the Permanent Council;

v.         To consider the reports prepared by the Executive Secretariat for the Summit Process and the technical dependency responsible for ministerial meetings and other sectoral meetings linked to the Summit process.

b.         With respect to civil society participation in OAS activities:

i.         To implement the Guidelines for the Participation of Civil Society Organizations in OAS Activities and to present to the Permanent Council such amendments as the Committee deems pertinent;

ii.         To design, implement, and evaluate the necessary strategies to increase and facilitate civil society participation in OAS activities;

iii.         To promote the strengthening of relations established between civil society organizations and the bodies and dependencies of the OAS within the scope of the functions conferred upon the Permanent Council by the OAS Charter;

iv.         To study matters relating to civil society participation in OAS activities that are presented to it by civil society organizations or entrusted to it by the Permanent Council or the General Assembly and to make recommendations thereon to the Permanent Council;

v.         To analyze and transmit to the Permanent Council applications presented by civil society organizations to the secretary general to participate in OAS activities.


The Committee Secretary is Alejandro Aristizábal (AAristizabal@oas.org)