Merits Reports

The merits stage is where the IACHR must decide on the merits or substance of the matter, that is, whether or not there were violations of human rights in the case being analyzed. The procedure on the merits is regulated in Articles 48 and 50 of the American Convention on Human Rights and Articles 37, 38, 39, 43, and 44 of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure. The merits stage ends with the approval of a Merits Report, which contains the conclusions about whether the facts of the case constitute human rights violations. If it is found that there were human rights violations, the Merits Report includes recommendations to the State.

Merits Reports approved are not published immediately. When a Merits Report is approved, in accordance with Article 50 of the American Convention on Human Rights, it is confidential, and the Commission notifies only the parties (the State and the petitioner). Merits Reports that have been approved can be published later if the Commission so decides, pursuant to Article 51(3) of the American Convention on Human Rights. If the Commission decides to send a case to the Inter-American Court, the Merits Report on that case will be published on the IACHR website, under Cases in the Court..


Dominican Republic


  • Report No. 14/89, Petition 9641 , Fabricio Proano, Pablo Proano and Guadalupe Chiriboga

El Salvador

  • Report No. 28/89, Case 10.252 , Jose Maria Flores, Nicolas Alfaro, Atilio Rivas, Francisco Alfaro, Jose Felix Ayala, Maria Zoila Rivas, Jose Uliser Sibrian, Maria Jesus Sibrian, Jesus Zepada, and Teresa Argueta Nicaragua
  • Report No. 27/89, Case 10.201 , Arnoldo Cerrito Vicente Cerrito, and Arturo Navarro
  • Report No. 26/89, Case 10.179 , Sebastian Gutierrez, Jose Mario Cruz Rivera, and Felix Rivera
  • Report No. 25/89, Petition 9811, Felipe Bernal Martinez, Julian Bernal Martinez, and Domingo Bernal Martinez
  • Report No. 24/89, Petition 9810, Miguel Angel Ayala



  • Report No. 10/89, Petition 9802, Benito Rojas Ccorahua
  • Report No. 9/89, Petition 9799 , Eleodoro Lopez Ballardo, Ruben Lopez Loyola and Bautista Rodriguez Arce


United States