Metrology for Sustainable Energy Technologies and the Environment (M4SET)

Building Urban Resilience: ECPA Ministerial Dialogue Series


This Ministerial dialogue took place on November 5th, 2019, at the OAS Headquarters in Washington D.C., providing a space to discuss the economic, social and environmental challenges of building resilient cities based on the region’s best practices and lessons learned. The event had panelists from Chile,Colombia Mexico, Saint Lucia and the United States, and counted with the participation of aproximately 40 people.

As urbanization expands, cities are faced with a broad range of challenges that become more complex in the face of extreme events such as fires, droughts, hurricanes and floods. Strengthening the capacity of cities to respond to these threats can improve their ability to prepare for and anticipate hazards, adapt to changing conditions, withstand adverse phenomena and rapidly recover from disruptions.

 The Panel:

Welcome and Introduction

Juan Cruz Monticelli
Section Chief, Sustainable Energy, Department of Sustainable Development, Organization of American States (OAS)

Keynote speaker

Dr. Howard H. Harary,
Director, Engineering Laboratory (NIST). See presentation, here.

: Dr. Arnoldo Matus Kramer, Co-Founder and Partner, Ithaca Environmental and Former CRO 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) Mexico City.

Dr. Therese P. McAllister, Community Resilience Group Leader and Program Manager - NIST. See presentation, here.

Dr. Judith Mitrani, Director of Disaster and Failure Studies -NIST. See presentation, here.

Dr. Felipe Machado, Director, Chilean Institute for Disaster Resilience, Itrend -Chile. See presentation, here.

Eng. María G. Benítez, Deputy Director, National Unit for Disaster Risk Management, UNGRD, Col. See presentation, here.

Eng. Gilliard Terrence, Chief Energy Science and Technology Officer, Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Energy, Saint Lucia. See presentation, here.

This activity was organized by the Organization of American States (OAS), in cooperation with the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the United States (NIST).

The video recording of the full event can be accessed here.

  To Gather and provide a space to discuss and exchange the economic, social and environmental challenges of building resilient cities based on the region’s best practices and lessons learned of the participating countries.
Countries and Institutions
NORAMET (Mexico and the United States).
ANDIMET (Colombia).
SURAMET (Chile).
CARIMET (Saint Lucia).

Organization of the American States (OAS).
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Department of Sustainable Development (DSD)
Sustainable Energy
Contact: Bibiana Serna
Phone:(202) 370-4902 -