Sustainable Energy


Renewable Energy and Climate Science: Metrology and Technology Challenges in the Americas


Capacity Building Workshop on Measurement of Gas Concentrations for Monitoring Air Quality and Climate Change

The workshop took place on September 8-10, 2015 in Mexico at the National Center of Metrology (CENAME). It provided technical training on mobile emissions programs, development of measurements standards, preparation and certification of gas mixtures, air quality and GHGs measurements to public officials from 13 National Metrology Centers of the region.



Based on the finding of the previous regional workshops, NIST and OAS identified some major areas to provide the training.

  • GHG Metrology and measurements
  • Energy Efficiency in buildings
  • Labeling

Almost all region lack of adequate measurement capabilities for air quality and GHG emissions. The workshop will address the measurements concerns of the region in this area.

Participated Countries

  • INMETRO- Brazil, LACOMET- Costa Rica, IEA- Panamá, INTI- Argentina, University of Trinidad and Tobago-Trinidad and Tobago, SMQB-Colombia, INACAL- Peru, SKBS- St. Kitts and Nevis, DSNC- Guatemala, IDMA- Chile, NIST- United States, National Environment and Planning Agency -Jamaica, Environmental Protection Department –Barbados

Coordination: OAS, NIST and CENAM



Ing. Bibiana Serna


Phone: (202)370-4209