Sustainable Energy


Renewable Energy and Climate Science: Metrology and Technology Challenges in the Americas

South American Metrology (SURAMET) Workshop on Renewable Energy and Climate Science for the Americas    Metrology and Technology Challenges

The workshop took place on September 2-4, 2014. More than seventy five people attended this activity that targeted government policy makers, National Metrology Institutes (INMs) and other research organizations, and universities. Participation from metrology as well as meteorology communities enriched the discussion and encouraged future collaborations.



Workshop Objectives

  • Assess technology, measurements, and standards needs and existing capabilities of regions of the Americas
  • Increase awareness of Government agencies interested in technology infrastructure
  • Promote regional and international partnerships to share approaches and best tools to advance renewable energy and climate science in South American countries
  • Identify measurements and standards training needs to accelerate deployment of renewable energy technologies while minimizing their impact on our climate

Thematic Areas: Energy and Climate Change Policy, Efficient Energy, Renewable Energy, Air Quality and GHGs measurements

Participated Countries

  • SURAMET (Countries of South America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay)

Coordination: OAS, NIST and LATU



Ing. Bibiana Serna


Phone: (202)370-4209