Producción en Ciclo Cerrado  en las Américas








  • The Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA):

The OAS/DSD also functions as the Clearinghouse for the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA).  The ECPA initiative was conceived in 2009 to promote clean energy, low-carbon development and climate resilient growth.

The CLCP in the Americas program will benefit from the ECPA platform and network, allowing for the replication of the successes booked under the pilot project in participating nations in the region. Ver más...

  • Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas:

Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas (Pathways) is an initiative that promotes inclusive growth, prosperity and sustainable development in Western Hemisphere Countries through cooperation and dissemination of successful experiences between member countries.

Pathways functions under the following four pillars: Pillar I: Empowering micro, small, and medium enterprises; Pillar II: Facilitating trade and regional competitiveness; Pillar III: Developing a modern workforce; Pillar IV: Sustainable business practices and environmental cooperation.

The CLCP in the Americas fits under Pillar IV Sustainable business practices and environmental cooperation. Pillar IV strives to improve and expand cleaner production practices, especially among MSMEs. It also seeks to promote the exchange of best practices in order to help farmers and MSMEs, among other sectors, increase market access for their sustainably produced products.



  • Low Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS) Global Partnership:

The LEDS Global Partnership was founded in early 2011 to advance climate-resilient low emission development through coordination, information exchange, and cooperation among programs and countries working to advance low emissions growth. The partnership currently brings together 113 governmental and international institutions, including the US State Department, US Department of Energy, OAS, and other partners. The partnership is open to any interested parties that perform relevant work. This program will benefit from the access to project updates of other international partners operating in Latin America and the Caribbean more specifically this CLCP program will share updates and data with the LEDS partnership through the Green Growth Best Practices, Energy and Waste Working Groups.



  • C2C - Centre:

The C2C-Centre is a platform for knowledge exchange, it is  facilitated by the C2C ExpoLAB as an important resource to gather information on Cradle to Cradle® knowledge and share it with EU community of designers, developers, and citizens who are looking for ways to make positive change and work toward a world of abundance.