Comunicados de Prensa

  • Belize y Guatemala comienzan negociaciones en la OEA para cooperar en el río Sarstún (22 de junio de 2016)
    English Español
  • Secretario General Almagro se reunió con cancilleres de Belize y Guatemala (4 de mayo de 2016)
    English Español
  • Belize/Guatemala: OEA conducirá investigación independiente de la muerte de menor guatemalteco (27 de abril de 2016)
    English Español
  • Belize/Guatemala: OEA repudia muerte de menor guatemalteco e investigará el incidente (22 de abril de 2016)
    English Español
  • Secretario General Almagro reafirma compromiso de la OEA de apoyar a Belize y Guatemala para resolver su diferendo territorial (28 de mayo de 2015)
    English Español
  • El Papel de la OEA en el diferendo Belize-Guatemala (28 de mayo de 2015)
    English Español
  • Secretario General de la OEA asiste a firma de acuerdos entre Guatemala y Belize ( 17 de diciembre de 2014)
    English Español
  • Belize entregó al Secretario General de la OEA reconocimiento por su labor de mediación con Guatemala (17 de diciembre de 2014)
    English Español
    English Español
  • Foreign Ministers of Belize and Guatemala agree on “Roadmap for the Strengthening of Bilateral Relations” between Belize and Guatemala at OAS Headquarters (Jan 24, 2014)
    only available in English
  • Belize y Guatemala acuerdan plan de acción para fortalecer las relaciones con el apoyo de la OEA (24 de enero de 2014)
    English Español
  • Cancilleres de Guatemala y Belize se reúnen con Secretario General de la OEA (Jan 24, 2014)
  • Autoridades Electorales de Guatemala y Belize se reúnen para fortalecer la cooperación bilateral (06 de octubre de 2013)
    English Español
  • OEA entrega equipo de monitoreo con GPS (June 28, 2013) Español
  • Los ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de Belize y Guatemala acuerdan próximos pasos para avanzar con el proceso de negociación (9 de mayo de 2013)
    English Español
  • Declaración de la Oficina de la Secretaría General de la OEA en la Zona de Adyacencia entre Guatemala y Belize (27 de julio de 2012)
    English Español
  • October 6, 2013 is Referendum Day in Belize and Guatemala (April 27, 2012)
  • Habrá Consulta. Busca solucionar diferendo con Belize (April 27, 2012)
  • Belize and Guatemala Foreign Ministers Meet with OAS Secretary General (November 28, 2011)
    English Español
  • Acuerdo pacífico de disputas territoriales (junio de 2011)
  • Primera reunión del Grupo de trabajo de alto nivel (9 de marzo de 2010)
  • Nuevas medidas para acercar a Belize y Guatemala tomadas en la OEA (17 de diciembre de 2009)
  • Programa Cultura de Paz (8 de junio de 2009)
  • Belize y Guatemala destacan el papel de la OEA en la zona de adyacencia e instan a la colaboración de los países donantes (25 de febrero de 2009)
  • Remoción de instalaciones en la zona de adyacencia (19 de febrero de 2009)
  • Guatemala y Belize firman acuerdo histórico sobre différendum territorial (8 de diciembre de 2008)
  • Belize y Guatemala aceptan la propuesta del Secretario General de la OEA de comenzar el proceso de negociación con asuntos marítimos (10 de febrero de 2006)
  • Belize y Guatemala firman un acuerdo sobre el marco de negociación y las medidas de fomento de la confianza (7 de septiembre de 2005)
  • Continúan las discusiones entre Belize y Guatemala (10 de mayo de 2004)
  • Cancilleres de Belize y Guatemala (3 de mayo de 2004)
    English Español
  • Diferendo territorial Belize-Guatemala (29 de agosto de 2003)
    English Español
  • El Consejo Permanente de la OEA renueva su apoyo al arreglo pacífico de la disputa entre Belize y Guatemala (12 de febrero de 2003)
    English Español
  • Belize y Guatemala firman acuerdo en la OEA (7 de febrero de 2003)
    English Español
  • Proceso Belize-Guatemala (5 de noviembre de 2002)
    English Español
  • Muerte de ciudadano guatemalteco no relacionado con différendum territorial (11 de octubre de 2002)
    English Español
  • Las propuestas para resolver disputas territoriales entre Belize y Guatemala obtienen amplio respaldo internacional (1 de octubre de 2002)
    English Español
  • Proceso de facilitación Belize-Guatemala (30 de septiembre de 2002)
    English Español
  • Diferendo territorial de Belize-Guatemala: el Secretario General presenta las propuestas completadas (17 de septiembre de 2002)
    English Español
  • Proceso de facilitación Belize-Guatemala (30 de agosto de 2002)
  • Delegaciones de Belize y Guatemala se reúnen (7 de febrero de 2001)
  • Comunicado conjunto de Belize y Guatemala (31 de agosto de 2000)
  • Panel de facilitadores instalados (31 de agosto de 2000)
  • Panel de facilitadores para la disputa entre Belize y Guatemala que se instalará en la OEA (30 de agosto de 2000)
  • Belize y Guatemala firman un acuerdo (20 de julio de 2000)
  • Promoviendo una Cultura de Paz en la Zona de Adyacencia - The Reporter of Belize (25 de octubre de 2009)
  • Fuerzas de seguridad de Belize y Guatemala discuten crimen fronterizo - LoveFM (5 de diciembre de 2008)
  • Belize y Guatemala firmarán compromisos en Washington el próximo lunes - Amandala (3 de diciembre de 2008)

Galería de fotos

San Marcos Community Development Project
Dolores, Guatemala
December 29, 2015
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Cooperation project
San Marcos community
December, 2015
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Commander's meeting
December 17, 2015
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Meeting of the Joint Commission
Antigua, Guatemala
November 10-16, 2014
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Visit to La Rejoya Community, Flores, Peten
October 25, 2014
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Diplomatic Field Trip to OAS Office in the Belize-Guatemala Adjacency Zone
September 20, 2014
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Launch of the Promotion of a Culture of Peace program 2014
March 20, 2014
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Belize and Guatemala Agree on Plan of Action to Strengthen Relations with the Support of the OAS
January 24, 2014
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High Level Meeting at the Deputy Foreign Minister Level
January 17, 2014
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Meeting of Foreign Affairs of Belize and Guatemala
January 9, 2014
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Donation of Xate Plants in Monte de los Olivos, Guatemala
November 28, 2013
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Visit of a High Level EU delegation to the Adjacency Zone
November 27, 2013
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Handing over of property titles to Guatemalan communities resettled in La Monteria, Sayaxche, Guatemala
November, 14, 2013
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Quarterly Meeting of the Armies
November 13, 2013
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Meeting with Balam Association - Guatemalan Environmental NGO
November 11, 2013
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Inter-Parliamentary Meeting between Belize and Guatemala
October 14, 2013
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Meeting of the Chambers of Commerce of Isabel, Guatemala and Toledo Belize
October 12, 2013
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Meeting of Electoral Authorities of Belize and Guatemala
October 6, 2013
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Donation of Equipment to the Belize Defence Force and the Guatemalan Army
June 26, 2013
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Joint Meeting of the Armed Forces of Belize and Guatemala
May 22, 2013
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Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Belize and Guatemala Agree on Next Steps in Negotiation Process
May 8, 2013
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Resettelment of the Retiro I and Zapote II communities
March 30, 2013
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Belize and Guatemala meet with OAS Secretary General
Washington, DC
March 17, 2013
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Meeting of the Group of Friends of Belize and Guatemala
October 22, 2012
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Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Belize and Guatemala with the OAS Secretary General
April 27, 2012
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HRH Prince Harry of Wales visits the OAS Office in the Adjacency Zone
March 3, 2012
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Joint Meeting of the Armed Forces of Belize and Guatemala
February 29, 2012
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The OAS delivers humanitarian aid at Monte de los Olivos, Guatemala
February 11, 2012
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Verification in Belize's Chiquibul National Park
January 29, 2012
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Visit of Foreign and Defense Ministers of Guatemala to the OAS Office in the Adjacency Zone
Belize-Guatemala Adjacency Zone
January 25, 2012
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Promotion of a Culture of Peace
June - December 2011
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Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Belize and Guatemala
Washington, DC
November 28, 2011
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Meeting of the Group of Friends of Belize and Guatemala
Washington, DC
May 5, 2011
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First Meeting of the High Level Working Group between Belize and Guatemala
Belize City, Belize
March 9, 2010
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Meeting between the Foreign Relations Ministers of Guatemala, Haroldo Rodas, Belize, Wilfred Elrington, and the Secretary General Insulza
December 16, 2009
Washington, DC
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Technical Meeting between Belize and Guatemala
Hotel Casona del Lago, Santa Elena, Petén, Guatemala
December 8, 2009
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OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza chairs a meeting of the Group of Friends of Belize and Guatemala
February 25, 2009
Washington, DC
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Belize-Guatemala Territorial Diferendum – 2008 Special Agreement
On December 8, 2008, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Belize, Mr. Wilfred Elrington, and Guatemala, Mr. Roger Haroldo Rodas Melgar, acting on the recommendation of OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza, signed the Special Agreement to Submit Guatemala’s Territorial, Insular, and Maritime Claim to the International Court of Justice
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Meeting of the Group of Friends of Belize and Guatemala
May 12, 2008
Washington, DC
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Meeting of the Group of Friends of Belize and Guatemala
December 12, 2006
Washington, DC
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Press Conference of OAS Secretary General with Ministers of Belize and Guatemala
February 10, 2006
Washington, DC
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In a meeting with OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza, the delegations of Belize and Guatemala examine the steps ahead in negotiating their territorial differences
February 10, 2006
Washington, DC
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OAS Secretary General meets with Ministers of Belize and Guatemala
February 10, 2006
Washington, DC
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Belize-Guatemala Territorial Diferendum – 2005 Agreement
On September 7, 2005, the governments of Belize and Guatemala signed the “Agreement on a Framework for Negotiations and Confidence-Building Measures between Belize and Guatemala”.
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Meeting of the Group of Friends of Belize and Guatemala
September 7, 2005
Washington, DC
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Belize-Guatemala Territorial Diferendum – 2003 Agreement
In February 2003, the Foreign Ministers of Belize and Guatemala signed an Agreement to Establish a Transition Process and Confidence-Building Measures between the two countries.
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Conclusion of facilitation process for Belize-Guatemala territorial dispute
September 30, 2002
Washington, DC
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Belize and Guatemala Facilitators
August 30, 2002
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