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Democratization of Knowledge to Create a Culture of Peace

The seminar “Democratization of Knowledge to Create a Culture of Peace” was held in Montevideo, Uruguay on April 29 and 30, 2009 in the framework of the Inter-American Peace Forum. The purpose of the seminar was to discuss the main challenges and opportunities of connectivity and social inclusion in developing countries, and to learn from the experiences of the highly successful CEIBAL project (one laptop per child, Uruguay). Uruguay was the first country in the Hemisphere to take on the challenge of the one laptop per child initiative, through the CEIBAL project. In the words of Uruguayan President Tabaré Vásquez “The strategic objective is that all children have equal opportunities with respect to technological skills and knowledge”.

The one laptop per child initiative goes beyond providing a computer to each child; it is a commitment to the future, an essential tool to reduce the digital gap, a policy of social inclusion and equity. During the opening ceremony, Minister Fernandez labeled the initiative a “Peace Revolution” because of its impact on building strong and democratic societies. The forum featured local and international experts and included presentations by the Minister of Education and Culture, María Simón; the Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the OAS, Ambassador Maria del Lujan Flores, the President of LATU, Miguel Brechner; the OAS Representative in Uruguay, Ambassador John Biehl del Río, among many other renowned panelists and invited guests. Groups of children from different schools throughout the country also participated in the seminar and demonstrated how this tool has empowered them for a better future.

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Democratización del Conocimiento para la Creación de una Cultura de Paz. Montevideo, Uruguay 29 y 30 de Abril, 2009 (only available in Spanish)
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