
Thematic Reports / Studies

    In these thematic reports, the IACHR refers to issues related to the rights of afro-descendants and to racial discrimination, in the following chapters:  
  • The Situation of People of African Descent in the Americas (2011)
  • Access to Justice for Women Victims of Violence in the Americas (2007)
    Chapter II: Inadequacies in the Judicial Response to Cases of Violence Against Women:  Obstacles to the Fulfillment of the Obligation to Practice due Diligence and Combat Impunity
    Section A: Administration of Justice: Inefficacy and Impunity in Cases Involving Violence against Women
    6.Access to justice for indigenous and Afro-descendant women: discrimination and racism
    b. Afro-descendant women
  • Access to Justice as a Guarantee of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (2007)
    Chapter II:  The right of access to justice and the obligation to remove economic obstacles to ensure human rights
    C. Situations of Systematic Exclusion from Access to Justice
  • Report on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders in the Americas (2006)
    Chapter VI. Especially Exposed Groups of Defenders
    C. Indigenous and Afro-descendant leaders
  • Violence and Discrimination Against Women in the Armed Conflict in Colombia (2006)
    Chapter IV: Multiple Discrimination Against Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Women
    A. Afro-Colombian Women