Case of Acosta et al. v. Nicaragua.
Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations and Costs. Judgment of March 25, 2017. Series C No. 334. (Only in Spanish).
Case of Rosendo Cantú et al. v.
Mexico Interpretation of the Judgment of Preliminary Objection, Merits, Reparations and Costs. Judgment of May 15, 2011. Series C No. 225
Case of Fernández Ortega et al. v. Mexico
Interpretation of the Judgment of Preliminary Objection, Merits, Reparations and Costs.
Judgment of May 15, 2011. Series C No. 224
Case Chitay Nech et al. v. Guatemala
Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations, and Costs.
Judgment of May 25, 2010 (Only in Spanish) Series C No. 212
Case of the Saramaka People v. Suriname
Interpretation of the Judgment of Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations and Costs. Judgment of August 12, 2008. Series C No. 185
Case of Escué-Zapata. v. Colombia
Interpretation of the Judgment of Merits, Reparations and Costs.
Judgment of May 5, 2008 Series C No. 178