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Sexual violence and child pregnancy in Latin America and the Caribbean: A regional overview(March 23rd 2017) |
Faced with a worrying regional reality, the MESECVI prepared a Hemispheric Report on Sexual Violence and Child Pregnancy in the States Party to the Belém do Pará Convention, with a view to providing information on this problematic situation and generating recommendations oriented to improving the efficiency of the measures taken to guarantee the right of girls to live a life free of violence. The Report was launched at a round-table that addressed the main consequences of sexual violence - child pregnancy, maternal mortality and forced marriages.
Symposium on Violence, Health, and Sexual and Reproductive Rights(June 19th, 2015, Hall of the Americas, OAS) |
Building upon the Declaration on Violence against Women, Girls and Adolescents, and their Sexual and Reproductive Rights, adopted by the Committee of Experts of the Follow-up Mechanism to the Belem do Para Convention (MESECVI), this symposium aims to position reproductive rights, particularly in the context of sexual violence and adolescent pregnancy, as a key priority among the region’s states. It will also be an opportunity for an in depth conversation on the relationship between violence against women and sexual and reproductive rights. During the event, the Centre for Reproductive Rights will disseminate the findings of its advocacy document, “Violence and Reproductive Rights in the Americas” |
Round-table discussion: Political violence against women: A hemispheric challenge(February 25th, 2015, Hall of the Americas, OAS) |
In commemoration of the Day of the Women of the Americas (February 18th) and International Women’s Day (March 8th ), the CIM/MESECVI organized this event in order to strengthen the response to political violence against women and promote the protection of women's political rights. |
Women's human rights: Good practices in gender justice(September 25th to 27th 2013, Buenos Aires) |
In collaboration with the Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina and with the support of the Government of Canada, the CIM organized this international meeting in order to analyze the current state of gender justice and identify persistent challenges and good practices, with a view to strengthening hemisperic collaboration.
Regional Forum: Access to justice for indigenous women(November 9th 2012, Mexico City) |
In the framework of the Ninth Meeting of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI, a regional forum was organized to look at the rights of indigenous women, with a view to highlighting their access to to the inter-American justice system in cases of violence.
Human Rights, Violence against Women, and Access to Justice(September 21st 2011, Washington, D.C.) |
An effective, transparent system of justice that addresses women's rights in terms of the commitments undertaken at international and inter-American levels is essential if women are to have real access to justice. On the basis of a state-of-the art analysis, this seminar will seek to identify interventions and actions to guarantee an appropriate, immediate, timely, exhaustive, serious, and impartial response to acts of violence against women, from a human rights perspective. On September 20, 2011, the MESECVI and the IACHR will hold a seminar on women's rights and access to justice.