The Inter-American Committee on Social Development (CIDES) receives the mandate of formulating policies on social issues and to strengthen the existing instruments and cooperation initiatives in the fight against poverty, social exclusion and inequity. This is one of the main goals of CIDES, as stated in its Rules of Procedure.
This space is offered to follow-up the cooperation strategy that CIDES approves, as it is the body which has the responsibility of implementing and providing follow-up to the mandates given by the Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development. The Department of Social Development and Employment, in its capacity as Technical Secretariat of the ministerial process and the Committee, supports the initiatives approved and assists in the implementation of its cooperation activities.
The Social Network for Latin America and the Caribbean , created in 1993 as a coalition of investment funds and other institutions, represents a consolidated model of cooperation that has been functioning for 10 years. Its main objective is to facilitate cooperation among the investment funds and other institutions or programs implemented in Latin America and the Caribbean; so as to execute programs and projects that may allow the efficiency, efficacy and equity on social actions.
The DSDE, led by the World Bank and in a joint effort with the IDB and ECLAC, started working on an inter-agency document on the impact of a rights based approach on the design and implementation of social policies. Four countries from the region were selected as the first case studies: Chile , Guatemala , Peru and Uruguay . In this regard, the DDSE participated in the planning meetings, in the videoconferences held with national teams supporting the research, and also traveled to Chile and Guatemala to offer technical support and follow-up on the progress made by the national consultants.
The first draft of the joint document was presented at the “Workshop on explicit guarantees in the implementation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean”, which was held under the auspicies of ECLAC on April 2 -4 2007 in Santiago, Chile. More Infrmation >> (te voy a pasar una traducción de la nota enseguida)
The materials, audios and presentations made at the Workshop can be found at the virtual space offered by ECLAC for this purpose
See materials >>
For more information on this initiative, please visit the World Bank´s web page