Social Promotion and Protection

Inter-American Committee on Social Development

The Inter-American Committee on Social Development's (CIDES) main objective is to strengthen and reinforce Inter-American dialogue in order to support the creation of policies and develop cooperation activities in the area of social development, especially focusing on the fight against poverty and discrimination in the hemisphere. Also, the CIDES provides follow-up to the mandates of the Summit of the Americas as well as those agreements reached in the framework of the Meetings of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Social Development. In addition, it seeks to identify multilateral initiatives and contribute in the execution of OAS policies on cooperation for partnership for social development.

CIDES 2009- 2010 Work Plan

The Inter-American Committee of Social Development (CIDES) has its biannual Work Plan, which responds to the mandates received from the Ministers and High Level Authorities of Social Development, which met in July 2008, in Reñaca, Chile. The substantive themes identified by these authorities will be geared towards reflecting on the response to the regional and global context, especially in the light of the current economic crisis. This will ensure relevance and effectiveness of the activities to be developed within this Plan. In that sense, the Committee will focus its work on: the institutionality of social policy, inter-American cooperation to promote effective social protection strategies; overcoming hunger and children malnutrition and the promotion of employment and income generation as a cross-cutting concern of social policy.

This Plan was initially drafted by the three authorities of CIDES, who met in Bogota on January 29, 2009 for this purpose. Carolina Rentería, former Director of National Planning of Colombia was present in her capacity as chair of CIDES. She was accompanied by the vice chairs of the Committee: María del Carmen Roquebert, Minister of Social Development of Panama, and Antonia Popplewell Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Social Development of Trinidad and Tobago. The resulting proposal was then circulated among all member States for their comments and final review.

The Department of Social Development and Employment, in its capacity as Technical Secretariat of CIDES, will support the authorities in the execution of this Work Plan.

For more information, you can download the 2009-2010 Work Plan of CIDES

III Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Social Development
April 6 – 7, 2010
Washington, DC

Prominent social development authorities from the Americas met at the Organization of American States (OAS) in the framework of the Inter- the Inter-American Committee on Social Development (CIDES) to initiate the preparations for the Second Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Social Development, to be held in Cali, Colombia, in July 8- 9, 2010.

Delegations from 29 member States participated at the meeting, many of them headed by ministers, secretaries and permanent secretaries. They agreed on the slogan for the Second Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development: “Strengthening and sustaining social protection systems”.

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•  Agreements of the III Meeting of CIDES

•  Report on CIDES activities, 2008 – 2010

•  Inputs on the themes for the Second Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development (Presented by Colombia in its capacity as host country)

•  List of Participants

•  Schedule of Activities

•  Agenda

•  Annotated Agenda

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The challenges of social policy in the framework of the global economic crisis

•  Inés Bustillo, Regional Director of the Washington Office, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Report of the Chair of CIDES

•  Juan Mauricio Ramírez, Deputy Director of the National Planning Department of Colombia - Chair of CIDES

Report of the Technical Secretariat of CIDES on fulfillment of the mandates of the First Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development

•  Francisco Pilotti, Director of the Department of Social Development and Employment, OAS

Presentation on the Second Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development: Proposed theme, working procedure, and logistic preparations

•  Juan Mauricio Ramírez, Deputy Director of the National Planning Department of Colombia - Chair of CIDES

•  Luz Stella Rodríguez, Coordinator of Special Projects, National Planning Department of Colombia

The Inter-American Social Protection Network

•  Antonia Popplewell, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Development, Trinidad and Tobago

•  Clarisse Pawironadi-Dasi, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Affairs and Housing, Suriname

•  Rosita Snagg, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of National Mobilization, Social Development, Youth and Sports, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

•  Jorge M Claro, Advisor, Ministry of Planning, Chile

The intersectoral approach to employment policies and income generation for vulnerable populations

•  Luz Stella Rodríguez, Coordinator of Special Projects, National Planning Department of Colombia

•  Aline Ribeiro Dantas de Teixeira Soares, Special Advisor, of the Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger, Brazil

The nutritional dimension of social protection systems

•  Angela Céspedes, Regional Adviser, World Food Programme

•  Karin Slowing, Presidencial Secretary for Planning and Programming of Guatemala

•  Carolina Ávalos, Adviser and Coordinator of the Universal Social Protection System, Presidential Technical Secretariat, El Salvador

The institutionality of social policies

•  María Caridad Ortiz, Director of Social Policy Management. Ministry for Coordination of Development, Ecuador

•  Gustavo Pacheco, General Coordinator of the Unit for International Affairs, Ministry of Social Development, Uruguay

Strengthening risk management and social reconstruction to reduce the vulnerability of victims of natural disasters

•  Almuena Suárez Fernández, Assistant General Director of International Relations, Ministry of Social Development, Mexico

•  Velda Joseph, Assistant Director of Social Development, Ministry of Social Transformation, Santa Lucia

Promotion of public - private partnerships to promote development and fight poverty

•  Lynne Fry, JobsCorps Educational Specialists, Department of Labor, United States

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  • Photos of the Meeting (Coming soon)

For more information, please contact the technical secretariat of the meeting,